
Her guard

There is a boy named angle who you can guess by the name is a angle. Well he is sent to watch over a girl named Rosalie till he is worthy to go back to heaven but when the time comes will he want to return?

Mari_tem · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

I heard her tossing and turning so I went over to her, It seemed she was having a nightmare, I put my hand on her head "It's okay, It's not going to hurt you I'm here" She calmed down and as I went to get up she held my hand. I went to pull it away but she wasn't letting go so I gave in. I let her hold my hand, After a few hours she woke up. She looked at me "Angle?" I looked at her "Hm?" She hugged me "Thank you for helping me through me nightmare." I smiled "It was no problem rose" I got up and she tried to as well but winced and fell. I caught her "Are you okay!?" She shook her head "M-My ankle" I sat her down "Which one?" She was hesitant "The left one" I nod "Can I take a look at it?" She nodded showing me her ankle, I put my hands on it. "Okay stay still, It will hurt a bit" She looked confused but winced even more as I started to heal her. When I finished she punched me with what little force she had "You said it would hurt a bit, That hurt a lot" I kneeled down "sorry I forgot our measure of pain are different" she put a hand on my head "its alright angle" I smiled and got up "Alright" I heard her sneeze I put a hand on her head, It was burning hot. 'how did I not notice this sooner!?' I shook my head "I-Is something wrong?" I looked at her "You have a fever" I sighed "I told you that you cold get sick" I went and made her some soup and green tea. I brought it back to her, I set it down "Eat up I'll be getting some cold medicine" She looked at me "I don't have any" I looked at her "Stay here I'll go get some" I hurried down to the store and bought some medicine. The shopkeeper asked who was sick and I said rosealie was, They shook their head "Poor girl, hold on" They went to the back and came back with a basket of things. "here you go, It's on the house. Thank you for taking care of her" I nod "It's no problem but I should get back before she spills tea on herself." They laughed "Okay" I went back and she looked at me "I thought you were just getting medicine?" I smiled "The shopkeeper Insisted I get this for you" I gave her the medicine, Her face scrunched up in disgust. I laughed handing her the tea, she drank it. After she finished I layed her back and put a blanket over her "Now rest" She looked at me "Can you stay with me I have been having this one nightmare" I looked at her "What is it about?" She looked down as she said "It's about my ex and that he'll come back and hurt me along with you. I only stayed with him because I was scared of him." I patted her head "Don't worry rose, I'll be right here to protect you." She looked at me worried "But who will protect you?" I spread out my wings "I am a guardian, I don't need to be protected. I am meant to protect others" I put away my wings as she hugged me. I patted her head "Go on to sleep" She nodded and closed her eyes, I stayed next to her till she fell asleep. Once she did I cleaned the dishes, But I heard a knock at the door. I quickly got it before he woke up rosealie then I saw HIM standing there. I noticed he had something in his hands. "What do you need?" I saw him raise a knife but I pinned him before he did anything. "DO NOT TRY THAT" I took the knife and kicked the man off the porch. "Never come back" I shut the door and locked it putting the knife in the sink before going back to rose.