

Stacey's POV

"Ray, I'm home!" I called as I step into the living room.

But all I got is my voice echoing back to me. Maybe he's gone to the packhouse!

I head upstairs to our room but something catches my eyes... the plates on the dinning table.

I rushes towards the dinning area and sees that the dishes are left untouched.

None of them were touched... Didn't he know I made him breakfast? But I remember telling him that I made breakfast.

Well it doesn't matter, I'll just microwave them... package them and bring them to him!

But I don't know where he is.. I'll just mind link him.


No reply.


Still no reply.


I felt like my voice just hit a wall, then I realize he's blocking me from reaching him.

I reach for my phone and dialed his number.. it didn't connect.

I sighed. What is wrong with him lately? Why is he acting strange since last night?

How will I reach him now? Then a person comes to my mind... Karl!

If I can reach Karl, then I will know where he is. I search for his number and send him a quick message.

"Hi, Karl, it's me, Stacey! Just wanna know if you have any idea where Ray is"

He replied me almost immediately.

"Training ground, come quickly... Alpha is acting crazy"

Acting crazy?! So I'm not the only one that thinks that way?

No need for microwaving, I'll just pack them up and leave!

Training ground...!

Arriving at the training ground, I saw some guys... giant guys rolling on the ground.. groaning in pain.

What's happening? Was there a rogue attack here?!

I heard a loud growl and raised my head... Ray standing in the center of a circle.. he's sweating profusely.

And he's got that deadly expression on... What's wrong with him?

He charge at two guys but they take slow steps backwards, shaking their heads fearfully.. then they runs off with great speed... as if their lives depended on it... Well, I guess it is now.

"Luna, you're finally here!" Karl said.

I turn to him.. he's breathing heavily and sweating too.

"Karl, what happened here?"

"It's Alpha, I think he's still mad and he's taking it out on everyone!" He said breathlessly.

"Mad?!" He nods. "Mad at what?"

He stares at me with a frown.. like he can't believe I'm asking him this.

"Didn't you ask him about why he got drunk yesterday?"

"I did but he refused to talk to me!" I pause and turn to Ray's direction. "Do you know why he was drunk yesterday?"

He stays silent.

"Tell me if you know"

He shakes his head and sigh.

"He needs you to calm down, go to him!" He simply said and pushes me forward a little.

I take a deep breath and walk towards Ray... His angry eyes is searching around.. like he's looking for someone to fight with.. no, someone to beat up!

"Hey! Ray!" I called when I got near him.

He turns to me and his eyes softens but it's just for a few seconds... He glares at me and clenched his jaw.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked.

I raise the flask I am holding and smile.

"I brought you breakfast!"

He turns away from me and walks towards a bench... I follow him.

Everyone makes way for him.. like they are avoiding him.. I would too if I were them, I wouldn't want him to use me as a punching bag!

He sits down and I sits next to him... I open the flask.

"I saw you didn't eat your breakfast.. so I brought it here!" I said.

"Take it away!"

I laugh.

"Take what away? Don't you know fighting on an empty stomach is not healthy?"

I take out a fork and stretch it at him... but he didn't take it.

"I'm not hungry, take it away!"

I drop the spoon... Karl said he's mad at me, maybe I should ask him about it now.

"Ray, did I do anything wrong?" I asked calmly.

He doesn't say anything and doesn't look at me.

"Tell me what I did wrong and I'll apologise, don't starve yourself because you're mad at me!"

He still doesn't say a word, he just keep clenching his jaw. Just then, Juliet sits on his left side.

She glares at me and hands Ray a small towel, which he took and wiped his face with it.

"Alpha, what you did back there was so cool" she said.

"Really?" Ray asked.

"Yeah, those fighters are too weak and they couldn't stand a chance against you!" She said.

"Hmm!" Ray hums.

She reaches for a bottle of water and gives it to Ray.

"Here, Ray, have some water!"

"Thank you!" Ray said and takes the water.

I scoff, am I invisible now? They're talking as if I'm not here!

I clear my throat.

"Juliet, can't you see we are having a discussion before you came?" I grit out.

She frown, she opens her mouth to speak but Ray does before her.

"I'm done with you, go home!"

"Go home? We were talking about something just now!"

"There's nothing to talk about, go home now!"

Hmm, I wanted to argue with him and make him tell me why he's mad at me.

But I guess this is not the right place, I'll just wait until we get home.

"Fine, let's not talk about it" I push the flask towards him. "Here, eat your breakfast!"

He stares at it disgustingly.

"Take it with you, I'm not hungry!" He said.

"What do you mean you're not hungry? You didn't have breakfast!"

He doesn't say a word, he simply ignores me and continue drinking his water.

I reach for the spoon and serve some amount of rice and brings it to his mouth.

"Say ahh!" I said.

He pushes my hand away from his mouth and the spoon fell.. he grabs the flask and throws it on the ground.

"Can you leave now?!" He growls.

I frown at his action.

"What is wrong with you, Ray?! Do you have to do that?!" I asked.

"I told you to leave! What are you still doing here? Leave!" He roars.

I see Juliet smirking.. then I remembered he just accepted the water she gave him.

I feel anger erupt from the pit of my stomach.. I get up.

"You can accept her water but not my food?!"

"Yes!" He said.

"Why?! Huh?!" I asked.

He didn't reply me.

"You've being acting strange! Getting angry at me for no reason.. you rejected to eat my food and you even have to throw it away, why?!"

"I don't wanna eat anything prepared by a lying bitch!" He said loudly.

My mouth falls open slightly... Everyone is staring at us now.

"Bitch?! I'm a bitch now?!" I asked in a crack voice.

He stares at me and I see regret in his eyes but it's just for some seconds.

"Just leave!" He said calmly.

"No! Tell me why you called me lying bitch!"

He doesn't say a word.

When he was courting me.. begging me to be with him I wasn't a bitch!

Because we have a little argument for a reason unknown to me.. he's calling me a bitch!

I nod... I feel a lone tear running down my cheek.

"You called me a bitch in front of everyone! Fine! This bitch is leaving!" I said.

I lock gaze with Juliet.. she winks at me mockingly.. I ignore her and angrily storms off.

"Luna....." I ignore Karl and runs off.