
Chapter 270

he mumbled and kissed her forehead, Chloe opened her eyes, Berger shifted backwards and stared at the face of the lady he had spent the night with.

"Chloe!" He exclaimed in shock.

Chloe frowned, the way he distanced himself from made her frown deepened, she put an act, and started crying, tears rolling her eyes.

Berger softened, he remembered a few things that happened the previous night, the blur images, revealed that he was the one who made the move.

"I am sorry" he apologized.

Chloe kept on sobbing, looking pitiful, Berger have to calm her down, he was the wrong one, he came over and sat on the bed, close to her.

"Hey, you don't have to cry, I am the one that is wrong here, I promise to take responsibility, please, don't tell Linda about this" he placated her.

Chloe nodded, the intimate contact betwixt the two of them was disrupted by the ringing tone of Berger's phone, he stood and grabbed his phone.

Chloe clenched her fists, guessing that Linda was the one calling him.


Berger entered the bathroom and answered the call "sweet, I am sorry, I couldn't make it last night, things happened last night, that went out of control" he said into the phone's receiver.

Chloe sensed how nervous Berger was, and gripped her phone tightly, she suspected that Berger was cheating on her.

"Where are you? I want to come to pick you up" she proposed, Berger became flustered.

"No, no, you don't have to come, I am coming home right away" he retorted.

Chloe stood at the door, eavesdropping on their conversation, Berger nervously ended the phone call.

Chloe quickly ran to the bed, and covered the duvet over her body, Berger opened the bathroom door and went out of the bathroom.

He put on his clothes, brought out an ATM card from his pocket, and stretched it to Chloe.

"Have this, there are more than a million dollars in there, use it to take care of yourself?" he said in exasperation.

Chloe glared at him, and stood up "do I look like a hooker to you?" She scolded.

But Berger was at the door already, running very fast to his car, he entered and drove crazily down-home.

Chloe's frown deepened when Berger stepped in, smelling alcohol.

She looked at him flabbergasted "you got drunk?" She asked with shock registering on her face.

Berger nodded guiltily "yes, I had too much to drink last night, I am sorry" he apologized sincerely.

Linda smiled ruefully "it is nothing, go have your bath quickly" he led him into the bathroom, Berger didn't suspect anything.

He dropped his phone on the bed and went into the bathroom, when the door shut, Linda's face darkened, she picked up his phone and went through his messages and his calls.

Nothing suspicious, she shook her head, believing her instinct, shed dropped her phone and moved to and fro in the room, thinking deeply.

When Berger came out,