
Flash Kiss Pt . 2

Meanwhile, at the hospital...

Y/n was told by the doctor that her brother was fine .

She found out that the taxi he boarded on his way back home from school crashed into another car .

Thankfully, Haru only suffered some minor injuries, causing y/n to cry in relief .

After an hour, they finally able to leave . Haru hurt his left knee so Ron offered to carry him .

That moment, the boy kept staring at him as though he wanted to ask something .

"Who is he? Is he your husband?" he finally asked towards his big sister, causing y/n to clear her throat awkwardly .

She looked at Ron then faced his little brother .

"Ahh . No, this is big brother Ron, he's my husband's big brother," she answered causing the man to clear his throat this time .

Er . . Big brother? I'm not really happy to become my master's big brother, y'know .

"Yeah, just call me big bro, okay?"

Ron smiled at the injured boy as he messes his hair and the boy just nodded at him with a smile .