
Her, Again

Kristi, a young, beautiful and brilliant girl who just graduated from college. Being from a not-so-rich-middle-class family she has loads of student loans piled up that she has yet to pay. She has always worked hard to achieve her dreams, yet she is so far from achieving it. Alexander Mikaelson, a man known for his looks as well as work. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure". Whatever he touches turns to billions is what people from his field say. But deep down inside he is broken. (Why? You'll know when you read the book!) These two different people when come together there will be fights, sparks, love, jealousy, betrayal and heart break From searching for a job to falling in love with the CEO, come let's take a look at Kristi's roller coaster ride. (This is my first story ever, so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in the story and no bad comments please ) *love_love

Aurora_the_dawn · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: New beginning

Ughhhhhh!! What the heck is that annoying thing that's making so much noise?! Oh, that's my alarm. MY ALARM! Shit! I have an interview today and I'm late!

At moment's like this I become Usain Bolt, I ran for my bathroom and completed my business in 20 freaking minutes.

Oh hey! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kristi Brown. 5.5", blonde (not dumb, as most of you think that blondes are dumb), not very attractive or beautiful, I'm just simple me. My mom brought me up alone because my dad left when I was only one year old. He was not ready to be a father, he wanted to live his life. So he left. I used to miss him when I was a kid but as I grew up, I came to know the reason why he left, after that I hate him with every fibre in my body. I am not the one who hates people, I believe in spreading love but in my life I have only two people whom I can not stand : my dad and Jennifer ( my bully at school).

I just graduated from business school. In school, I was a straight A student aka NERD! Another reason why Jennifer the witch with a 'b' used to bully me.

Enough with my introduction. So today I have an interview in this reputed company "Mikaelson Industries", well known for it's work but mostly because of it's CEO "Alexander Mikaelson", one of the most eligible bachelors. He changes his girlfriends like I change my panties aka everyday. He is never seen with a girl twice. But the rumors say that he was not like this before, he started his playboy thingy after he broke up with his high school sweetheart "Eleanor Allerton" the "it" girl. Apart from the gossips I don't know anything about them, I don't even know how they look! The only reason I know about them is my gossip loving amazing best friend "Hennessey Jackson". She is a gossip magnet and lovesssss it.

Hennessey Jackson and Carter Smith my two best friends. My rock. We have been through thick and thin together. I don't know what I would have done without them in my life. They are my saviors yet annoying the hell out of me is their favorite hobby. Oh did I tell that they are the biggest pranksters?! No one, I repeat no one has ever been successful in escaping from their pranks.

I still remember the day when they mixed green dye in my shampoo when we were in high school. I had to wear a hood at school in the scorching heat of may!

Anyways coming back to present, as I walk down the hall I can smell the lovely aroma of pancakes, my mom, she loves cooking! She never stops to amaze me with her cooking skills. She is the only reason why I love cooking too.

"Don't you dare go out of the door without having your breakfast", my mom said sternly as I tried to escape without making any noise.

"But mom I'm late", I cried out.

"You should have set your alarm early", my mom replied with a straight face. So here I am stuffing my face with those yummy pancakes.

"Best of luck baby", my mom shouted as I walk, no, run out from my house towards my car "I love u mom", I shouted back.

"Looks like we have to break the rules today", I said to myself as I start my car.

Finally after 35 mins of misery I finally reached at their building. And boy if I say it is beautiful would be an understatement, it is breathtaking! I wiped the drool off of my face as I made my way towards it. The guard who is standing there has this sweet smile on his face and is wishing everyone good morning but no one who entered the building paid attention to that, they are so rude! As I reached the doors, the guard wished me also, to which I replied with the same genuine smile on my face. He is shocked to see someone reply to him. So I gave a small nod and entered the building.

The girl who is sitting at the reception looked like as if she just came out of a strip club. Her face was caked with makeup and you could literally see her boobs *fake boobs* pouring out of her not so decent blouse. As I approached her she asked me with this fake smile "how can i help you?"

"Um, hi, my name is Kristi Brown. I have a interview today at 9o'clock with Mr. Mikaelson".

To which she laughed and said "with Mr. Mikaelson? You seem to be one of his fan girls", I was taken aback and confused , I guess she saw that I didn't get what she told me, so she added "He never takes interview darling, it's one of his PA's who takes it for him. Anyways, go to 30th floor, you'll meet her there and here, take this card you'll need it to swipe open the doors".

"Oh, I see. Thanks" I said and left