
Able To .

"Mila you need to learn to control your powers " said Ian.

She sighed.

"Am sorry I am trying but it's all new to me...and I can feel it inside me, changing me and I don't know how to stop it " she muttered.

Damien had left the room. The moment Mila let her guard down the barrier returned bouncing him off the opposite side, the room being too small, Ian told him to stay out.

"Is he okay?" she asked gazing out.

"He will be, now that you're okay," said Ian.

"I can feel it repel him, it's more of a feeling than power " she said.

"You feel in?" asked Ian.

She nodded.

"It's like anger so strong, cold and sad. His presence is a trigger. Every time his so close it starts to spread until I can't fight it....then it happens " She looked away.

"But you were able to stop it, he said you hugged," said Ian.

"We did and it was only for a few minutes. All I was thinking about was being close to him that somehow I didn't let that sad feeling take over " she explained.

"That was a start...we might be able to control it then," said Ian.

Mila frowned.

"But then when I do...it comes back stronger " she let out.

"You will have to learn to fully control it then" he could see her life hope. "if you want to be with him...unless it's not what we all thought it was "

Mila looked up.


Ian chuckled.

"I mean that you like the guy standing worriedly outside that door or am wrong?! " he said.

She nodded.

"I do...I like him..a lot "

Ian stood up chuckling.

"Well then that's enough for me... I will help you. So don't worry you will hug your white bear soon ".

She smiled thanking him.

When he stepped out he smirked.

"Don't pretend I know you heard what she said ". He said to Damien.

"I did and am....".

Ian stopped and turned back to his friend.

"And you are?" he asked.

Damien breathed.

"I can't explain it...but if I could I would have gone in and hugged her ".

Ian chuckled.

"You melting " he laughed.

Damien frowned and walked past him and Ian laughed more.


"You need to stop this...I will soon turn into a regular at this hospital " said Sam.

Mila smiled hugging her.

"Am sorry " she whispered to her friend.

"I know but are you okay?".

She nodded still hugging her.

Sam giggled kissing her friend's cheeks. The door opened and Damien and Ian walked in.

They stopped gazing at them both.

"I see you recovered," said Ian.

Mila nodded and felt Sam push her away gently. She turned to look at her and noticed she was staring back at Damien, who was glaring at her.

Mila didn't let go of her friend's hand.

"If you love me, let me go " she whispered to Mila.

"Huh?!... What is wrong ".

"Him..look at the way he glaring at me like stole something from him. I sure hope he doesn't see me as competition ". She whispered back to Mila.

Mila giggled letting go but the moment she did something seemed to turn on inside her, Ian and Damien felt it. Before he could be repelled, Mila took Sam's hand again and it disappeared.

She breathed smiling. Sam was still trying to push her off but Mila pulled her closer hugging her.

"You a miracle " she yelled.