
Chapter 238

In the floor, the referee ran to stop him, a punch on his face.


He tumbled backward, and fainted, Sylvester stepped on the neck of his contender with his feet, and turned his neck, targeting his adam's apple.


He broke his neck, and stepped on his arm, crisped.

The man holding the belt, stood speechlessly, Sylvester stretched his arm across the ring.

Out of fright, the man with the belt threw it at him, and he grabbed it, he strode out of the ring casually, everyone watched dumbfounded.

Mr. Thomas watched him angrily, but didn't make any move, his assistant bent over, from behind his seat.

“Boss” he said.

“Don't let him leave here alive” he instructed, his assistant nodded, and walked away.

Sylvester walked into the dressing room, and lay the belt on a bench.

He stared at it briefly.

And reminisced.

His father stood at the bench, a little boy stood before him.

The man put the belt on the shoulder of the little boy before him, and giggled.

Young Sylvester ran around the dressing room.

“I am a champion”

“I am a champion” he kept on going in circle.

“Don't get yourself hurt, Sylv” his father cautioned him.

He giggled and stood, he made a leap, “I won't, daddy” he assured.

He took a deep breath, and the memory faded, he stood on his feet, and walked out of the dressing room, after changing.

Sylvester came out of the doorways, and saw two men standing with gun, he saw them with guns.

They glanced at each other as they saw him approaching, they stepped forward to grab him.

The first arm that stretched forward, he twisted his arm.


He forced his head on a wall.


And he slumped to the floor, and fainted.

He grabbed the neck of the other man, and lifted him, with just an arm.

He twisted his neck, and broke it, he let him slump to the floor, Sylvester walked pass the two lying dead corpses on the floor.

Sylvester came out of the club, and strode casually towards the car he came with, four more men, came after him.





They shot at him rapidly, Sylvester, darted towards his car, and ducked, he pulled out his gun.





He shot precisely at his assailants, the four of them, blood seeped from their head.

He entered his car, and drove out, he sped towards the outskirt of town, tears started rolling down his eyes.

Sylvester remembered how his father was beaten to a pulp in the ring by the man, he just killed.


A punch landed on his father's face, he fell flat, and the crowd roared.

“Dad!” he screamed, and hurry into the ring, he ran and shield his father's lying body, with his small frame.

The crowd roared, cheering the new champion, he started hearing heavy footfalls behind him, his father tossed him to the side.

He rolled to the