
HER RETURN: Justice Severed hot

Eva Green, a young and ambitious girl known for her healing skills until she was accused of killing the Old Beta. She was Jailed and tortured under the command of Alpha Wang. Thinking that things would get better after she found out that she was Mated to the Alpha but she was wrong. She was raped and sentenced but escaped death with the help of her maid who got killed on her behalf. But the devil cared less making her shattered as she watched her maid being killed and the cruel smile of her mate as she ran........ Then she met him...... THE DEVIL...... 8years later, with his help she raised her son and became the Luna of the most dreaded and feared Pack in the world. He helped her get her confidence back and now she's back for REVENGE...... HOW WILL SHE TREAT THOSE WHO HURT HER DEEPLY IN THE PAST???? WILL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEATH OF OLD BETA EVER BE REVEALED???? WILL SHE SAVE THE PACK FROM ITS LOOMING DANGER???

Egbuna_Favour_7145 · Urban
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Chapter 5

Alpha Derrick's POV

★★★★★ 8 years ago ★★★★★

As I ventured deeper into the forest with my loyal Beta, Cheng, by my side, the dense canopy overhead blocked out most of the sunlight, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. The air was cold, and a sense of foreboding hung in the atmosphere. Suddenly, something caught my eye, I hurried towards thinking it was trap only to stumble a figure lying motionless on the ground.

"Cheng, look there!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the figure. "Someone needs help."

Cheng glanced in the direction I indicated, his expression grave. "Alpha, we should proceed with caution. It could be a trap."

But I couldn't ignore the pleading look in the figure's eyes, even from this distance. "I can't just leave them there, Cheng. We have to do something."

Reluctantly, Cheng nodded. "Very well, Alpha. But please, be careful."

As we approached, I could see that the figure was a young woman, her clothes torn and bloodied. Kneeling beside her, I checked for a pulse and was relieved to find a faint one still beating.

"We have to get her back to the pack," I said decisively, lifting her carefully into my arms.

Cheng's voice was tinged with concern. "Alpha, are you sure about this? She could be dangerous."

Ignoring his warning, I replied, "We can't abandon her, Cheng. She needs our help."

With the unconscious woman in my arms, we made our way back to the pack, my heart heavy with uncertainty about the consequences of my decision. But something told me that saving her was the right thing to do, no matter the risks. 

As I entered the Pack territory, a sense of urgency gripped my heart. The healer was my only hope to save her. She lay still, her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. The healer worked tirelessly, his brow furrowed in concentration. And then, finally, he stepped back, wiping sweat from his brow.

"She will live," he declared, his voice filled with relief. But as the days turned into weeks, she remained unconscious, her mind lost in a world of dreams. And then, one fateful day, her eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding her gaze. I held my breath, waiting for her to speak.

And that's when it happened. Koda, my wolf, let out a fierce howl in my mind, a primal instinct awakening within me. 

'Mate,' he declared, his message clear.

I couldn't believe it. She was my mate, destined to be by my side for eternity. As I questioned her, seeking answers to the mysteries surrounding her, she confessed everything. No detail was spared, every truth laid bare before me.

Anger burned in my veins, betrayal gnawing at my soul. But she looked at me with pleading eyes, her hand resting on her stomach. "I need to know, if am pregnant for that beast cause I can't raise a child with monster" she whispered, a hint of fear in her voice.

I told Cheng to call the midwife which was confirmed positive. She wanted to terminate the baby but her body was too weak to undergo abortion, which is what led to her giving birth. I married her with the blessings of my mom and elders because they like her at first glance. I raised her son for years because of the deep hatred he has for him which was made known to me alone while the others think that she's always busy with work leaving me with her child. Some say that she's blessed to have a husband like me who loves carrying his child around not knowing the real truth behind story. Apart from Cheng no one else knows the truth about Liam's birth. 

 ★★★★★ PRESENT ★★★★★

I have fallen deeply in love with her, in which I know she has the same feeling for me but why she trying to hurt me so much. I have to ignore the fact that am in pain of her going close to her ex mate but her quest for revenge is slowly talking over her , not letting her see how much she hurts me. 

★★★★★ NIGHT FALL ★★★★★

Throughout the day, we didn't see each other because I was in my office buried myself with work, trying to forget about what happened, and surprisingly, it worked. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the room, I finally emerged from my cocoon of tasks and deadlines.

I walked into my chambers, my mind still preoccupied with the day's events, and headed straight into the bathroom to freshen up. The sound of running water filled the silence, a calming presence amidst the chaos in my mind. When I emerged, towel draped around my waist, I saw her standing there, looking at me with a mix of longing and apprehension in her eyes.

Without a word, I moved past her, ignoring her presence as if she wasn't even there. The tension between us was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. And then, just as I thought I could escape the inevitable confrontation, she spoke.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, as she wrapped her arms around me from behind. Her touch sent shivers down my spine, the warmth of her body seeping through the thin fabric of my shirt. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Slowly, I unwrapped her arms from around me and turned to face her, only to be met with tears streaming down her cheeks. The sight tore at my heart, a sharp pang of guilt coursing through me. How could I have been so blind to her pain?

Gently, I reached out and brushed away her tears, my thumb tracing the path they had left on her cheeks. 

"Don't cry," I murmured, my voice soft and soothing. "I'm here now."

She looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for something—forgiveness, understanding, solace. And in that moment, as our gaze locked, words became unnecessary. The unspoken conversation between us spoke volumes, bridging the gap that had formed between us. And as we stood there, enveloped in a silent embrace, I realized that sometimes, it takes vulnerability to mend what is broken, and forgiveness to heal what is wounded.

