
Her guard

There is a boy named angle who you can guess by the name is a angle. Well he is sent to watch over a girl named Rosalie till he is worthy to go back to heaven but when the time comes will he want to return?

Mari_tem · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 12

I saw a wolf standing there, It was sniffing the ground and got closer, I guarded rose then I herd its stomach growl. I sighed giving a small smile "Hey rose can i see that food you had?" She nodded handing it to me I broke off a small piece in my hand and held it out. It sniffed it before eating it, It's tail swayed and I sat by rose smiling. The wolf laid down next to us, I smiled watching it. Rose yawned leaning against me, I wrapped my jacket around her and she slowly fell asleep. I picked her up and started walking home, The wolf following us. They wolf stopped at the edge of the forest and walked away. I went and laid her down on the couch and adjusted my jacket as a blanket for her.