

Leslie's P.O.V.

It's the sixth month of my pregnancy and sitting uncomfortably on an airplane might not be one of the brightest move I've made. I hate the fact of being squished into a small seat. I even bought a first class ticket this time at the expense of my bank account which may or may not be throwing curses at me . Even with everything am still uneasy and uncomfortable it feels like there's not enough room for me no matter how I twist and turn.

I informed my doctor about my flight back to New York and she advised me that after this journey I should not do it again untill the baby is born.

As of my return back home no one knows yet, apart from Morgan. With the difficulty of moving around without not getting noticed annoyed the hell out of me I could feel prying eyes but I just ignored it.

Outside the airport I try to hail a cab and making sure not to attract any attention from anyone.