
Chapter 269

his head,

and let him go.

The young man touched his face instinctively, and smile nervously scratching his head, Jeane arched her eyebrows at him.


She looked at him pensively with folded arms "can you explain why you are following me?" Jeane asked, knitted her eyebrows in displeasure.

 "Did he say you?"

The young man nodded sheepishly, Jeane frowned and exhaled in frustration.

"Why don't they trust me when I say I can take care of myself," she said with exasperation.

"Boss cares for you" the young man chirped in sheepishly.

"Yes, just like everyone who claims that they care for me, and in the end, they all left" she retorted, feeling emotional.

She turned and left, the young man sent by Jo stood and thought about his next action, he shrugged and ran after her, but keeping his distance.

"She is so strong" he massaged the place the stone had touched him.

At the sight of the gun, Amanda hauled herself in a corner, shivering in fear.

Chloe laughed hysterically, before pulling the gun down, she walked away.

She pulled out her phone, and called her husband's number whenever she entered her car, the call rang, and no one responded from the other end.

She tried once again, and the call wasn't picked, she gritted her teeth in exasperation and called once again when no response came.

She sighed in dejection, ignited her car, and drove away, when she reached her home, she entered the house.

"Honey, are you sleeping?" She asked, putting up an unnatural smile.

When no response came, she went to her bedroom, and opened the door, she stared at the bed in confusion.

"He isn't inside" she mumbled and called his line again.

Chloe stirred and glanced at the phone vibrating on the bedboard frame, and a smug smile crept into her face.

"Sorry" she smirked, and lay back on the bed, cuddling to Linda's naked husband.

Jeane opened the room where Jeame stayed, she looked around the room, and saw that everything was still in order, she sighed in dejection, after inspecting the room for a long time.

"He never came" she mumbled in dejection, the young man Jo due to habit.

"Who?" He interjected, Jeane glanced at him, he quickly shut his mouth, and restrain himself from uttering any other word.

Jeane walked towards the window and looked at the environment covered in darkness from her window.

"Where are you, Jeame?" She mumbled.

She stayed for a long time when she saw that no movement happened, she sighed in resignation, and turned around, walking away.

The man Jo had sent to trail her, left with her, Jeane entered her car and drove home, while the young man Jo sent, followed her from behind, in a different car.

As the sun settled in the sky at dawn, the beaming light rays, seeped into the room where Chloe and Berger were sleeping.

Berger stirred, and opened his heavy eyelids, he rubbed his eyes
