
Like A Fire Extinguisher

The sun was already rising when Namjoon stepped out of the study room.

He was walking down the stairs when he remembered what happened last night.

Of course, his gossiping stomach was being curious again.

Thus, he immediately turned and he was about to go back upstairs when he halted.

It was because he caught something from the corner of his eyes causing him to turn back towards the sofa in the middle of the living room.

And the moment his eyes zoomed in towards it, his brows creased.

Namjoon wasted no time and took strides toward the guy sleeping on the sofa.

And the moment he reached him, Namjoon couldn't even find the words to say.

The sleeping man on the other hand awakened and he slowly rose.

He peeked at him before he changed his sleeping mask.

Looking at him, NamJoon who still couldn't believe that Jin slept on the sofa was about to talk when Jin suddenly sneezed not just once but twice.