
Her Knight in White Shirt and Blue Jeans

Two different souls, from two different worlds...yet, so similar like the same poles of a magnet... He lived the life of carnage - filled with danger and blood. She lived the life of a bird in a cage - safe and sheltered. His life was fucked up. He was a mess made of shackles of betrayal and pain, on his way to become next ruler of the Knight Crime Empire, one of the most dangerous Mafia empires in the world. She had a secret she couldn't bring herself to spill, being silenced by the man she had once trusted, that ultimately made her chose solitude and loneliness to feel safer. Other than this, her life was as simple as it could get, with her in her last year of highschool, on her way to become a valedictorian. Their worlds were like light and dark, like the two sides of a coin. And yet, they weren't so different at all. It was as if the two sides of the coin had been engraved with the same number and symbol., only being separated by the thin wall of metal in between. People were afraid to even look him in the eye and she scared half the school population with her chilling glare and unapproachable look. She knew pain, how it felt to be completely helpless and alone, barely keeping herself from drowning in the shallows of broken promises and truths. He was drowning too, the weight of his past pulling him down. Their actions were carefully calculated yet impulsive, with their anger an armour on their hearts. A reflection. That's what they were. Of each other. See, it's like this - If she is a star, her light brilliant and dazzling, hot anger bubbling on the surface, then he's an exact replica of her with the exact same bright and dazzling light, his anger at the world like the scorching fire and heat. What happens when these two clash? Their equally cold and distant gazes meet? Let me tell you - Fire burns. Gravity draws them close and for once, they can't bear to resist it until their worlds collide, secrets are unleashed and they're forced to chose what they don't want to. Because what good comes out when stars collide?

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19 Chs

2. White and Black

Alexandra went to the Astronomy section in the library to clear her mind. That was her calming spot. Not many students even went there so it was peaceful for once.

She didn't notice the boy at the other end of the shelf, who was looking for the same book as hers. Nor did she notice the two of them nearing each other, completely lost in their own worlds.

She lightly trailed her hand over the book spines as she moved, something she always did whenever she was trying to find a good book.

She found it. Just when she was going to retrieve it, another hand touched it at the same time, accidentally touching their fingertips.

She trailed her eyes up the arm to find none other than the owner of those blue eyes.

They retracted their hands quickly. "You can have it." They both blurted out at the same time, giving birth to a sheepish smile on their faces.

"It's fine, I've already read it." Xander said lightly, earning a surprised look from her.

"You're interested in Astronomy?" She couldn't stop the words flowing out of her mouth.

"Are you?" Xander asked softly, his hands removing the book from the shelf while his eyes were trained on her as if she was more interesting than the book in his hand.

She nodded, earning a genuine smile from him. "Me too."

"What are your thoughts on the moon landing?" They asked, yet again at the same time.

A brilliant smile on her face, she said, "Contrary to some beliefs I do think it's real."

"Finally!" Xander exclaimed with huge relief, earning a chuckle from her. He couldn't help but smile.

"Have you heard of the mirrors?" He asked earning an eager nod from her. "I even googled it and they're real! The experiment was also successful. I just don't get why people still don't believe it."

"I know right?!"

And they dived into a conversation on the moon and stars and the vast cosmos. They were halfway through the topic of constellations when the bell rang yet again interrupting them.

For the millionth time maybe Xander wanted to murder the person who invented such things but this time it was for a completely different reason.

He actually enjoyed a conversation for once in his life with someone other than his brothers and this was saying something since all they even did was try to annoy him into talking.

But with her, the words seemed to flow easily. He wondered what was so special about her that made him want to know more. To hear more of her voice that somehow seemed calming to him. He wanted to see her smile, to see the light in her mesmerising brown eyes.

Alexandra disliked the bell before but now it was just plain hatred for interrupting their conversation. For the first time since the incident, she was able to actually enjoy a conversation with someone and the bell just had to interrupt it.

She didn't know if it was his interest in the subject or the way his curious eyes never left hers, taking in everything she had to say and the genuine understanding he had of her views, she wanted to keep talking.

