
Chapter 239

 Ring, and looked towards where his father was lying earlier, but couldn't find him.

He looked up, and saw the man lifting his father over his shoulder.


He screamed and ran towards him, he grabbed the man's leg, and bit him.

His father was flung out of the ring, the tall, burly man pushed him away.

He shut his eyes, and the images faded away, he stepped on the brake, and the car came to a halt, in a dark corner, his headlights torchlight the gate.

At the top, a brief write-up “Graveyard” was boldly engraved on a flat plate, hung at the top of the grave.

He lingered in the car, for some time, he pulled the car open and stepped out.

Sylvester watched the gate, and stepped forward, a short and unkempt man, emerged from the corner.

“It is late, you are not meant to be here” a tired voice spoke, he glanced towards the direction of the man.

“I am here to see my father, you should be the gatekeeper” he said, and walked inside the tombs.

The gatekeeper with hunchback watched him silently, and walked away, Sylvester knelt before the grave of his father.

He placed the belt he won on the grave tomb, and remained quiet for some time, before he stood and walked away.

Mr. Thomas stared at his assistant angrily, he was furious because of their failure.

“Go after him, silly idiots” he hollered, pointing at his face, his jaw clenched, and he boiled in anger.

His assistant, marched out, accompanied by several other men, who followed him.

Thomas, with his men, came out of the club, he didn't see the car parked at a corner.


A gunshot was fired, and one of his men got hit, he fell, more gunshots aired, killing numerous men around him.

“Protect boss” his trusted underlining ordered, before they could move.

They were instantly killed, firing into the dark in vain, Mr. Thomas stood still, watching as Sylvester emerged from the dark, holding two guns.

Cold sweat covered Mr. Thomas, he stared blankly at Sylvester.

“I know you will think, I have forgiven you, I haven't” he said with a curled up lips in anger.

He shot his leg.


“Aahh!" he moaned painfully, and dropped to the floor, holding his wounded leg.

He grabbed his arm, and dragged him to his car.

He opened the booth, and tucked him into the booth, and locked the booth, he went over to the driver seat, and drove out of the premises.

Sylvester arrived at the seashore, and pulled the man in the booth, he had bled a lot.

His face pale, and his lips dried, he looked helpless.


He shot his other leg, and tossed him into the sea.

“Go and die there” he ordered, and walked away, without looking behind him, he entered the car, and drove away.

The next Morning…

A knock came at Jo's door, he groaned and sat up at the