
Cute Baby

The night was deep as Jin and Namjoon waits inside the black car across the road .

Due to the tightened security involving Jin , Namjoon could no longer leave his side, thus leaving Ron the only one available to accompany her .

Jin's eyes were glued to the hospital as he emits an indifferent aura Namjoon had never felt before .

The atmosphere was quiet and cold, at the same time, quite unbearable . That moment he let go of her hand and watched her left, Jin could only quietly clench his hand . He couldn't even stay beside her at times like this, as though there was an invisible boundary between them .

Jin, who remained accustomed to the dark for many years, and his usual unfaltering familiarity in keeping himself in the dark side started to waver . For the first time, he wanted to just step out and walk freely towards her .

"Namjoon... get me a mask like yours,"

he said without even looking at him .

Namjoon almost choked himself to death as soon as he heard him .