

five friends, Amos Jordan, Lucas Wilson, Larissa Knight, George Humming and Sarah Conner were still grieving the death of one of their very good friend Jenny Hudson, who committed suicide two years ago cause she was cheated on by her boyfriend. Jenny's death affected Amos the most cause he was madly in love with Jenny, and he develop hatred for his best friend Lucas cause Amos blamed him for being the reason behind Jenny's death. Two years after Jenny's death, a new girl, Sophia Evans arrived at Maryland high school and the sent the whole school in a panic, cause she looked exactly like the girl who died two years ago. Amos suspected that the new girl was indeed his best friend and he was convinced that she might have survive somehow but Sophia denies his claim and Amos was more than prepared to uncover the truth about who this new girl really is. Join Amos and his friends as they sought to uncover the truth behind Jenny's death and the identity of the new girl, Sophia Evans.

Mary_Solomon · Teen
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2 Chs


Amos walked down the cold silent street with his hands in the pockets of his skinny jeans.

The air around him was cold and freezing and Amos cursed himself for not putting on a jacket before leaving his house.

He ran a hand through his hair in utter frustration as he recall the conversation he had with Jenny that afternoon. He could still picture her shocked and betrayed look when he told her how he truly felt about her.

It wasn't his fault that he was in love with her, he wanted her to know of his feelings so she won't go on wasting her time on someone like his best friend Lucas, who doest even deserve her.

Lucas cheated on Jenny with the school queen bee Delilah. That disgusting activity had been going on behind Jenny's back for a long time but she only recently learnt about it.

Amos was very mad at his friend. he knew that Lucas was a fool for ever choosing to hurt Jenny. Jenny was precious, out of the six of them, she was the most kindest and the most loving. everyone at school adored her for her rare goodness, but Lucas was such a fool to throw it all away.

Amos continued on his way, hating how dark the street was. he thought about facing Jenny tomorrow at school. Would she talk to him, or would she avoid him because he had made things awkward between them by telling her how he feels.

He sure hopes the former was the case.

His cell phone broke the silence and he pulled it out of his pockets. George's name flash on the screen and Amos immediately hit the answer button.

"Hey man, what's up" he greeted cheerfully. When Lucas and Amos had a falling out because of Jenny, George and Amos became very close, and Amos could proudly call George his best friend despite the fact that they haven't known each other for as long as Lucas and Amos had.

"A...Amos you have to come to school quickly" George stuttered through the phone and it confused Amos.

George was a cool guy who was known for his intelligence and calm personality. George was never freaked out by anything in his life cause he was very brave and a lot of people admired him for that, but now hearing his shaky voice over the phone was drawing Amos to a state of panic.

and what does he mean by 'you have to come to school' it was already very late.

"Did something happen?" Amos asked through the phone hoping that it was nothing serious, but the fear in George's usual fearless voice was sending his heart in a frenzy.

"Its Jenny" George cried sadly, his voice sounding hesitant and almost scared.

"Why what happen to Jane?" Amos could feel his heart beating fast in fear. this can't be good.

"sh... she... she's dead. the police found her body hanging on a tree at the back of the school. Amos she... she committed suicide"

The cell phone drop to the floor as Amos took in the information.

Jenny Hudson, his friend who he was secretly in love with and who he just recently confessed his feelings to was...dead.