To hear more of his voice and see more of that dazzling smile and that spark in his sapphire blue eyes.

Then they realised it was actually time for lunch.

"I'll see you around?" She asked, remembering she had to go see the principal.

His face fell in disappointment, something he failed to hide this time. "You're not coming for lunch?"

"I actually have to go see the principal." she said, grimacing at the conversation she was probably going to have.

Xander nodded in understanding. "I'll see you later then." He hoped he would.

Alexandra smiled turned to leave. Just when she took a step forward, Xander clasped her hand.

He took a deep breath. "I hope you know," his lips curved up into a killer smile,"You're a really strong person...the most beautiful one at that."

Colour flooded in her cheeks slowly, her eyes widening at the sudden compliment.

"Don't let those idiots bring you down. You're stronger than that."

Then he walked away with his heart pounding in his chest, failing to notice the slow smile breaking out on her lips.


"They're the ones who approached me!" Alexandra stated, looking at the Principal in disbelief. "Maybe you'd like to see what happens when I tell my d-"

"No, you can't." The Principal denied firmly, "Alexandra you have no proof. The only reason I'm even listening to you is because of your sincerity. You're not only accusing your classmates, who were your friends, you're also accusing my children!"

Alexandra gritted her teeth, her folded hands clenching into fists. Without a word she got up from the chair. "Miss Whit-" she left the office before he could finish.

Never has she hated someone so much in her life. Never has she regretted something so much in her life. If she could go back, she'd slap some sense into her younger self. She should've seen it coming, she didn't. And now they're accusing her of lying. Awesome. How perfect can it get?

Students watched, murmuring among themselves as she made her way to the cafeteria. Even though the whole thing was kept a secret, there were rumours going around. And after the outburst she had an hour ago, the rumours just increased. Yet, no one dared to ask her.

She sat at an empty table, her food untouched as she recalled the conversation that happened with the principal. Before she could murder her lunch with her fork, someone sat in front of her, snapping her attention.

Xander was pissed. He wanted to commit murder. And not just once. He imagined running his car over them. No that won't be enough, only his car would get dirty.

As he stepped in the bustling cafeteria with his lunch, his eyes searched for her. She looked... equally pissed off. For some reason that sight made him want to relieve her of her anger. To cheer her up. However he failed to notice his own mood getting better.

His eyes which were a cold wall were now softening at her as she glared down at her food, looking like she wanted to murder it.

His feet moved towards her like they had a mind of their own. She didn't notice him until he sat down. "Hey." He said lamely.

She looked up at him, her brown eyes momentarily letting go of their anger. "Hi." She said, suddenly feeling self conscious of herself. Then she thought that was ridiculous.

"Are they the reason you're pissed off?" Xander to asked, pointing to the loud table in the centre of the cafeteria. It was her old "friends' table.

Just then Della entered the cafeteria, looking flustered. Xander scowled, something that didn't go unnoticed by Alexandra.

"Part of the reason." She said, an unpleasant feeling in her chest when Xander's and Della's eyes met. She felt satisfied when Xander just turned away as if she was not even worth looking at.

However, that irritated look was gone the moment Xander fixed his eyes at Alexandra. His lips curved in a smirk that Alexandra found really attractive. "I made her kiss the lockers."

Alexandra, who was busy staring at him suddenly snapped out of her daze. "What?"

Xander leaned forward, eager to tell her what happened. "So I was putting away my books in my locker when she suddenly tried to kiss me like some fu- freaking retard. Luckily I moved away quickly, accidentally tripping her in the process...okay that might not have been an accident. You should've seen it! She face planted the locker."

He looked really smug about it. That brought a smile to her face. "Thanks?" She asked, her face breaking out in a grin.

He flashed her a grin of his own. His brothers would freak out if they saw him now.

"You looked like you needed it." She felt like he was looking right at her soul. At the person who she really is. And what he said was not directed at Della face planting a locker at all.

She looked away, her gaze drifting to her tormentors who were looking right at her.