" Am in heat, can you feel it" she said smiling seductively at me . I smirked and captured her lips in a soft kiss, pouring out our emotions as her hands rumored around my body. For the past 8 years of us living together as husband and wife, I had sex with her only once, the day she came in drunk and he didn't mark her until she was ready for him.

" Am taking you and marking you as my soulmate officially" I said hoarsely

" Am ready. I can't keep it forever " she whispered. 

" Go take a shower " I told her cause it's gonna be a long night.

I was waiting impatiently on the bed,Koda was almost going crazy in his head,hotness from within until finally Eva walked into the bedroom naked after the long shower which I was almost tempted to go inside and f**k her mercilessly in there. 

My demons got awoken at the sight of her body


I immediately cut him off, Enjoying Eva all to myself tonight without any interruption. 

She stood still as we both stared at each other

"I'm...done" She finally said In that crazy seductive voice which alarmed more sparks in my body. 

I got down from the bed and walked over to her, my eyes piercing right into her own and slowly i gave her nipple a squeeze

"Ouch" Elsa moaned and cut our gaze but I didn't let her,I held her face back and slammed my lips on her own,it wasn't gentle and Eva wasn't expecting anything gentle either. 

Werewolves doesn't know about the word gentle when it comes to mating and she was ready for anything this night,after that she's going to talk about her adventures in the temple with priest.

Our lips and tongues continue to melt against each other in the sweet hungry kiss full of flavor,juicy and tasty. Lips smacking appetizingly as we move in lush and luscious momentum. 

My hands moved to Eva's waist and immediately carried her up,widening her thighs crazily against my already hard d**k which Eva could feel on her opening. 

I broke the kiss and caressed her lips

"F**k,you're driving me insane" I said and Eva smiled

She wrapped her arms around my neck and reconnected our lips,we continue eating each other out. 

I slide in a finger into her p**sy right there and Eva gasped into my mouth,her waist moved along as my thrust in and out of her hot hole. 

Eva broke the kiss and bite her lips hard

"Don't you dare keep it in,I want to hear you scream" I said and added another finger 

Eva's eyes turned rapturously and she screamed out

"Oh my alpha!" 

I let out a smirk and walked to the bed,I dropped her and widened her legs even more

"That looks delicious" I said and Elsa chuckled

Is there a spell that is always cast on werewolves when they finally get on the highest level of heat?? Coz right now Eva was sure she wasn't in her right state of mind,she was going crazy and all she needed at that moment was Derrick to destroy her middle,she want him to go raw and do crazy things to her,crazy things she has never felt before.

"You're taking too long" She groaned

I let out a sensual and erogenous smile,that smile when you have it in mind to finish up your mate in a way she can never imagine. 

A second later,the alpha was also naked and I was in between Eva's legs. 

Eva let out a starving moan the moment she felt my breath on her opening

"F**k" she cursed and bite her lips,to her I was taking too long

I inhaled the delicious and mouth watering meal in front of me and groaned. 

I held her thighs and kissed her p**sy lips,Eva body vibrated at that instant. 

The next move was the use of my tongue, I slides in the tip of my tongue inside and Eva cried hungrily

"Derrick....." She wailed

I started my voracious eat up,she was already bathed in hot juice flowing out of her honeypot,I didn't allow anyone to waste,I was licking and eating everything off passionately.

"Ouch Derrick!!" Eva let out a steamy scream as I dealt with her without mercy. 

She could see herself in cloud nine already,her body was getting hot like a volcano

I shoved in a finger inside her pussy without taking my mouth off

"Ahh!!!!!" Eva screamed,she raised her head and then dropped it back on the bed again

I started finger f**king her more faster and then sucking up her juice at the same time,I want everything,without a left over

"F**k... Derrick please!!!" Elsa begged when the pleasure was too much,

"Derrick!!" She screamed,trying to close her thighs but I wasn't done yet. I raised my head and kick my lips while Eva breathe out loudly. 

"Kiss me again...please" She said and our lips met as we began devouring each other again. 

The kiss lasted for just few seconds because we are both at the tip,uncontrollable. 

"Don't be slow,I want everything my alpha,I want you all inside me" Eva stated

"I'm not going to take it easy with you Eva,trust me" I said and without any alert I slammed my d**k inside her viciously with my full length

"Oh my!!" Eva gasped out loud

Even though it wasn't her first time,but she was feeling the sweetest and savory feeling right now. 

As I slams and thrust in and out of her in a carnivorous manner,her screams at that moment could tear hell apart

"More more!!!!" She screamed

"Oh gosh!!"

"Faster Derrick"



I added more force and went deep inside her,hitting the promise land in a forbidding way,I thrust was salacious and licentious,Eva closed her eyes and the seventh heaven welcomed her wholeheartedly. 

"Do you want more??" I asked with a smirk as i continue slamming her but Eva couldn't say a word,she was out of breath and her tongue couldn't process out the data in her brain,her eyes turned yellow and Rowona forcefully took over

The moans increased as she yearned even for more

Derrick claws show cased and Koda was beginning to force himself out too,my eyes became golden in colour as my canine teeth came out with a loud growl. 

"Now mate....oh gosh" Rowona groaned in pleasure as Koda find it's way to her neck and gently shoved in it's canine teeth.

"Hmmm" she moaned in sweetness as he continued to suck the same spot till his satisfaction,leaving the mark on her neck,the mark was of a crown bringing out the golden blinks.

The body and souls of the mates connected and they could almost feel each others blood running in their veins.

Koda let out a growl and a mighty wind from nowhere hit the cloud,immediately the rain started pouring heavily. 

I took over my body back from Koda and same as Eva too who quickly grabbed my hand

"Don't you dare stop,f**k me till I forget my past pains" She stated. 

Her voice screaming in authority,her yellow eyes colliding with Derrick golden eyes.