
Chapter 158

He stared agape, open close, she is too pretty he thought, his thoughts rampaged, as he stared at her pink succulent lips.

Her face darkened, he had to turn away, he suddenly heard her mirthless chuckle, and he felt nervous.

“Why am I tied to the bed?” he asked, not daring to look at her, he heard her clear her voice.

“Well, you will be my submissive henceforth, while I will be your dominator, let's say mistress and then slave” she nodded towards, Sam, became apprehensive and his eyes widened.

“What!?” he retorted in shock, not believing what he had just heard, she shrugged, and climbed down from the bed.

Jeame leaned on the wall with his arms folded abreast, he watched them with an expressionless face, Jeane, Lucy, and Jack were plotting on how to help their friend Sam in an empty class.

After Jack narrated what had happened truthfully, Lucy chirped in “alright, I suggest we go to the station and file a complaint, we will call his phone number if it rings…” Jack curt in, glaring Lucy.

“I am the man here, I will lead” he jabbed Lucy with his arm, and continued from where Lucy stopped “so when we call…”

She poked his forehead with her finger “if truly you are a man, why don't you save him from that lady?” she snorted, Jack tried to defend himself, he opened and shut his mouth glaring at Lucy.

“You see” Lucy commented, putting up an air around her, Jack “what do you expect me to do?” he questioned her, she rolled her eyes and pouted her lips, feeling annoyed.

Jeane watched their two fights “Can you please stop fighting? We are talking about Sam here” she said calmly, Jack nudged Lucy softly, and she poked his forehead with her finger.

“I think we should…”

“No way!” both of them retorted at once, Jeane quickly took back her words “let's call Sam's phone then” she suggested, and dialed his number.

Jeane's phone started connecting “hello” a soft tiny voice came from the phone speaker, Jack and Lucy leapt at the phone at once.

“Hey, where is my buddy?” Jack chirped in.

“Bitch! Get back our friend, quickly, or we get your ass fried” Lucy threatened.

Jeane knew it was a bad idea involving the both of them, she ended the call and smiled at the both of them, Lucy and Jack stared at her confused.

“Can you both stay calm?” she asked, Lucy glared at Sam “stay away from me” she warned him, Jack rolled his eyes at her.

“No one want to get close to a nagging, queen” Jack reiterated, Lucy felt insulted, she stood before his presence, her face sank in agony.

“Lucy, Jack, please, can the both of you calm down? If we continue this way, we won't get to Sam today” she said calmly, feeling frustrated from their incessant fighting.

Jo sped inside the underground parking lot, his face moody, he stepped on the