
A Wedding

Your POV

It's been a week after your engagement and the boys are stoked. They are actually helping you plan the wedding. Of course you had to explain how it worked because nowadays in the 21st century things are different. Peter is fussing about if you guys should have a child and what to do. He wants to fix things because of his mistake with his last son Rumple.

" Y/N! Y/N!" You hear Parker shout running towards you. He had an excited glint in his eyes. " Everyone has set up the gazebo! The lights are strung and the chairs are ready! I'm gonna be the ring boy!" He says happily. You smile but a small part of you is sad. You got no maids of honor or a flower girl and your father isn't here to lead you down the aisle. You put a fake smile on.

" That's great Parker! I'm gonna go finish some things up in my treehouse! I'll be right back." You tell him trying to be excited. He nods happily and rushes off to play with the other boys. You jog to your treehouse and run to you and Peter's room. You start to sob. While sobbing you didn't hear the poof that was beside you.

" Y/n? Y/n! Love, why are you crying?" A British voice asks. You feel the bed dip and an arm wrap around your shoulder.

" I don't have my father to walk me down the aisle! I have no maids of honor! I don't have a flower girl! My mom isn't here! It's just so hard doing this when I don't have my dad with me or my mum." You sob even harder. You feel Peter hug you tighter and start to comfort you. You fall asleep in his arms once again.

Peter Pan's POV

I lay Y/n gently on the bed and kiss her. I know something to fix this. I teleport to one part of the island that no one but me and Y/n know about. The sliver beach and the crystal blue waters are what calms me and Y/n.

" Resurectiun morth!" I repeat this incantation over and over until I am visited by the white orb.

" Hello Pan." The orb says slowly transforming into the body of a woman. " What do I owe this pleasure?" She says in a light voice.

" My Fiancée and I are getting married tomorrow and she needs her family and maybe some of her friends. So I was hoping... I could have you resurrect her parents for a few days and make her friends come here tomorrow? Please?" I plea. She raises an eyebrow.

" Is my son begging?" She says a little shocked and a bit curious. I nod my head quickly and wait for her response.

" So, this girl means a lot to you?" She says pacing. I nod my head again.

" Fine, but only because you are my son and you're getting married." I smile gratefully and watch as she mumbles a few words. My mother turns into an actual human and two people start to fade in. The woman has the same hair color as Y/n and her eyes are the same as Y/n's. Well Y/n's normal eye color. The man has the same strong but lanky figure and the same cheekbones along with the same skin tone. Y/n's mother had Y/n's beautiful lips and lively spirit.

" W-where are we?" Y/n's mother asks looking around in confusion. Her husband does the same.

" You, are on Neverland. Welcome, and I'm sure someone is waiting for you." I wink at them. They look at me strangely.

" What are you talking about? No one is waiting for us?" The father says in confusion. I smile." Oh but that's where you're wrong Mr. Y/l/n, you have a daughter no?" I ask him raising an eyebrow. He widens his eyes and Y/n's mother's mouth drops open.

" How do you know my last name and that I have a daughter?" Mr. Y/l/n asks me. I smirk.

" Well, lets just say she's getting married and she has no father figure to walk down the aisle with and no mother to support her." I explain pacing in front of them.

" Y/n's getting married?!" Y/n's mother says shocked and giddily. Y/n's father's jaw clenches.

" To whom?" Her father asks sternly. " Well, me of course! But I don't need another lecture and a long string of questions, your son took care of that." I say quickly.

" Felix is here too!?" Y/n's mother says shocked. I nod my head.

" Okay, introductions are done, blah, blah, blah. I'm Peter Pan's mother. " My mom says and snaps her fingers teleporting me and Y/n's parents along with Felix to the treehouse and probably herself to camp.

Your POV

You wake up in your bed and sit there for awhile. You hear a poof again, but it seems there are more presences here than one.

" Peter? Felix? Is that you?" You call from your bedroom.

" Yes, love it's us! We got a small surprise for you!" Peter shouts back lowering his tone as he gets closer to your guy's room. You see three more people trailing behind him. Curious, you sit up and are met with a shock.

" M-mom? D-dad? H-how are you here?" You ask still in some state of shock

" Y/n!" They both shout and come rushing towards you and crushing you in a giant bear hug. They ask you a lot of questions and you explain them all. They definitely questioned your eyes and you told them. They looked at you solemnly. But there solemn faces were replaced with pride and joy.


You put on your dress and hook your arm around your father. Your friends came yesterday, and Y/bf/n brought her sister who became the flower girl. You happily carried your flowers up to the alter and gazed into Peter's eyes. You had an older lost boy be the preacher. You both recited your vows and kissed, it was filled with love and passion. You couldn't ask for more.

You all had some booze and danced all night, while you and Peter snuck away from the party and went to your guy's treehouse and had some fun.


You wake up and immediately you dash to the bathroom and vomit. Fearing the worst you put on a nightgown and run to your parents tent to wake up your mother. You ask for a specific test, she smiles and hands you one. Running back to your home with your mother trailing behind you, you run to the bathroom and shut the door. Following the instructions you wait impatiently for the results.

" Y/n, can I come in now~! " Your mother whines, you giggle nervously. " No! The test hasn't completed itself yet!" You shout back.

" What's going on? Why are y'all shouting?" Peter asks tiredly. You widen your eyes. Your scared for what Peter will do if the test is positive. The test completes itself and you look at the results in shock.

" It's positive?!" you shout nervously. Your mother must've heard you because she starts screaming happily and you can hear her running around the house. Forgetting Peter can teleport you hear a poof and Peter is standing right beside you.

" What's positiv-" He stops short when he sees the test. You lower your head and wait for him to start shouting and cussing at you. But he never does.

" You-your pregnant?! Really!" You hear, he actually sounds excited? You feel yourself being lifted up and you smile as he twirls your body around and hugs you.

" I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!" He shouts bursting open the door and cheering around the house joining your mother. Giggling you put your hand protectively on your belly and smile.

" Welcome to the world, little one."