
Her Vampire Mate

ON HOLD!! Book currently under editing. He has been asleep for centuries only to wake to a different era. His thirst is appalling but the only source of food is his MATE!!! How cruel! It's as good as having nothing. Fate surely loves playing dirty, doesn't it?! As if that isn't enough, a werewolf imprints on her and I'm only supposed to receive half of her love! The audicity of the heavens!! .......................... I saw my mate dressed naked to the brim in Patra pants and a croptop making her way to the door. "Hey, stop right there!" She's not going outside dressed like that! Is she? "What?" She asked with a raised brow. "Where are you going?" "Out." She stated plainly and I knew exactly whom she was going to meet. I noticed she became defiant sometime back but not sure what triggered her... probably that werewolf spoke something behind my back to her? I'll settle my scores with him later,....Main point!!!!. "Dressed like that?" I asked impassively but my insides were yelling. You are naked!!!! That stupid!!! I'm losing my mind now. "So?" She made that annoying face that the werewolf usually wears to piss me off. "Look, I'm like a father to you and I expect you to mind the way you speak back to me." "Father?" she narrowed her eyes at me and I realsied she was pissed. "Father!" she scoffed. "Well, father, this daughter of yours isn't planning to acknowledge you as one. On the contrary, she harbours designs on you...." WHAT!!!!! My mind screamed. When did she become so bold??? THAT MUTT!! "And I'm going to stop at nothing to make you mine. Keep that in mind." She warned and I felt my skin line in goosebumps. Ok! I gulped hard. Internally! I was so not giving her the satisfaction of seeing her effect on me. My fiesty little mate. She was a calm and down to earth butterfly but now....I'm liking the direction of this....' Grin Hello my dear readers.Thanks for sticking by and hopefully you'll support this book to. Give me a chance, I won't let you down. Cover image doesn't belong to me. Credits go to the original owner Lots of love from litto-ways

Litto_ways · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 11 Healed!!!!

Well, I'm back again! Hello guys it's me your author Litto-ways...I've not been updating because I was caught up with a few duties here and there. So this month is basically going to be for this book and my other book that's participating in the WSA 2022 contest. It's entitled "Torn Apart", please go check it out and support me.

Let's pick up from where we left! See you till then!


Clarabelle with her little steps walked back to her room. The clicking of her shoes aganist the marble floor resonated throughout the empty hallways echoing. She stopped in her steps and looked to her left where a shadow stood observing her, she pouted and took the stairs.

Should I carry her Highness to her room?" A very pale white man appeared before her his head bowed. Clara stopped in her tracks and looked at the man before her. You have been following me?" she asked with her cute babyish voice trying to sound stern

The pale man's lips twitched as he fought back his smile. The human was really interesting with her super senses. He had been following her as he had been ordered to keep her away from the dungeon area. He thought he had concealed himself really well but she still managed to spot him. "Yes. I have been following her Highness." he admitted because lying wasn't his forte.

Clara nodded. Ok. Could you please carry me to my room. My feet hurt!" she pouted feeling aggrieved. The palace was enormous and it almost took her a whole day to cross from one side of the palace to the other. She'd always feel tired just walking around and that's why she loved Ed, Jes, Belinda and Sarah. They were fast and could appear in any place they wanted as soon as they thought about it. Spending the day with them was always so entertaining.

The vampire scooped the little human in his hands carefully knowing he was handling a really rare treasure in his arms. In a flash, he was already at her door which would have taken her around fifteen minutes to get to. He gently placed her on the floor.

Thank you so much Winston." Clara said with a small bow to show her gratitude and also graced the man with a precious toothless smile. She made her way into her room.

Winston couldn't help smiling despite it being an unusual thing for him. He felt that his face was hot at the human's sweet gesture, wondering when he could also find his mate! A human wouldn't be too bad!' he thought and stayed standing guard at the door.


In the dungeon, Ed was still figuring the effects of the herb that had been fed to him, he kept writhing and banging his head aganist the wall to alleviate the ache and cool the heat that was streaming in his body.

How long?" Belinda asked with worry. She couldn't stand seeing Ed in so much pain. It was meant to get done sooner.

Sarah could only watch on. The snarls and clashing of metal chains aganist eachother went in for about five hours. Ed who had managed to break free of the chains wasn't able to do so with the magic that Sarah used to hold him back. They couldn't let him loose because it was his mate that would suffer the most since now his primal side had been fighting the curse.

The curse that kept him from craving his mate's blood! Yes, it was a curse, a curse only the brave could out beat!

