

Writer's POV

Training ground...!

It's being a few minutes since Stacey ran away angrily... fighters keep taking glances at their Alpha.

Wondering why he just insulted their Luna, but no one dares to ask him.

"A-alpha, what just happened?" Henry asked Ray.

Ray didn't reply him, he blinks his eyes rapidly like he's trying to blink the sleep away.

"Our Luna just ran out in tears, aren't you gonna go after her?" Karl asked.

He still didn't speak. Karl and Henry exchanged looks, Karl mind link Henry and quickly briefs him on why Ray is angry.

Henry smacks Karl's head.

"What's that for?!" Karl growls.

"You always come up with the worse ideas! I wonder how Jessy manages to put up with you!"

Jerome walks into the scene and sees Juliet wiping sweat off Ray's face.. he frowns.

"Juliet, do you still remember that Ray's got a mate?" Jerome asked.

Though he's quiet but he's always a loud mouth anywhere Juliet is... He hates her to the core!

Juliet scoffs loudly and tilts her head.

"She doesn't deserve Ray.. that bitch is a lo....!"

She didn't complete her statement as Ray's hand wrapped around her neck in a tight grip.

"Don't. Call. My. Mate. A. Bitch!" He growls.

Juliet choke and tries to remove Ray hand from her neck.

"Hypocrite!" Henry said.

Ray turns his head to him and glares at him.

"Who are you calling a hypocrite?!" Ray growls

still not removing his hand from Juliet's neck.

"No offense, Ray, but you're punishing Juliet for calling Luna a bitch.. have you forgotten that is what you called her few minutes ago?" Henry asked.

His hand wrapping around Juliet's neck slowly unwrap... Juliet coughs and gasp for air desperately.

Ray gets up with a clenched jaw and balled fist.

"You are in no position to question me! You don't know what happened!"

"I know what happened, you should sit down and talk things out with Luna" Henry pause.

He continues when he sees Ray not ready to speak.

"Luna is patient enough, if I were her, I wouldn't care to bring you breakfast since you're giving me a cold shoulder!"

"Shut up!" Ray yelled at him. "This is between me and my mate, I think we both need a break... Also, I can't force myself on her!"

He walks towards the exit.


"I'm going to get some sleep, nobody should disturb me!" He said and walks off.

Juliet sees something falling off his pocket, she look around and realize she's the only one that notice it falling.

She rushes towards it and picks it up... it's a bunch of keys... she studies it and smile to herself.

"It's show time" She thinks to herself and exits the training ground when no one's watching.

Henry and Jerome turns to Karl, their arms fold on their chests as they glare at him.

"What's up, guys? Why are y'all staring at me like that?" He asked.

"What kind of advice did you think you gave Ray? Are you trying to make Luna leave him?" Henry growls.

"I did nothing wrong, guys... Alpha simply misunderstood me!" Karl defends himself.

Jerome raised an eyebrow at him.

"Tell me exactly what you told him!" Jerome demands.

"I simply told him to be less possessive because girls don't like overly possessive men... I didn't tell him to give her a cold shoulder or call her names" he explain.

Henry takes a deep breath and shakes his head, he sits on the bench and stares at the fighters sparing.

"I just hope it's not gonna be too late before Alpha realizes his mistake!" He said.

Stacey's POV

I continuously press on Dylan's doorbell until I hear him yells from inside.

"Hold on!"

The door opens and Olivia comes out in her nightie.... I guess they were still sleeping.


"Olivia, is Dylan in?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll call him!"

But she didn't turn back before I hear Dylan complaining behind her.

"Who's disturbing our beauty sleep?"

It's almost 10am and they're still sleeping? I take a second look at Olivia and realizes she just got out of bed.

"Princess?" Dylan calls when he sees me.

I force out a smile.

"I'm sorry to disturb you guys, I didn't know you'd still be in bed"

"No, Luna, you didn't disturb us.. I was thinking of waking up before you came" Olivia said.

Dylan frowns as he looks at my face, particularly my eyes... He steps forward and hold my face in his hands.

"Princess, what's wrong? What happened to you?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just drop by to check on you and Olivia!"

I can't bother him with my issues, he's just starting to get along with Olivia.. I should let them enjoy their time.

"You cried!" He states but I shake my head in denial.

"Did someone bully you?!" He growls lowly.

I let out a fake laugh, but I tried my best not to make it too fake.

"Who can bully me?"

He narrows his eyes and looks at me seriously.

"Tell me who made you cry!!" From his tone I can tell he's getting angry.

I haven't seen him so serious before...I wipe my eyes and shake my head.

"No one made me cry, I think I got some dust in my eyes just now!"

"Dust?!" He looks around as it he's gonna find the dust.

