
Her guard

There is a boy named angle who you can guess by the name is a angle. Well he is sent to watch over a girl named Rosalie till he is worthy to go back to heaven but when the time comes will he want to return?

Mari_tem · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11

Before we left I made sure my wings where hidden and we left, We walked and she eventually got pulled to play with some kids. I watched with a smile another kid came over and pulled me over as well. I sat by rose and played with them. It was pretty nice but they had to go eat so I took rose to get her something to eat. When she noticed I didn't get anything she made me eat some of what she got. I ate a bit then she wrapped it up and put it in her bag and we continued, I was letting her guide us. We were in the forest I listened out for anything, She eventually got tired and we sat down relaxing. She leaned against me smiling "I am so glad you came with me you make for a great pillow angel." I laughed a bit and she looked at me "I just realized something, your a pillow and your wing is a blanket." I though and it did make sense "I can see that, but If you do get cold I can give you my jacket" She nodded and stretched getting up. I did the same as we kept walking, while walking I heard some other foot steps. I was being cautious, rose ended up tripping over a branch and hitting a tree. I went to make sure she was okay, She had some scratched so I healed them for her. I told her to sit and rest for a bit, while doing so i heard the footsteps coming closer then I saw it.