Ed felt like life had been drained from his entire being, he finally gave up the fight and fell to his knees, the ringing in his head had stopped but the fire in his body kept on ragging. He could feel his thirst being locked up somewhere within him. Not completely but enough for him to stay with his mate for a while without having an urge to bite her!

He had never thought it could be so hard. The times when he came to see her, seeing that she had grown a little bit more, when she could push up her body and try to move! When she could crawl around mischievously! He had gotten the chance to be there to witness those moments....but the moment wasn't long and the cravings begun hitting him like crazy. At first, he could stay with her for a whole day but with time, he couldn't hold on for even an hour without having that maddening urge.

Hence he had put Sarah under pressure to find something that could help him curb down his hunger and luckily, one of his ancestors had attempted the same thing before though it had been for a different reason, he managed to get his urge down and live among the humans without wanting to drain them of their blood.

Jes rushed over to where Ed knelt and placed a hand in his shoulder. Ed was paler than before and he seemed weak. "Here!" Jes gave his little brother his hand. "Just a little bite. When you feel better you must let go!" he said wanting Ed to drink from him to regain some strength.

Wait!" Sarah put a hand to stop Ed from bitting. They all looked at her with question in their eyes and waited for her to explain. sighing heavily, Sarah explained. "If you let him drink from you, then you are going to become his source of food till his mate is able to accommodate his thirst in the future." she said and Jes hurriedly withdrew his hand escaping Ed's sharp teeth by a fraction of mere seconds. "I'm sure you won't want that!" Sarah added looking at the puzzled vampires.

"What do we do now?" Belinda asked puzzled. Ed's thirst was apparent in his eyes.

His mate's blood would do wonders but it's going to undo the curse if the intake becomes consistent." Sarah stated what she had with her.

No!" Ed declined his voice hoarse and throat painful. His breathe was battered and his fangs had grown long escaping the confines of his lips.

Let me be back!" Jes said and flashed out of the dungeons leaving Belinda and Sarah on the guard. In a minute, he was back with blood in a bottle, mixture of human and animal blood. "This should do. " he said passing the bottle to Ed who grabbed it greedily and gulped the mixture. The human blood in it will satisfy him and the animal blood will fill up the other part. This also means he'll not he able to hurt humans since the taste won't be the same." Jes explained to the women who were looking at him as though he had grown a second head.

Hopefully." Belinda murmured as she watched Ed relinquish the sweet taste, his complexion became visibly better.

Once Ed was done with the bottle of blood, he felt that the thirst that had initially consumed him died down and he couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips as he fell onto the floor with visible relief. He hadn't felt this worn out in ages and all he wanted was to fall asleep for a while but the dungeon was cold, hard and stinky! He hated it!

He wanted to be with his mate! Just the thought of her and he had already disappeared from the dungeons. Behind him came Belinda and Jes who instinctively followed him when he flashed from the dungeon earlier. They had been caught off guard!

Sarah didn't bother as she had an idea of where he'd go and without second thoughts, she teleported herself to Clara's bedroom door where she found Winston standing guard.

I'll take your place for a while!" she said with a smile and stood guard on the door. By the time Ed reached his destination, he found a stern looking Sarah blocking his way. Had it been any other circumstances, he'd have shredded her to pieces. Get out of my way!" he asked trying to sound nice but the strain in his voice betrayed him

You can't go to her looking like that!" Sarah pointed out her point not wanting to anger her master.

Ed looked at himself covered in blood, he was *stinking* as he hadn't showered in a while.

You eat like a baby!" Belinda teased to liven the atmosphere, since his clothes were stained from the blood he had been gulping greedily.

He gave a wronged look towards Belinda but didn't refute her words. He flashed from the scene only to return two minutes later, well showered and dressed up, smelling nice but his hair was still wet. He made an attempt to go in but was again stopped. Your hair is WET!" Sarah stressed that point making Ed groan and flash away again. He was tolerating her because she had done him a good service. For his mate, he was willing to do anything!

Jes looked at Sarah in disbelief. You know you are treading on thin ice?" he asked with a raised brow. Royal blood Vampyr only listened to those stronger than them and those they respected. Sarah didn't fall in any of those categories, she was his servant!

She smiled and shrugged. He was probably grateful to her. This time however when he made his presence known, Sarah didn't stand in his way and let him go to his mate.

The door was shut aganist their faces.


Bernard watched Ed dangerously as his eyes darted to the little human clinging off Ed. "Tch...still having the weak glued to you I see."

Lots of love from litto-ways.

Till tomorrow!!