
Click click

Before entering the living room, Jin suddenly halted and looked at his wife. And as expected, her drenched oversized t-shirt shrunk and it's hugging her every curve.

Jin stared at her chest and before Y/n could follow his line of sight, he hastily wrapped her with his pajama top.

Y/n just watched Jin quietly wrapping her and she smiled when her stomach growled again.

Worried that she might pass out due to hunger, Jin suddenly carried her like a princess and before Y/n could react, he hastily dashed towards the dining room, acting as though there was an emergency.

Upon reaching the dining room, Jin put Y/n down. He pulled the chair for her, and the girl seated with a smile.

The food was already served and Y/n was so eager to eat. However, before she could pick up the spoon, Jin took it.

"Which do you like?" he asked and the moment Y/n noticed what kind of recipe was served in front of them this time, her mouth watered.

The famous Indian cuisine was served on the table and Y/n's sparkled as she answered him.

"All of them. " She answered and Jin was surprised.

However, he thought that it may be because of the thereunder that she exaggerated.

Jin then picked the food she chose using his apron and started putting it near her mouth.

"Say ahh. " He said and Y/n blinked.

"I'm fine okay? I can do it myself, it's not like I'm sick or injured. " She replied as she smiled but Jin didn't move.

"I... I'm the one who exhausts you... so please let me." He said and Y/n could only give in.

She then opened her mouth as she blushed because of his words.

Time passed and Y/n was still eating without any sign of stopping. She was hungry and at the same time, his dearest husband is feeding her, so of course, her appetite was at its very peak.

However, the one feeding her was getting worried that his wife will overeat.

The amount of food he gave her was already beyond his personal best and yet the wife was still enjoying the meal.

And she even looked as though she still wants more.

"Y-you still want more?" Jin then asked hesitantly, trying to make sure when Y/n nodded like a rattle.

"Mm. I want more darling " She replied, as her eyes sparkled and Jin froze.

The word 'darling' was like another powerful attack trying to shut his system down.

Thankfully, he managed to recover fast and he continued feeding her until she finally said she was full.

Looking at the amount of food she devoured, Jin almost couldn't believe it.

He couldn't help but felt worried that he secretly asked the butler to prepare the medicine in case her stomach ached.

"Ahh. I'm so full." She said and Jin worriedly look at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked and the moment Y/n noticed the worried look in his eyes, she chuckled.

"Don't worry, I have such a monster stomach." She replied as she stood energetically as though her exhaustion finally disappeared.

Looking at her, Jin was finally convinced that there was no need for him to worry.

. . .

Meanwhile, inside Jin's study room, the two men, Namjoon and Shawn were looking at the computer screen with a serious gaze in their eyes when Shawn talked.

"It's about time. You should tell the boss that we need to leave as soon as possible. We still have five hours."

He said and Namjoon stood He walked towards the window and stared at the garden for a while.

Namjoon was thinking hard. The fact that their relationship was finally consummated drastically changed the current situation.

He thought that it'd be cruel for Y/n if Jin will leave immediately. That was why he wanted to at least give them a little more time.

"Let's give them one more night. " Namjoon said and Shawn immediately turned towards him.

"How are we going to do that?" he asked curiously and Namjoon smiled like a devil.

"I have a plan, He said ,,, and Shawn's foreheadsdsscreased.

It was because he knew that every time Namjoon smiles like that, he was thinking about something extremely dangerous.

"What plan?" he asked with a ae and Namjoon went silent. He leaned on the window frame and looked intently at Shawn.

"I'm going to lure them away. " He said and Namjoon immediately stood noisily

Even though he was expecting something dangerous, he still couldn't believe what Namjoon just said which made his eyes widen"What are you saying? That's too dangerous!" Shawn exclaimed and Namjoon just smiled again.

"Easy Shawn, did you forget who am I?" he said and Shawn could only slowly sit again.

He knew that Namjoon was a human weapon, someone peerless in the field of fighting and battles. He was the man who beat him fair and square after all.

"You know how Jin hated it when you do things like this Namjoon. And you know he will never let you do that. "

Shawn replied and Namjoon's smile faded.

"I know, that's why we're going to hide it from him. If he asks, just tell them went somewhere. "

He nonchalantly said and Shawn could only pinch the muscle between his brows.

"Hey, don't make it sounds so easy. Jin will always notice it if you sneak out And besides,f something happens to you . . . sigh . . . I don't want to even think about it. "

Shawn was problematic as he spoke and yet Namjoon just laughed like nothing is serious at all.

"I told you Don't forget who I am. I'm well aware of that. And did you think someone could injure me?"

He said as he shook his head.

"Listen, Shawn, I have a perfect plan. "

Namjoon then explained his plan to Shawn before stepping out of the room when he saw Jin who was about to enter the master's bedroom.

"Jin, I have some news for you. " He said as he approach him.

"You still have time till tomorrow. "

Hearing his words, Jin looked at him intently and scrutinized the mischievous grin carved on his face.

Well, Jin was aware of the situation. He knew that there was no way for them to stop the agents' plan to raid this house tonight. If they do something to stop them, it only means that they're confirming that they were here. That was why Jin is already preparing himself to speak with her.

"You . . . what are you planning to do?" Jin asked and Namjoon's shoulders dropped.

"Er . . . don't tell me you already knew what I'm thinking?" Namjoon uttered when Jin leaned on the wall.

"I won't deny that I badly wanted to stay with her a bit longer. " He said as his eyes glittered with sadness.

"I will do anything for that if I could but using you to lure them away---"

Not letting him finish his words, Namjoon interjected.

"Who said you're using me? I'm just going for a detour I will fly to country C, and sleep there for the night before flying to our rendezvous. It's practically the same, I'll just delay time A d des, I'm itching for some action for a while now. The war is about to begin so I need a warm-up. " He said as he grinned with intense excitement.

