
Her Vampire Mate

ON HOLD!! Book currently under editing. He has been asleep for centuries only to wake to a different era. His thirst is appalling but the only source of food is his MATE!!! How cruel! It's as good as having nothing. Fate surely loves playing dirty, doesn't it?! As if that isn't enough, a werewolf imprints on her and I'm only supposed to receive half of her love! The audicity of the heavens!! .......................... I saw my mate dressed naked to the brim in Patra pants and a croptop making her way to the door. "Hey, stop right there!" She's not going outside dressed like that! Is she? "What?" She asked with a raised brow. "Where are you going?" "Out." She stated plainly and I knew exactly whom she was going to meet. I noticed she became defiant sometime back but not sure what triggered her... probably that werewolf spoke something behind my back to her? I'll settle my scores with him later,....Main point!!!!. "Dressed like that?" I asked impassively but my insides were yelling. You are naked!!!! That stupid!!! I'm losing my mind now. "So?" She made that annoying face that the werewolf usually wears to piss me off. "Look, I'm like a father to you and I expect you to mind the way you speak back to me." "Father?" she narrowed her eyes at me and I realsied she was pissed. "Father!" she scoffed. "Well, father, this daughter of yours isn't planning to acknowledge you as one. On the contrary, she harbours designs on you...." WHAT!!!!! My mind screamed. When did she become so bold??? THAT MUTT!! "And I'm going to stop at nothing to make you mine. Keep that in mind." She warned and I felt my skin line in goosebumps. Ok! I gulped hard. Internally! I was so not giving her the satisfaction of seeing her effect on me. My fiesty little mate. She was a calm and down to earth butterfly but now....I'm liking the direction of this....' Grin Hello my dear readers.Thanks for sticking by and hopefully you'll support this book to. Give me a chance, I won't let you down. Cover image doesn't belong to me. Credits go to the original owner Lots of love from litto-ways

Litto_ways · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 13 I love you

Dedicated to my readers who have given me face in this platform! I love you guys!


Belinda!" Clara chripped as her tiny hands went around the vampire's neck. She nuzzled her tiny nose in the joint of her neck and shoulder out of habit making Belinda shudder. That was a sensitive spot!

Seeing Belinda shudder at her ministrations made Clara burst out laughing. "Belinda is ticklish!" she made a face at her.

"Oh!...My little angel has grown wings I see!" she said her eyes flaming with a mischievous glint and before Clara could run for dear life, Belinda was already wiggling her fingers in her sides making the small human squrim and try to wiggle herself from the vampire's assults. Her laughter filled the room making Ed, Jesper and the maids that were present laugh as well. It wasn't something that was an occasional happening in their monotonous cold life spans and those moments were some of those that they cherished all their lives.

"Ed save me!" Clara sought help from her misery laughing her lungs out. Ed had been watching with a smile and amusement decided to go save his mate from her distress. By the time Clara was free from the torture, she was literally wheezing and gasping for air her little face was red as she gasped for air. Ed grew a little worried and craddled her in his embrace as he checked on her. "You ok?" he asked as he pushed some hair strands from her little red face.

"I'm fine Ed!" she laughed making him release a sigh in relief and gave Belinda a reprimanding look.

"What!!" she shrugged. "She started it!" she pointed accusingly at Clara who in turn poked her tongue at her mischievously. Her Ed was here afterall!

Belinda rolled her eyes and humphed crossing her hands over her chest. She turned to Jes to back her up. He patted her head. "Don't be mischievous!" he lightly scolded. Even he himself didn't dare behave with Clara that way. No harm done but the girl was human and a small one at that. The contrast in their power was great and something could accidentally happen. And Vampires knew no mistakes when it came to their mates! He didn't want to fall out with Ed, the vampire would spend his pent up energy on him if something accidentally happened to his mate and he was way to lazy to indulge.

The servants served the breakfast as Ed helped Clarabelle to her seat just next to him.

"I heard our Princess is going to the mall today?" Jes asked as the breakfast went on.

"Mm" Clara nodded as she nibbled in her toast. "I want to go see the new dolls there." she said absent mindedly as she drank her milk.

"Is there anything you want to get?" Ed asked wipping the sides of her mouth from the bread crumbs.

"I..." she stopped chewing and made those eyes that Ed and all those at the table knew quite well. "I want another doll house." she said and peeked at them to see their expressions. They had told her to always say what she wanted but she always had worries concerning the money. Did they have lots of it? If she wasted it now, the she won't have money to use when she grows up and she'll have to work to get money. "Is it okay if I get another one?" she asked almost fighting back her tears. "If there is no money I understand. I'll just play if I get there." she said dejectedly and sipped in her milk which wasn't tasty anymore.

