
Melodic Symphony Of Love Making

Leslie's P.O.V.

My head gives a resounding sound.

Lifting my eyelids I wake up with a heavy feeling In my head. I look around slowly trying to figure out where I am. I then realized that I'm currently back home, back at the mansion. Staring at the glass like wall to see it's already night time. I then vaguely wonder how long I've been out.

Trying to sit up I spot Damien asleep in a couch beside the bed. Seeing him made me feel guilty for all the nasty things I did to him. It was wrong of me to have deprived him the chance to clear things up, instead of waiting I ran away. I made a huge mess of the situation, like I always do.” I thought as tears begins to slip from my eyelids slowly, weeping a bit loudly now as I could not hold back my emotion any longer.

Damien wakes up looking around alarmed and then rushes to me  taking me into his arms. just then the door slams open and a nurse rushed in, looking a bit panicked.