
Help me save the world...

What would you say when God asked you to help them save the world, just out of the blue? I would've said no If I wasn't being kidnapped...Believe me, I would... Anyway, saving the world from the creeping doom with my ability alone seems impossible no matter how I played it. So what do I need to make that possible? Well, lots of things. Endless Resources. Talented People. Humongous Luck. And cheat like Power. But most important of all... I need Fate.

Sovrano · Action
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117 Chs

Chapter 73 : Enough! Inside!

"We've found clues of his tracks, my Lord." Declared Renata.

I sat down pondering.

"According to the report from Spy herself, she was able to close in on the whereabouts of Helios. Unfortunately, due to our recent operation, most of the slave houses had been very careful to cover their tracks; hence, we could only secure vague routes or general locations of our target at this moment."

Renata brought up a map and spread it on the desk. There were scribbles and markings indicating everything I needed to know.

"Good...Where is Spy?" I tapped the desk.

"In here...Are you planning to move, Milord?" She pointed to the town northeast from the conspicuous circle on the map.

"Yeah. Get ready. We'll go right now." I nodded.

"By your will, Milord!" She saluted and excused herself, but not even a minute later, Renata was back already, all geared up and raring to go.

"What is that?" I noticed a new amulet hanging on her neck.

"This is an artifact engraved with the spell flight, Milord. It would be very unbecoming if I continued to burden your Lordship to spend his holy mana whenever we go out. So, I ordered this artifact for this purpose." Explained Renata seriously.

"Hm...sure." I simply hummed and nodded along to her answer.

Thus, both Renata and I took off into the sky. And sure enough, she had little to no problem with following me. The artifact was doing its job flawlessly.

Along the way, I created a dome of transparent wind to shield us from the air currents that bashed wildly, encumbering us.

Then, I peered to the side. "I've been meaning to ask this..."

"Please, Milord." Suggested Renata. 

"You're a Master Class Magician, right? I believe the high-speed flight spell is on the high tier but still in the novice spell category, yet I have never seen you use it. Haven't you learned it, or is there any special reason?" I questioned.

"I have learned it, and you are right that there is a special reason for it, Milord...Maybe it will be easier to understand why if you see me not as a Master Magician but an Assassin instead." Hinted Renata.

"Hm...? Tell me more." I urged her.

Renata bowed and spoke, "As an Assassin, I've trained not only to master specific schools of magic but also the other fields such as Geast and martial arts. Unlike a pure Magician that focuses on enriching their book of spells and purging their mana their whole life, an Assassin must have specific yet varying sets of tools, martial knowledge, and experiences before they can function properly."

'So, sort of like a jack of all trades instead of master of one?' It made a lot of sense, considering I've seen how she fought. 

Renata then opened her cloak for me to see.

Tools, artifacts, weapons, and unknown casks were strapped efficiently and neatly in the straps on her body and the cloak alike.

"That's why an Assassin usually has a smaller mana pool than a Magician and a weaker geast than a Knight. And we fought by utilizing equipment such as these to balance the scale. Another example of that would be this flight artifact. Since it used the engraving runes and a medium to host the spell, the mana it took to use the spell was far less than if I used the spell normally. Also, to answer Milord's question, I have been taught to always be aware of my body's state. How tired I am, and what unnecessary actions I needed to cut down in order to counter that, and some other things."

She closed her cloak and fixed her gaze upon me once again. "As a result, I have been able to keep a clear track of my mana and geast at all times, which allows me to finish my job as efficiently as possible to get the best outcome possible...Before I know it, all those things have culminated into a habit."

"So it is better to spend your mana on situations where you truly need it?" I traced the distant mountain.

"Of course, Milord is different than the unworthy me! " Renata shouted frantically out of the blue, surprising me.

"Relax, will you? Anyway, it's a good habit." It was.

"Thank you for your kind words, Milord."

"Yeah, yeah. While we're at it, make one for me, too. It will be good for me too to make these things a habit." I said.

A zealous answer came in tandem. "By your will, Milord!"



"Are we there yet?" I asked, a bit impatient.

"According to the landscape, we can see a forest past that hill there. From there, the town will not be far away." Answered Renata firmly.

'Enhance my eyes.' I commanded inside, and my eyes zoomed in like a scope. 

The distant forest filled with dense trees soon came into view.

"Ah, it's right there. Let's pick up our speed, Assassin." I shared.

"Yes, Milord."

We flew through the night sky, almost shattering the sound barrier to pieces. And way past the calm forest, a vast prairie lay in wait. From there, the sight of a rural farming town welcomed us.

Renata pulled out an artifact from her cloak shaped like a small bell when we were near the sky above the town.

With a wisp of mana injected, the bell rang forlorn in the quiet sky.

I could see a thin yet persistent mana wave spreading from the bell, harping its way down into the town.

We came down to a deserted barn on the edge of the town after Renata received the signal back.

"May the Light shine brighter!" Saluted rows of shadows, spearheaded by Clara at the vanguard.

"May the Dark grow deeper." And I answered them.

"Damn, talk about being fast. You really head over heels for this man, ain't you, Shepherd?" Clara's frisky voice came out as soon as we landed.

"May I teach the blasphemous whore a lesson before we begin, Milord?" Growled Renata cold with, oozing with bloodlust.

"No, you may not. Let's talk inside." I walked past Clara, heading to the building safeguarded by dozens of shadows.

"Heh, I gotta say though, spending enough time with your crazy ass cult has made me considering to have my own, Assassin."

"Shut your filthy mouth and move your feet. Our Lord is asking for us."

Renata tried to ignore Clara and follow me on my tail, yet the latter was like a persistent bug that kept sticking to the latter.

"Oh, you ain't getting rid of me that fast~ Nah. I'ma say my piece for every bitch ass letter that you send me!" Taunted Clara. Her tone was laced bare with disdain.

'Hah, I'm surrounded by fuckin lunatics...This is the longest ten-meter walk ever in my life...'

They couldn't even spend one minute without getting under each other's skin.

"Hmph! Fully having the backings of Milord and the House, and this...is all you can do? Milord is magnomious with His subjects, but my fingers merely pen the truth and truth alone." Scoffed Renata, sassy.

Biting her lips, veins bulged furiously on Clara's neck. "Then you try it yourself, you bitch. Have a wild goose chase with nothing but a simple description and a name out there in the fucking nowhere. Let me see how well you do!"

"My rightful place is by Milord's side. That will not change." Holding her neck high, Renata replied.

'These damn bastards...' I felt my blood rushing upward wildly to my brain. "Enough! Inside!"

'Seriously, I have to bark at them before they stop. What are they, children or something!?'