Those at the table fought hard to keep their laughter in. Jes took a sip on his wine but chocked on it as he spluttered with laughter. Hand to his chest, his head fell back with a boisterous laughter

"Pfftttt!!" Belinda too couldn't hold back and she laughed her lungs off.

Ed reached out for his mate and held her over to his lap while her eyes glistened with tears. Were they laughing at her? At her misery for the absence of money hence no new doll house for herself? Ok! Let them laugh!

"Princess?" Ed called his mate and her teary deep blue eyes looked back at him wronged. "You want a new doll house?" he asked and she nodded despite knowing there might be no money to buy it for her. "Let's go and get the biggest there is, or better, have one made that can fit you too " he said with an encouraging smile

"Do you have the money?" she asked skeptically sniffing back her tears. No tears had dropped yet as she lived up to the lesson Belinda taught her that ' Princesses don't cry!'

"Mm. I do have it. Alot of it!" Ed said to soothe his depressed mate.

"Can I see it? You could be lying to make me feel good!" she pouted despite her heart feeling lighter now! Alot of money, meant many doll houses to buy! She grinned not knowing the vampires in the house had been watching her.

Mischievous human!

"Ok. I'm going to take you to see it but you must first finish your breakfast first " Ed said bringing over her plate since she was seated on his lap. Clara ate with gusto and in no time, her plate was empty.

"Done!" she said as she jumped off his lap. "Come show me that money." she said and turned to look at Ed so he could stand up and lead the way. She held him by his hand and dragged him along the way. I'll be a good girl and I'll take small money. I won't use alot since I have to grow up!" Clara spoke enthusiastically.

Ed reached out for her little frame and carried her with one hand his purple orbs glowing with love for his small mate. Nothing in the world beat the feeling of content he felt at the moment.

Five years, it had been five years and he had been there throughout all that time and seen her grow, when she said her first complete word was his name Ed. Nothing could replace that moment. Her first steps were the only ones he watched from afar for fear of biting at her because of his thirst but nevertheless, he had been a witness to that moment.

Deep blue eyes looked into his own and he couldn't help smiling. She gave him that priceless toothless smile. They proceeded further into the treasury room. Each of their vampires had their own treasury and Ed had moved some of his own and brought them here. He had also traded some of his gold and other previous stones and obtained money so he was confident as he had a huge safe of it in his treasury.

He opened the door with his little mate in his arms and they both went in. The room was dark but that was the least of his worries, he still could see but not his mate. He switched on the lights and Clara squrimed out of his hold. Ed laughed at her futile attempts. He careful! You'll fall!" He warned as he gently placed her on the ground.

The room didn't have much, they were just two huge cases and a single fur coated couch next to the window over looking back of the castle. A huge chandelier hung above in the centre of the room and a single painting of Clara as a baby hung on the vast wall that when one sat at the couch, the only thing they'd see was that beautiful painting, of eyes, as deep as the blue ocean starring back at you. The painting was well detailed!

Clara who first ran around the room finally saw the painting. "That is me!" she pointed at it as she looked back at Ed with shock. Ed nodded and she ran back to him spreading her tiny hands. I want to see it too...carry me!" she jumped in place anticipation building in her small frame as she couldn't wait to have a close up of how she looked like as a kid!

"I thought you wanted to see the money?" Ed laughed as he picked her up.

"Later!" she said dismising the idea as her eyes glued to the painting. Ed carried her over and she couldn't help but awe at its beauty. "It's pretty!" she chripped her small hands going over the glass that protected the painting.

"Mm, my princess is the prettiest." he smiled but they had to go to the mall as initially planned. "Let's get the money." he said a little while later and Clara could only nod and turn to the direction they were heading to. "Is it in that huge box?" she asked.

"Yes. We are going to take what we need and we shall go get that doll house." Ed said as he placed her back down to the ground. He unlocked the huge case to the left and in it sat bundles and bundles of money. Clara peered at the inside of the box her small hands holding onto the edge and she gasped at Tue loads of money in there. Wooow...your very rich!" her blue eyes glimmered again. Lots of money, means lots of doll houses!!!

Hello guys! Litto-ways here🤭 Today I'm so happy and I felt the need to share this. This book finally got contracted which means...it's all happening thanks to your support to me and my hardwork at keeping you guys reading and also God!

Despite the book being contacted, I'm not going to lock the chapters just yet and see how we move along. I'll be letting you know when I lock the chapters hence you are going to get this free of charge!😳....For now!🤭

Please support me and also try out my other books. I'll see you on the inside!

I love you!