
Not Me....But her

Mila looked up at him and blinked when he called her name.

"How are you doing this?" he asked.

She noticed he was close to her now, and Mila gasped.

And the moment she realized he had gotten to her without being repelled back it happened.

The force pushed both of them back, Damien was able to stop his fall but Mila wasn't. She was carried across the room hitting her back on the wall.

"Mila " he called out to her. He wanted to move to her but could feel it push him back.

"Am fine " she groaned getting up.

"Look at me," he said

She looked up at him she must have hit her head on something while being pushed back for her forehead was bleeding.

He could smell the strong scent of her blood in the air.

Mila noticed him frown, as the warm red liquid flowed down her face. She touched it and clinched back in pain.

"Am okay, don't worry. Just a small cut " she said staggering getting up.

He noticed her fallback and moved but was pushed back, he tried again and failed.

Mila breathed, "Stop Damien. Am fine " she lied trying to get up again.

And fell back losing consciousness. She could hear him call on her as he tried to fight to her side.


"What happened to her " Ian walked into the room where Damien was. He was holding Mila in his arms possessively not allowing anyone to touch her.

"She got hurt," he said..." hurry up help her," he said.

Ian noticed Damien's glowing eyes and frowned. He told the nurses and other doctors to leave, letting his assurance stay.

"You so out of it, your eyes are turning, he said

"It's not me, it's her," he said.

"Huh?!....ohhh" muttered Ian.

"It's not who is important, but her," said Damien.

Ian moved closer and examined Mila, the wound on her head was still bleeding.

"Am starting to think you should stay away from her...since your first. meeting nothing good has happened. It's one accident after the other " he said as he gently cleaned her wound.

Damien didn't answer and kept holding Mila in his arms.

He knew Ian was right, since they met nothing but misfortune followed her.

And now with this new problem, how would he protect her if he could only hold or touch her when she was passed out or needed him so much she stopped the barrier around her to let him in?

"Done, let her rest for awhile " said Ian.

"Thank you " he answered.

"Come on let her sleep, follow me to my office " he said.

Damien seemed hesitant but Ian told him she was okay, sleeping now and would wake up soon.

He placed her down and moved off the bed but suddenly dropped on the floor. Ian moved beside him.

"Hi, are you okay?" he asked.

Damien breathed, "No am she's doing something to me ".

Ian looked back at the bed to see Mila sound asleep.

"But she isn't awake " he muttered.

Damien groaned, Ian moved back telling his assistant to leave the room and closed it.

Damien's body started to change as his claws and fangs came out.

"Damien you're changing right now " exclaimed Ian.


Mila felt something warm and soft next to her. Her hand moved touching it as her eyes opened.

White fur met her eyes, she smiled seeing his wolf face sleeping next to her. He took most of the bed, and her body was surrounded by his high one.

"Am I still dreaming " she muttered.

His eyes opened and breathed.

"You dreamt about me?" he asked.

"Mmm, in this form" her hand moved to his ears and giggled.

He watched her and sighed. So it was her. Even unconsciously she could use her powers. Apart from taking off the barrier, the rest worked.

"Am glad yyou'reawake" he moved his face touching hers. Mila snuggled closer meeting his.

The door opened and Ian walked in.

"Oh yyou'reawake, he can finally turn back," he said.

"Huh, is it my fault?" she asked sitting up.

"Yes....you must have thought of him in this form so he turned. He kept trying to turn back but failed " said Ian.

"Oh...am sorry Damien I...I..."

"It's alright don't listen to the fool," said Damien.

Mila beat down to his face.

"Am sorry...I will fix this " she said.

She closed her eyes and thought of Damien in his human form.

"Mila wait " said Damien. But it was too late as he suddenly fell back and his body shrunk to its normal size.

He sat next to her butt-naked.

Ian rushed to Mila's side covering her eyes before she opened them.

"Mila, I think you should keep those shut in the meantime," he said.

"Oh okay," she said.