
Meeting the assignment (3)

I step out of the shower drying of my body and placing on my pajamas, that consist of a sports bra, tank to and joggers. I step out of the bathroom only to be inspected by Alicia's intense stare.

"You didn't really change much but your eyes. But they're really intense. I like that,it changes you're whole aura," she quickly makes a conclusion. "I can see why you hide them, if I wasnt a pure-blood myself, and if I felt a killing intent from you I would have been shaking to my core. Luckily we're on the same side. But either way, your gaze alone can penetrate about just through anyone at school minus one other pure-blood. But we'll deal with that later. Your cold tone needs to be changed, when we are outside if here of course. But we'll fix that withing the next two days before school. Right now we need to sleep, so I wish you a good night." Alicia lays down and falls fast asleep even way before I reached my bags.

I understand it's right around the time most people fall asleep, but for me tonight will be longer than expected.

I first unpack all my belongings and place them in their designated area, I then take precautions and check the place for any blind spots, which I secure and arm in case worse comes to happen. After about two hours I step out of the room and map the house inside my head, since I didnt get a chance to earlier and the house plan is confidential to the family. By the time I was done preparing everything it was 2 o'clock. Now I could sleep in peace. I returned to the bedroom without making the slightest bit of noise, all that could be heard is Alicia's mumbling about some guy which I presume is her boyfriend.

But with that I go ahead and fall asleep, prepared to take on tommorow in my new personal contract.