
Her Revenge Plan

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Malia, a steel hearted woman is out to seek vengeance from those who betrayed her and hurt her, but specifically, she is after one person; her younger sister. Whether her sister by blood or not, she is willing to see her downfall until she is sated. However, this woman who is always distant from others, suddenly falters her cold stance towards people when she meets him. Him; a cold hearted man looking for comfort and love. A rich tycoon who is willing to part the seas just for her sake and helps her back to her feet when everything in her life goes haywire. These two had history together though. However, due to an accident that caused some of her memories to fade, they are forced to separate. When he finally gets the courage to appear in front of her again, will she remember him? Will their love be rekindled? Will these two who seek comfort, love and peace, fair well with each other or will it end up like all her previous relationships? With betrayal and pain? ****Book cover does not belong to me and credit goes to the owner.**** ****Also, the book is for WSA, please support me .****

jenna_j · Urban
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31 Chs


I walked upstairs and stood outside one of the V.I.P rooms, specifically the one that I had reserved.This room was special to me and I always reserved it for myself.I don't know the reason as to why it was special to me but from four years back I had considered it as that.

The only people who could enter it were my family and my close friends. But, my manager had to go inviting strangers to it, knowing very well that it was always reserved for me.An advantage this room had is that it was at the quietest corner and was relatively larger compared to the other V.I.P rooms.

There wasn't anyone around so I knocked on the door but received no answer. I knocked again but still nothing.

I opened the door and peeked inside. There wasn't anyone. Had the receptionist and manager made a mistake or what? I called the manager and told him of the situation whilst asking him to send a waiter to the room.

Five minutes later, both the manager and waiter entered the room. " There isn't anyone in the room. So what's with saying that there was someone who had outbid the room? Are you trying to kick me out of my own hotel?"

"What? No!" The manager immediately denied." I am a hundred percent sure that he was here earlier with some people."

"Maybe he left. So the room is now mine."


"You want to argue with your employer?"


"Good. You may now leave. And next time, don't go around inviting strangers in this room." I watched as the manager left but he seemed reluctant though, as if he wanted to tell me something. I didn't pay him any mind and turned to the waiter. He handed me the menu and I selected what I wanted to have for lunch.

After twenty minutes, he brought in my lunch."Can you please bring me a blanket?"

He seemed confused at first but then replied. " Yes, ma'am."

After having lunch,since there was nothing else to do, I had a nap on the couch in the room.

Before napping, I called Kylie, my personal assistant. " Hey, about the ball gown , can you bring it to my hotel. I will be there."

"Yes, ma'am."

Not gonna lie but sofa naps hit different. The moment my head landed on one of the cushions, I was completely knocked out.

Three to four hours later, I was awoken by a phone call from my personal assistant . I picked it up and placed it on my ear.


"President, the ball will begin in three hours. Would you please come and confirm if the dress will fit?"

"Okay... I will be there in an hour." I hang up and placed the phone on the headrest of the sofa. Two hours were enough for me to prepare for the ball.

Just as I was about to close my eyes to continue my nap, I heard a cough. I turned around quickly and whatever I saw left my mouth agape.

Sitting on the other sofas, were men...and a woman who I could tell with just one look, were not average people.

Standing around in the room, were other men in black who I assumed were body guards.

I rubbed my eyes to confirm that whatever I was seeing was real. I looked around and made eye contact with a man, seated across me,whose aura covered the room like a blanket and I immediately averted my gaze.

Clutching the blanket closer, I managed to calm down my erratic heart and with the courage in me I asked.

"W..who are you people and what are you doing in here?"

My question was answered with silence.

Seeing that they remained silent, I also zipped my mouth and it turned into a staring contest until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you all mute?"

No answer.

Wait. Were these the people who had outbid the room? With that in mind, I dialed the manager's number.

"Martin, the people that you said outbid the price for my room are still in the hotel?"

"Yes, ma'am.They are in the room right now."

"Okay. Thank you." I hang up as I looked at the people around me.

"So you are the ones that outbid my price?" I asked as I stood from the sofa. Just as I took a step forward, I felt the cold muzzle of a gun placed near my head.

I looked at the guard who held the gun. " Oh,so you are pointing guns at me now whereas you are the ones who stole this room from me?"

"Put the gun down Joe." One of the men told the bodyguard and then turned to look at me. "Also, we didn't steal the room from you, ma'am. We outbid it and the manager agreed. There's a difference between outbid and steal."

" Hey, I took my English lessons in high school. I don't need another Miss Scott to teach me when am an adult. If I say, you stole, you stole, so stop contradicting me."

"Let's call the manager to confirm ." The man said as he pressed a button on the table and in two minutes, manager Martin was already knocking on the door. Okay, wait. Whenever I call Martin, he usually takes five minutes to come to me but when these strangers call him, he rushes like bolt to answer them. I am his boss!

When he entered, his eyes widened slightly as he looked at me and then at the man seated across me.

"You called, sir?" He asked.

"Yes." The man who had spoken earlier answered. "Explain to the miss here that we outbid this private room." He added.

"Uh...yes." Martin turned to me. "Miss, there's an empty room....."

"Miss? Miss? Martin, did you just call me, Miss? Also, I don't care if there's an empty room down the hall. What am concerned about is that you are as loyal as a dog to a stranger but you are willing to sell out your boss. What do I pay you for, Martin? It seems I have to check recent resumes. "

"No.. madam...I ..I .."

"You what?" I asked as I looked at him. " Since I will be firing you, you can ask these people to give you another job." I said as I pointed at them. " If there's something I hate, Martin, it is pretense and disloyalty and you know that.You also know that I hate it when strangers enter this room. I expect your resignation letter on my desk tomorrow." I added as I headed for the door.

"And as for you, gentlemen...and lady, I will let this issue pass. In my hotel, there is nothing called outbidding someone. It's always first come, first served. It's just that you landed a disloyal manager who prefers money for his selfish interests. Have a nice time."

"Wait." For the first time, aura man spoke and his voice was...damn!