

Your POV

Your sitting on your bed deciding on baby names. So far you've got Onyx for the girl and Ashton for the boy. As you know time flies by in Neverland so your pregnancy is going faster than others in the normal world. It's been three weeks but since it's different in the other world it's really been three months... So your baby bump is noticeable. You haven't left the treehouse, 1. because no one knows except mum, mum #2 and Peter, 2. you're pregnant, and 3. moving around sounds like torture.

" Babe~!" A voice shouts from the living room.

" YEAH?!" You shout back eating your weird pregnancy craving. Pickles and ice cream. Weird.

" GUESS WHAT OUR MUMS DID!?" Peter, your husband, shouts from outside the door with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

" What'd they do this time?" You ask sighing. Your mothers have been so excited for the baby, they started crocheting baby clothes and quilts and painting the empty room that shall be a nursery.

" This." He says walking in carrying an armload full of baby clothes. You sat up straighter as you looked at the clothes in shock.

" B-but there's no stores around here?" You say generally confused.

" Magic dear. magic." Peters mother says strolling into the room with more baby clothes. Peter rolls his eyes.

" MUM!!! WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM FOR THESE!" He says in exasperation. You see your Mother-in law roll her eyes.

" Sometimes, you boys are just so blind!" She sighs. " I made the closet a bit bigger."

Peter's POV

" What do you mean you made the closet bigger?!" I ask confused. " Son, girls and woman need clothes and shoes, so we need walk-in closets" She says like it's the most obvious thing ever to a guy.

" Hey, Y/n? I have been meaning to ask why you haven-, HOLY SMOKES!" A male voice says coming into the room.

" Dad?" Y/n says raising her eyebrows. " What are you doing here?"

" A-are you? Are you pregnant?!" Mr. Y/l/n stutters his mouth falling open.

" Yes, you fucking dimwit!" Y/n's mother comes following behind her husband and smacks him up the head.

" W-who made you pregnan-. Oh no you fucking did not!" Mr. Y/l/n says widening his eyes and reeling onto me. I take a step back so he's not directly in my face. I shrug.

" Didn't mean to, kinda just happened." I say calmly.

" Mrs. Y/l/n, is he okay?" I ask as Y/n's dad stands there looking between me and Y/n.

" Please dear, call me mom or Katherine. I am not just a mom anymore I am your mother-in law. And you can call my husband Michael or dad if you want, though I'd stick with Michael for a bit." Mrs. Y/l/n I mean Katherine tells me kindly. Katherine gives Michael a look of annoyance and grabs his arm and forcefully drags him out of the treehouse.


Your POV

" MOM!!! JULES!!!! I THINK IT'S TIME!!!" You groan in pain, your stomach was cramping and it was rising to the level of period pain.

" FOR THE BABY!?" Jules comes running in seeing you brace against your bed frame. " What does it feel like!?" Your mom comes in rushing in with A LOT of supplies.

" It feels like I'm on my fucking period, OH MY GOD!" You shout clutching your big bump in pain. Jules rushes over to you and helps you lie down on the floor after your mom put some cushioning down.

" Oh my god! Why does it hurt so much!?" You shout while your eyes close and scrunch in pain.

" It sucks I know, we've both given birth before. Katherine lock the door and close the curtains. Turn on the light too. The boys don't need to see this." Jules orders your mom. Your mom nods and does what Jules asks while she's putting me in position.

" I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna feel like your pushing a watermelon through your uterus." Jules says.

" How far apart are the contractions!?" Your mom asks coming down beside Jules.

" Three minutes at the most." Jules replied. " OH SHIT! SHE'S DIALATED!" Jules yelps in surprise.

" Katherine, hand me the towel." Jules says calmly. Your mom hands her a clean, white towel. Then she said four words that you've been dreading.

" You need to push!" Jules demanded. Already sweating you push as hard as you can crying out in agony, before collapsing on the pillows your mom quickly put under your head.

" Just a few more! You can do it Y/n!" Dr. Jules encouraged. This went on for SIX.MORE.DREADFUL.HOURS. Until you heard a wonderful cry as the last push was thrown.

"IT'S A GIRL!" Both Jules and your mother shouted.

" Really? It's a girl?" You ask exhausted. Your mothers nodded excitedly and handed you your baby.

" Oh! She's so beautiful!" You say to them. The door bursts open and two very concerned men come barreling through.

" Oh? Katherine did you unlock the door?" Jules asks raising an eyebrow. Katherine nodded.

" Well, hello boys. Peter you have a very healthy baby girl." Jules says. Peters eyes light up.

" A girl?! A GIRL!? I"M GONNA BE A GIRL DADDY!!!!" Peter shouts gleefully and races to your side.

" Welcome to the Family, Onyx."