"It won't last for long though." She said, a sad smile adorning her lips. Xander frowned, glancing at the group. His lips curved in a scowl as his eyes got back their ice cold wall, as if he was looking down on them.

Xander looked back at Alexandra. Was it the way she looked at him? As if he was a book she was reading with so much interest? Or was it the way she seemed to let down her barriers, even if for a little while with him? He was sure he could read her like an book.

Would she let him? He wanted to.

Why? He'll find out sooner or later anyway.

"Well, you're gonna have to rethink that."


Liam Knight not so patiently got our of his car, waiting for his brother.

He had a race tonight and he didn't want his brother to attend. He was sure he'd do something reckless again and injure himself in the process like last night.

He sighed and leaned against the car. He watched the students swarming out the school, making their way out or to their vehicles in the parking lot.

"Liam?" He heard his name being called in surprise. He narrowed his eyes at the person and then a smile lit up on his face. "Uncle George!"

He went and shook his hand. "Ethan spoke a lot about you. I'm honestly impressed." George White said, admiration clear in his eyes.

Liam scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "It's nothing. It's all thanks to my brother." His eyes held a look of deep love and admiration as he spoke about his brother.

George nodded. "I saw him this morning. Didn't seem the...er social type."

Liam sighed. "It's a long story."

"I know. Ethan told me." George felt a sense of remorse and also pity. No one deserves to go through what Xander did. It must've been so hard to cope with the trauma he suffered. No wonder he's so distasteful of new people. Kind of like his own daughter.

"Mom said your daughter went to the same school." Liam said, curious about Alexandra.

George smiled, "Yeah she does." He sighed. She wasn't even talking with him these days. He wondered what was going on. Maybe he'll have to have a talk with the principal to see if anyone's giving her trouble at school.

"Mom said she was also..."

"Antisocial as hell." George modded, a humourless smile creeping on his face. She's the same way at home too. Where did he go wrong that she wasn't even willing to talk to her own father?

As George was lost in his thoughts, Liam's eyes froze over a particular couple. They seemed to be in an deep conversation. He blinked, his jaw almost dropping on the floor as he saw the boy grin at the girl.

George looked at Liam, only to find him watching something with an expression of disbelief on his face. Curious, George turned his head to look at what got Liam's attention, only to mirror his expression.

Xander and Alexandra were walking out together, conversing. Alexandra grinned at something Xander said, causing Xander to grin as well.

They both seemed excited on whatever they're talking about, making Liam wonder, "What the hell?"

But looking at that carefree grin on his brother's face, his own face broke out in a grin. "Who the hell is that girl?"

"How long has it been since she smiled like that?" George wondered, feeling melancholic. His eyes drifted to the boy beside her. He certainly didn't expect this. But...this is good. He smiled.

"Oh that idiot over there is my twin." Xander pointed to Liam who was gaping at them.

Alexandra gave him a small wave, the smile still on her face. Liam's grin widened in excitement as they approached him.

"Hello Uncle George." Xander greeted, cringing inwardly. He should've greeted him in the morning. He probably left a bad impression on him.

George on the other hand patted his shoulder affectionately, like a dad would to his son. "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

"It's good to see you kids together." George said, a wistful smile on his face. 'Like you should've been in the first place.'

After bidding goodbyes, Xander got in Liam's car, his eyes never leaving Alexandra as she left with her dad. Liam, who was watching the whole thing was finally unable to contain his excitement. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Xander looked at him in confusion. "Tell you what?"

"About her!"

"What about her?"

Liam folded his arms on his chest, giving Xander a look. "You have a crush on her don't you?"

Xander choked on the water he was drinking. Liam watched him with a smug smirk as he coughed. "How the hell did you get that idea?" Xander asked in bewilderment.

"Oh from the way you were looking at her." Liam answered, the grin on his face widening. "You do have a crush on her, don't you?"

"I do not." Xander denied, feeling a little warm. "I mean she's really amazing and beautiful-" his expression changed into something akin to admiration and maybe a little adoration too?

