
Chapter 265

At Amanda's wedding, Jeane was dressed like a fairy.

The bride was driven in style to the church.



Gunshots rented the air.

Jeane and Amanda hauled themselves in the car, shivering.

"Get out!"

A voice yelled at them, the masked man with a gun, opened the car, and dragged Amanda out, Jeane tried to make a move, but he pointed a gun at Amanda's head.

She gritted her teeth helplessly, the assailant sensing her resignation, sneered.

"Good girl" he taunted.

And kicked the car door before taking Amanda away, before Jeane could come out of the car, they were already gone.

Jo was already contacted concerning the matter, he sped down, abandoning his security details.

"What happened Jeane, where is Amanda?" He asked, his eyes bloodshot.

He has refused to believe the news that the woman he intends to marry has been kidnapped, Jeane shook her head and tried to fight the tears.

"I am sorry, Jo, I couldn't do anything to help her, they were threatening to shoot if I do anything" Jeane explained sighing.

Jo's heart twitched and he felt an unbearing pain, his neck bubbled, he opened his mouth and screamed.

His butler came to him, to report the result of the task that he was sent to do "Boss, the street has been cut off from monitoring room, no footage, the assailants must have been preparing for a long time" his butler said.

Jo became angrier "damn it!" He roared and kicked the car, parked by the roadside.

"There must be something, do everything you can, even if it means pulling the sky, lock the entire City down, no one is allowed to leave without being searched, go go..." His blood boiling.

He tried to remember people he had offended that will go to the extreme.

"I will be back, Jeane," he said, before entering his car, and driving off.

Jeane stood helplessly, imagining what his uncle was going through.

A man tied to a chair, with a tattered shirt, and overgrown hairs, looked just like a demented man, the door he was facing creaked, and a figure stepped in.

He lifted his head, and a miserable smile appeared on his face "I know you will come" he said, holding on to a hope of getting out of the torture.

His response stunned Jo, and his suspicion became too plausible.

"You are the one who plotted it right?" Jo asked in an accusing manner, Mr. Sea, gave him an askance look, wondering if they were referring to the same thing.

"What do you mean I was the one who plotted it? When you don't even let me out of here for even a minute" Mr Sea rebuked in anger.

Jo began to think about what he said, and agreed with him, he sighed and turned around to leave.

"Hey, are you not going to let me out of here? I am tired of being in here" Mr Sea pleaded.

Jo glanced at him coldly and walked out