
Chapter 168

Falling to her death.

Young Sylvester turned around and walked away, his heart cold.

Sylvester squinted his eyes as the man who attempted to rape the woman scurried away, he darted towards him, and grabbed his head.

He broke his neck, and watched him slum to the ground, he held his leg and dragged him to his trunk, his body shoveling the ground, as he made his way out of the woods.

He opened his trunk, and pulled his dead body inside and got into the jeep, he sped to the old castle, and sat on the driver's seat watching the closed gate.

Sylvester recalled how he and George, who took him in, parted bitterly.

After days of wandering off, the Ferrari pulled over at the old rusted gate of the castle, Young Sylvester stepped out of it, his emotions running haywire, George saw him standing behind the garden, where he was watering the flower.

He dropped the water can, and strode towards the gate, “go away, I prefer not to see you here” he said harshly, his face darkened.

George darted towards the gate and slammed it shut on Young Sylvester's face, “I want to avoid seeing you here” he snorted, looking furiously at him. 

Sylvester's chest heaves, and stared at him helpless, his big eyes became watery, he stood hopelessly before him, his heart twitched, he was moved to tears.

“Why?” he managed to ask, betwixt choked emotions, his question enraged George, he slammed his fists on the gate bars.

“You are asking me?” he reiterated, his face darkened, he glared at him, like he is an idiot for asking such a question.

“Why did you kill them? Do you know what you have done? You killed the three of them at once! You have no heart at all, Sylvester, get lost”.

His chest heaved rapidly, tears clogged to the corners of his eyes, he turned around and was about to go in, when Young Sylvester called him.


He froze on his way into the house, he didn't turn.

“I don't want you to come here anymore” he said, before darted into the old castle.

Young Sylvester was broken, he started sobbing, and fell on his knees, the car behind him, the back door opened, and a man stepped out, he strode to him, and squatted before him.

“You shouldn't cry, you did the right thing, every strong man will do what you have done, they thought you were weak, but now, you have proven to them, you are stronger” the man said.

Sylvester turned to him, and looked at him searchingly.

He nodded and squeezed his little shoulder softly, “I will help you avenge the death of those who killed your father” he comforted him.

The vigor of revenge surged into Sylvester, he clenched his fists in determination, and the remembrance of the bloody scene associated with his parents' death flashed in his mind.

He stood on his feet and turned to the man who was