
Fetch Your Fiancee

Last night...

The father and son had a man-to-man talk when Little Yoon awakened in the middle of the night.

The boy left his room the moment he realized that his mother wasn't there anymore

He was walking toward his dad's room when he saw him sitting quietly near the window.

"Dad, where is she?" He asked

"She returned to her work. Go back to sleep, don't worry, we will see her soon again. "

Jin replied, looking like a terrifying boss of the underworld sitting in the dark However, the little boy approached not fazed at all. His forehead creased with displeasure as he looked at his father.

"I never saw her wearing those uniforms in the photos of her including the one uncle Namjoon showed me before Why didn't you tell me that she's a soldier?" Little Yoon asked and Jin signaled him to sit beside him.

The boy obediently sat as he looked intently at his father, waiting for his answer.

"How do you feel now that you finally met her?"

Jin asked instead of answering him, Little Yoon tilted his head for a while before he touched his chest and replied.

"When I hugged her, it was. I believe I felt so happy. I knew I love her so much. "

The boy honestly replied and Jin ruffled his hair as his slips slightly curved up. This son of his was just like him when he was young. He has an advanced mind and does not act child at all. However, Little Yoon has characteristics Jin didn't possess when he was his age. Unlike him, Little Yoon was curious about everything His interest in every single thing was overwhelming that he won't hesitate to flood everyone around him with numerous questions every single day. And that's the reason why he was able to easily understand what he feels

"Good. Tomorrow, we will go visit her at her work. Go back and sleep. "

Jin said but the little boy's forehead creased once again

"Dad, you didn't answer my question yet. " He replied without moving.

He looked at his father as though he was telling him he will never leave unless he gets a proper answer, O course, Jin was already aware of his son's attitude, he knew he won't budge if he won't answer him.

"Because I want to surprise you. Why? You don't like her being a soldier?"

He asked and little Yoon stared at him for a while before he shook his head.

"I find her cool but, isn't her job too dangerous? What if..."

Little Yoon paused as worry flashed across his big beautiful eyes.

Seeing his expression, Jin lifted a brow

"Did you think your dad didn't do a thing about that yet?" He asked and the little boy tilted his head again on the other side.

"I just . . . want to make sure. " He replied and Jin's face turned a bit dark.

"Are you saying you don't trust your father enough?" he asked, his voice a bit cold.

However, the boy remained unfazed as he answered him honestly

"I do but dad is so busy. " He answered, leaving Jin said speechless.

" . . . "

"Also dad, the teacher said tomorrow is our school's family day She wanted to call you but I said I'll be the one to tell you. " The boy continued and Jin's eyes lit the moment he heard his son's message

"Little Yoon, how about you invite your mother to attend the family day?"

Jin suggested. He was asking but truth be told, he already formulated a plan and his son will be the one who will do the first step.

"I can?!" The boy exclaimed And excitement immediately filled his eyes the moment Jin nodded.

On the sidelight, Namjoon who was quietly watching for a while now could only shake his head as he smiled. He can't believe that these father and son were plotting a move in the middle of the night

They exactly look as though they were soldiers discussing a certain strategy to capture something very important.

Jin was speaking while the little boy was nodding, intensely focused on his father. It was as if he was listening to an important mission.

After the heart-to-heart planning, the boy dozed off and fell into his father's lap.

"Hey, I can't believe you will use your son,mjoon said as he smiled mischievously, walking closer to the two.

"There's nothing wrong about it. And besides, two is better than one " Jin replied as he carried his son.

"I didn't say it's wrong, okay? I think that's the best idea Little Yoon might even be a better medicine to her than you. " Namjoon retorted, throwing him a teasing smile

"Anyway, go back to Country H and fetch your fiancee. I'm sure Y/n will be happy to see her. "

Jin said before he walked away, leaving Namjoon scratching the back of his neck He then raised his head and looked outside the window. His blank eyes started brimming with wild anticipation as he thinks about the fiancee Jin was talking about.