
Chapter 27: Teaching In Italy. Part II


We break for lunch. All of the teachers have their area for lunch. “The teacher's lounge.” I’m not sure if I feel comfortable going in their lounge yet, so I’ve decided to sit on the bench outside of the school. I’m going to text Antonio.

“Hey, handsome.” I texted Antonio.

“Hey, beautiful.” He replied.

“How is your day going?” I said,

“Oh, it’s going. And how is your’s?” He asked.

“So far so good! I like it here and everyone seems cool.” I replied.

“Great!” Antonio said.

“I’m on my lunch break right now. I can’t wait to see you later.” I said,

“I can’t wait to see you too,” Antonio replied.

“Well, I’m going to finish eating and get back to work. I love you.” I said,

“Love you too,” Antonio replied.

While I’m sitting here finishing my food, Mariah shows up. “Great now what does she want,” I thought to myself. She approached me at the bench and asked how my day was going. Of course, I told her it was going great.