
I want to see your face

At that moment, y/n bit her lower lip. She wanted to cry. It only took Jin a few words to clear up her mind and made her understand their predicament. And the knowledge that Jin will never blame her for anything.

She then raised her hand and touched his hand on her face.

"But... but I was the one who broke my promise. I left you. I left my son. I crumbled on my own. I let guilt and fear defeat me. I wasn't strong enough. "

She said, her voice was like a melody of sorrow. It was as if she was forcefully pulling out the thorns in her heart and yet she couldn't even cry in pain.

Hearing her words and looking at the endless pit of pain in her eyes, Jin felt his heart being stabbed with thousand daggers. This person whom he swore to protect and never let her feel this kind of pain again was here agonizing before his eyes. Causing Jin to feel the urge of wanting to destroy the world for making this person suffer like this.

Jin suddenly kissed her forehead hard before he stared at her eyes again, gently caressing her cheeks.

"Listen. It's true that you broke your promise and left us but if you haven't left, maybe right now, the world is still against me and hunting me down, making me unable to stay by your side freely. You were the one who made all these possible. You sacrificed your wings for me so I could fly again and allowed me to put everything in its rightful place. Do you understand?" He explained.

Waves of emotions were dancing brightly in his gorgeous eyes. The intensity of emotions in his eyes and words rendered y/n unable to speak.

What he told her was the salvation she was seeking. Before this, she was desperately seeking justification to make herself believe that she didn't leave them out of guilt. All this time, she was seeking vindication that will prove to herself that she wasn't a coward and a cruel mother for leaving her son. This was all she was wishing for the entire five years and she couldn't believe that she finally found it. She couldn't believe that a few words from Jin will make her feel like she's been released from her nightmares.

At that moment, Y/n was so overcome with her feelings and before she knew it, she was already hugging Jin as tight as she could.

Jin gasped for a second but he immediately hugged her back even tighter, as if he finally found the long-lost treasure that was much more important than his own life. The corner of his lips was raised as his heart was like a volcano about to erupt with happiness.

The wait is finally over. Jin could finally embrace her like this again and he didn't know how to even begin to describe his feelings. He was beyond happy as if he was floating along with her above the clouds.

Athen their separate world once again intertwined. They don't even know how long they held tightly in each other's embrace. Until Jin found himself trying to kiss her.

However, before his lips touch hers y/n's hands landed on his cheeks, stopping his advancement. Making him feel a heavy blow of disappointment.

He gazed at her, not hiding his eager desire to finally taste those lips again after a long time that seemed to have lasted a thousand years. He badly wanted to kiss her now, he just couldn't wait anymore. However, before he could do a thing, Y/n opened her mouth.

"Jin......" She finally called out his name for the first time in five years and Jin felt lightning strike him.

The only thing that was different now was that he was not freezing in place anymore. He didn't turn into a statue as he used to five years ago.

"Mm. What is it? Do you still

have something to say?" He asked gently, setting his desire aside for the meantime

"There's a problem with me. "She admitted and Jin finally relaxed.

This was one of the things he was waiting for her to confess.

"Say it... I will listen. " He replied and Y/n weakly bumped her head on his chest.

"I... I can't smile or cry anymore. I sought advice from a psychiatrist and was told that it might take time for me to heal myself and she was still unsure how my illness could be cured. But..."

She said and she looked at Jin's eyes again. This time Jin secretly smiled inwardly. It was because he could finally see the determination and fighting spirit in her eyes again. Those were the eyes of the girl that cured him half a decade ago. The eyes of the girl who never gave up on him and was always determined to give him her everything unconditionally.

"But... I want to be cured as early as possible. I wanted to smile for my son, I want to laugh along with him. I wanted to smile and cry again. "

She continued as her determination reached its highest peak and Jin couldn't hide his happiness anymore. He smiled brightly in front of her and Y/n fell in a daze ."Did you know that a psychiatrist was useless for this kind of illness?" He asked with a meaningful smile Y/n have never seen before.

"Back then, I couldn't smile too but because of you, I was able to smile again. " He continued and Y/n's mouth hung open. She was puzzled.

"Be-because of me?" she replied, looking at him with both wonder and disbelief as if she was trying to remember what did she do to make him smile again.

"Mm. The cure is simple. Come back with us now and I promise to cure you as fast as possible. " He said and suddenly, Jin held her waist and leaned her on the car, not putting an inch of distance between them.

Y/n's feelings were in chaos. The words Jin had uttered were like mystic powerful chants that lifted her curse all at once. She felt like she was dreaming, and she still could hardly believe it. She never once thought that everything could be solved like all were just simple matters. Jin made her curse disappear just like that and it's totally beyond belief.

Moreover, him, saying that he'll cure her as soon as possible made her bewildered to the point that she never even realized what Jin was doing to her. She didn't even notice the desire in his eyes and how close their bodies were at the moment.

All she could feel was that there were sprouts that were starting to bloom within her desolate world. She could feel that things were about to change. Her mind started reminiscing what she used to be five years ago. Seeing herself, smiling and laughing in Jin's arms, loving him unconditionally.

At that moment, all the missing fragments of her life started returning to her. She looked at Jin and her heart began to recall just how much she loved this man back then. He was her world and she was willing to do anything for him.

She remembered just how cute this person was, making her feel so nostalgic as she looked at his eyes and his upper face covered with a mask.

Jin, on the other hand, held her wrists and wants to remove her hands on his face so he could maneuver himself forward and kiss her but Y/n wasn't willing to let go.

"Jin ... I want to see your face. "