I clear my throat.

"Er... I have to go now, I have other things to do!" I said and step away from him.


"I have to go, bye!" I said and rush off before he could say another word.

Maybe I should go over to Josh, I'll stay with him until Ray comes back to his senses!

"Jish?" I call as I step into the living room.

I glance around the living room but didn't see him.. the sofa he usually sits and read newspaper is empty.

He should be in the kitchen. I rushes over but he's not there, why is the door not locked if he's not at home?

"Stacey!" I hear him call behind me.

I turn and sees him with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Were you taking a bath?" I asked.


Anna walks from behind him in a towel too... she smiles shyly and waves at me.

"Hi, Stacey!"

"Oh, hi!" I replies with a blush.

I don't need to be told what they were both doing... I guess I just interrupted something very important.

"I didn't know you'd come by today!" Josh said.

I nod.

"It seems I interrupted you guys, I better be in my room..."

I laugh lightly.

"... enjoy!"

With that I dash into my room and slams the door shut.

What's happening to me these days?

First, it was my mothers in-law that walk in on Ray and I... Now I almost walk in on my brother and sisters in law!

I fall on my bed and releases a long sigh... My mind goes back to my fight with Ray... I don't believe he called me a bitch!

Just because I gave myself to him... he thinks he can insult me?

"Stacey!" I heard Anna's voice from outside.

My eyes snaps open and I yawn...when did I fall asleep? Wasn't I just blaming Ray for calling me a bitch?!

"Stacey!" She called again.

I get up and opens the door, she's fully dressed in a jean and white top now.

"You changed real quick!" I said.

She chuckles.

"That's because time goes by quickly when you're asleep!" She replies.

I nod. I guess I slept for a long time.

"I wanna ask you about something.. can I come in?" She asked.

"Yes, yes, come in!" I invite her in.

She steps in and sits on my bed, I also sit next to her.

"Stacey, how are you?"

How am I? What a strange question.

"I'm fine...?" I answered unsure.

But she shakes her head.

"No, you're not fine!"

I stare at her to continue.

"Is everything alright with you and Ray?"


"Don't lie to me!" She cuts me off. "I saw how sad you were when you came in, Josh might not take note but I did... I just wanted you to rest before we talk about it"

I sighed.

"I didn't wanna trouble any of you with my issues!"

"You're not troubling anyone, Stacey. You're our little sister and we'll always give you a listening ear... "

What a nice family with a a**hole son! Both parents are nice, sister is nice but the son is something else.

"... so tell me what's up with you and Ray?" She asked.

"I don't really know what happened, we were doing just fine.. but he just suddenly started giving me a cold shoulder.. every time I ask him about it won't say.. he just keeps getting angry at everything I do or say.. and he doesn't eat my food!"

Like who does that?! Getting angry at someone for some unknown reason...

"I think he needs some alone time to cool off, I don't have time and strength for his tantrums!"

"So... you aren't gonna go back anytime soon?" She asked.

"No, I'm gonna stay with you guys for some days!.. I hope you don't mind?"

"No, I don't mind but what will you tell your brother if he asks about the reason you left Ray's place?"

Right, I haven't thought of what I'll tell Josh if he asks me why I came... I just came here because I wanted to escape from Ray.

"Stacey, listen to me, go back and force out whatever he is hiding from you... You can't continue to run away every time he's angry or giving you a cold shoulder... you're this pack's Luna, if you run away from this little fight between you and Ray.. how can you stand and fight side by side with him for the betterment of the pack?"

I'm not running away, I'm only giving him some time to cool off.. I wanted to say.

"Go back and talk to him, make him open up to you!"

"But I have been trying to get him to talk, he wouldn't say anything!"

"Yeah, they are different ways to make him vomit whatever is troubling him... And I believe I don't have to remind you or teach you how!"

She pause and studies me.

"Anna, I under what you mean but I don't wanna see him now... when I tried to make him talk all I received was a public insult!"

"Please, just go back.. he's your mate!"

I sighed... I don't wanna go back but since Anna is urging me, I better go... Also, I don't want Josh to know I'm having issues in my relationship.

"Ok, I'll go... But can I go later?"

She shakes her head and pulls me up.

"You're going now! Delay is dangerous... five minutes late night cost a person's life!" She said.

She leads me towards the main door.. just then Josh came out of his room.

"Stacey, are you leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have some things to do!"

He looks at the wall clock.

"It's almost dinner time, aren't you gonna stay for dinner... I'll cook your favorite!"

I wanted to say yes, but Anna raises an eyebrow at me... I bite back my excitement.

"Next time, Josh... I should go cook for my mate!" I said.

Josh's eyes grows wide.