Liam fake coughed. "Amazing? Beautiful?" He raised his eyebrow at his brother, his lips curling in an amused smile. "Who are you and what have you done with my moody brother?"

Xander smacked Liam on his arm. "Shut up." He couldn't stop the smile on his face though.

Meanwhile, Alexandra was thinking about how her day went with a small smile on her face. She watched the passing scenery through the window but her focus was completely elsewhere. On a certain sapphire eyed person.

"Xander seemed nice." George White said, hoping to get his daughter to talk to him.

Alexandra looked at him. "He is." Better than every else so far was left unsaid.

It was silent again. George couldn't take it anymore. "Alexandra, honey is something wrong? Is someone bothering you at school? Should I have a talk with the Pri-"

"So you finally noticed." She stated, shaking her head. "Good job dad."

"What? Alexandra-"

"I don't want to talk about it. I'll just end up arguing with you." She said, turning her head away.

This wasn't the first time she regretted not telling her dad about what happened that night. Like the principal said, would he even believe her? Tears prickled her eyes as memories of that might flashed in her mind.

She had tried calling her dad multiple times that night. Her cousin Olivia had picked up the phone. Alexandra had begged and pleaded her to give the phone to George but she never did.

Then she called her mom. It was a good thing her mom was good friends with the Vice Principal and they had both come to pick her up.

Thank goodness nothing worse happened that night.

She wanted to tell her dad, she really did. But after hearing why he didn't pick up her phone, she stubbornly decided not to tell him. He was with her fucking cousin, someone he loved like she was his daughter. Someone who never missed a chance to make Alexandra's life hell. Something her dad never realized.

It was a lot more than jealousy.

And there was also the Principal who said he'd expell her if she tells anyone else. She couldn't care less about getting expelled.

"Is this about Olivia?" George asked, his face morphing into one of frustration. "Alexandra how many tim-"

"Please. I don't want to talk about it. You can go bring her here for all I care. I'm not even gonna-"

"She's already here."

She didn't bother to wipe the lone tear from her face. "Then there's no need to even talk, is there?"

Before George could say anything, Alexandra closed her eyes, turning her head away. "Are we there yet?"

Sighing in defeat, George stopped the car. He watched with guilt as Alexandra got down the car and made her way in their home.

She found her mom lecturing her 14 year old brother, Cole about something when she entered the kitchen.

"How ya doin'." Cole asked, grinning as their mom smacked his head lightly.

"Could be better." Alexandra said, sitting down at the stool by the counter.

Her mom frowned at her in worry. "Did some happen?" She was implying at her old friends.

Alexandra sighed. "It's a long story."

"What's a long story?"

Alexandra stiffened, clenching her fists. It was her 12 year old cousin Olivia, looking at her like she couldn't be bothered less by her. Alexandra wondered for the millionth time how someone so small could get on her nerves so much.

She stood up, ignoring her and walked out of the kitchen. She met her dad in the hallway. He looked like he was about to say something when Olivia ran out, colliding into him. "You're back uncle George!"

And her dad, his look of concern replacing with a look of adoration patted her head affectionately.

Alexandra rolled her eyes and climbed up the stairs to her room. She did not have the energy to deal with them.

After getting freshed up, she sat by the window with her phone in hand.

"How are you holding up?"

It was a text from her cousin, Zayla. She was the only one among her cousins who knew what happened.

"Olivia's here." Alexandra texted back as if that was enough answer for her to understand.

Zayla's reply was quick. " Oh God. Good luck."

Yup. She definitely needed some good luck.

Suddenly her phone pinged from a text. It was none other than one of her tormentors Della.

"What's going on between you and Xander Black?"

Wait. His surname was Black? Alexandra felt kind of embarrassed all of a sudden. Yes they talked a lot today but never actually exchanged names.

So Black huh?

Her phone pinged again.

"Are you going to answer me or not?"

Alexandra scowled and blocked the number. Her thumb hovered over his name, her heart running a marathon for some reason. After clicking his name and staring at the keyboard for a few seconds, she finally texted him.