Jin on the other hand blazed with an extremely dangerous aura His eyes turned wilder than a dragon's eyes. He was filled with a fighting spirit and the horrifying monster within him was starting to force its cage wide open.

"That's right . . . this war . . . I'm going to end this war no matter what. Even if the world goes against me, I'll bring them all to their knees. No one can stop me. "

Jin said with a ferocious voice and terrifying spirit Looking as though he was a king preparing to seize the world and make everything submit to his will

"Okay, it's time for me to go. " Namjoon then said and he was about to leave when Jin grabbed his shoulder from the back.

"Who allowed you to go?" he said with a terrifying gaze and Namjoon could only look back at him

"I'll do something about it. " He continued and he was about to walk towards his study room when Namjoon blocked him.

"If you're planning to send them false information, that will only delay them for a few hours A, hat, they will surely become even more suspicious. I know you know what I mean Jin. " Namjoon explained and Jin's gaze turned dark.

"Then, take Namjoon with you. Ryou and the others are enough to stay with me. " He said and Namjoon scratched his head.

"No, Shawn will stay with you. I'll go alone. " Namjoon said, his eyes were determined and wild.

Looks at Jin with an intensely dangerous look, indicating his seriousness to do the job.

"This plan is the best thing we could do to confuse them not just now but for a long while. They will shift their attention to the other country if they saw me there. If that happens you will be given more time to investigate freely once we teach country H. We never parted all these years so they will you are with me without question. I know you already thought about this for a long while now. Don't worry, didn't I tell you before? What happened that time will never happen again. "

Namjoon continued His voice was still firm and unwavering.

Namjoon was aware of why Jin was hesitant to let him go.

Nine years ago, when they both were cornered by the enemy, Namjoon thought about sacrificing himself.

Jin never let him no matter what he says but because of the hopeless situation, Namjoon didn't listen to him so he chained Jin before he left him and lured the enemy away from where Jin was.

Namjoon still remembered what Jin told him that moment he came back drenched with blood after half a day and he couldn't help but smile.

'Namjoon ... if you do this again, I will kill you. '

Those words he said surprised his young self to the core. Back then, he was just a teenager who thought nothing but doing everything to protect Jin.

Those times, he thought that the only reason for his existence was to protect him and nothing more He thought that it may be because of how he was created that he thinks and acts that way.

He didn't once mind if he gets hurt as long as he could protect him, he's not thinking about his safety at all, that's why he didn't get why Jin was angry about what he did.

That same day, Jin spoke to him while they both treats his wounds. Jin was just like an old man speaking so seriously to the young him.

'Remember what I'll tell you. I don't need someone who sacrifices their life for me. If you want to protect me, protect yourself first. If you can't do that, then I don't need you. '

He said and since then, Namjoon stayed beside Jin. He sometimes leaves him for a while for some dangerous mission but Jin will always tell him the words,

'If something happens to you, I'll kill you

before left and it made him act extra careful The young Namjoon was still learning to become a normal human at those times but knowing that Jin want him to care for his own life was enough for him.

After all, he was raised by their mother asked bothered him.

Reminiscing about those dark yet unforgettable times, Namjoon could only grin

"Don't worry Jin. I'll be extra careful as usual There's no way I'd let anything unfortunate happen to me. And most importantly, I don't want to be killed by you "

He said and Jin's grip on his shoulder loosen before he slowly put down his hand.

Just as the two of them finished their serious talk, Y/n finally stepped out of the room behind them upon seeing her, Namjoon suddenly leaped towards her.

Surprising jin, especially when he sidled toward her to whisper something.

Jin's face was slowly turning dark as the two of them whispers to each other. He was curious about what they are talking about but they don't want him to hear

Unable to take it anymore, Jin then walked towards them when suddenly, Y/n hastily walked down the stairs leaving Jin to look at Namjoon with coa a confused cold gaze.

"What did you tell her again this time?"

he asked and Namjoon shifted his gaze towards the stairs.

"Er... nothing important " He replied but the man of course didn't believe his words.

Jin narrowed his eyes and he was about to speak when he heard footsteps approaching them.

In no time, Y/n came back. She's hiding something behind her as she approaches them. Curious Jin looked at her and she just smiled brightly She moved closer to him and the next second, she asked for his hand.

"Give me your hand Jin. " She said and Jin could only knit his forehead as he obediently reached out his hand

Y/n clasped his hand with hers and Jin was about to ask when suddenly...

"CLICK!" the sound of a closing handcuff broke the silence and Jin's gaze fell straight towards his now cuffed hand He looked at his wife's face and she was still smiling.

Namjoon behind him patted his shoulder before he stood beside her.

"Mr . Min, is this okay now?" she asked and Namjoon smiled brightly.

"Yep, yep. You did a good job miss. This is for the sake of his safety." He said as he took the other end of the cuff in her hand.

"Lift your hand, Miss. " He continued and Y/n curiously looked at him.

"Hm?" she uttered but Namjoon already held her hand and...


The sound of the closing cuff made Y/n blink three times as her gaze shifted from her cuffed hand to Mr.Min.

Namjoon then smiled mischievously as he immediately stepped a few steps away from them.

"The old man took the key and he'll be back here to uncuff you both tomorrow."He said and the couple's eyes widen.

"Gotta leave then. See ya " He said mischievously before he quickly disappeared from their sight.

After a long while of silence, the couple finally moved They both look into each other before Y/n lifted her other hand and lightly scratch her neck.

"I didn't know he was planning something like this He's mischievous, that Mr . Mn, d as she forced a laugh.

"Mm. " He agreed and both of them walked down the stairs, holding each other's hand, cuffed.