
Chapter 169

On suit, “I will come with you” he mouthed.

The man on suit chuckled, “Then let's leave here, it will rain soon” he said, and strode to the car casually.

Sylvester was reluctant to leave, thunder started rumbling in the sky, he took four steps forward and stopped, he turned around briefly.

“I am sorry, George” he said, and pulled the necklace, he gave to him, when he took him to school the first time on the ground.

He walked towards the car, the moment he pulled the door open, drizzling started, he hopped in, and the driver reversed the car, and a heavy downpour started.

Sylvester alighted from the trunk and walked to the gate, he broke the chained, that fastened the two divided parts of the gate together.

He returned to the trunk, he exhaled and ignited the trunk, and shuttled it inside the old castle courtyard.

He pushed the trunk door opened with his shoulder, and alighted, he saw Andre standing at the front porch of the of old castle, looking at him.

Sylvester ignored his presence, and went to the back of his trunk, he opened the booth and pulled the body of the dead man inside, he flung the corpse on his shoulder and carried the body inside.

Andre watched him, he stepped away, and said nothing, as he carried the body on his shoulder, inside where he had put Andre inside before.

He pulled the little knife, that he tucked in his waist, and cut slit his palm.

He pressed his cheeks, forcing his mouth open, and allowed the droplets of blood from his palm, to fall into his mouth.

The dripping blood, stopped when he healed.

He stood from his knees, and strode out of the cell he made, he slammed the gate lock, and went to the sitting room, he saw Andre standing with arms abreast, looking at him.

“Let's go for hunting” he said to him, and strode away causally, Andre followed him from behind, with his intimidating figure.

In Mrs and Mr. Carter's mansion, Arial sat with her parents and Philip in the sitting-room, the four of them were chatty.

“Where have you been, Philip, all these while?” Mrs Carter asked Philip, Arial glanced at him, pressed her palm nervously.

Philip smiled ruefully

 “I had an accident, I was in coma for three Months, but, my parents didn't know about it, I was shot on my way to the airport, so, I couldn't make it to the crashed airplane”

He narrated his ordeal.

Arial's heart twitched, she felt like she had betrayed him, her phone beeped in her hands, she, nervously, glanced at the screen.

When she saw the message notification, she clicked on it, not expecting much.

She froze when she saw the content of the message, it was a picture of Jo and a pretty young lady, way prettier than her, she was numbed.

Her mouth noticed her absentmindedness, “Arial, are you okay?” her mother asked, concerned about