
Help! My Husband Is A Grim Reaper

"I fucking hate you, my dear husband!" "Same here, my dear crazy wife!" ++++ When a rebirth deal was proposed, Ziana accepted it without hesitation. All she needed to do was marry a Grim Reaper and be his wife until he completed his mission on Earth. It was that simple. But wait, did she mention that this Grim Reaper was not just handsome but also rude, sarcastic, and arrogant AF. Mischief and menace were his middle names and he brought nothing but chaos to her peaceful life. What's worse? He loved playing with her and she wanted to get rid of him soon. But now that her blood was strangely attracting demons, would she still push him away? And perhaps end up dying again? +++ Excerpt: "I hope you drown in your bathtub!" Ziana fumed in frustration. It had only been a week, and she was already aching to kill this damn creature. "We can try it together, sweetheart." Zayden smirked and leaning closer, he whispered in her ears, "Preferably naked." ++++ If you find it interesting, please add it to your library. Votes, comments, and reviews are much appreciated ^.^

YuZee · Fantasy
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144 Chs

A subway scandal -2

"Help!" Ziana screamed, pounding on the doors as the train rumbled through the tunnel. Her heart pounded, and the darkness around her seemed to intensify. There was complete silence except for the sound of the train and the frantic beat of her heart.

"Don't waste your energy, dear." A low, musky voice echoed from the darkness behind her. She knew the voice too well. It belonged to the mind demon that had haunted her yesterday. She could feel its presence, even though it was nowhere to be seen.

She shut her eyes tightly and clutched onto the door, too scared to turn around and face the danger awaiting her. It was all inside her head. She could escape it if her thoughts became idle again.

"Idle minds are the devil's workshop, darling," the demon's voice echoed again, and she could hear his little laugh inside her head. "So, the harder you try, the more fun it will be."

"What do you want?" Ziana asked, her heart beating rapidly. She needed to strike back rather than be scared and curl up in a corner.

"You, darling." She heard its voice again, but this time it seemed to come from her surroundings and not from inside her head.

Suddenly, a strong force pulled her backward and pinned her to the left doors.

Ziana gasped, panting heavily as the mysterious energy took control of her. She tried to move, but her body stuck to the door. The feeling was familiar to her. She had experienced this last night, but her heart pounded even harder this time, aware of what was slated to happen next.

"Tsk tsk, you haven't bonded with your husband yet?" The demon's voice was closer this time, and before she could react, it appeared right in front of her. She held her breath, avoiding inhaling its disgusting scent, the mixture of dried fish and rotting flesh that sickened her stomach the last time.

This time, the smell seemed even more pungent and overwhelming, exacerbating her nausea even further. She could see that the creature was succumbing, evidenced by those deep sunken eyes and his gaunt, yellowish skin that had taken on a bluish hue.

His mouth was twisted in a cruel sneer, revealing sharp yellow teeth. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she stepped back, away from the monster. A chill ran down her spine as he leaned closer and inhaled her scent.

"So sweet," he murmured, his tongue running over his fangs.

"Why me?" Ziana asked, questioning his desires. There were other humans in this world, much prettier and fleshier than her. And if it was all because of her betrothal to the grim reaper, she would rip off that bloody Zayden.

"You are special, sweetheart."

"Because of my connection with a grim reaper?" Ziana asked again, her curiosity overriding her fears. She needed answers to her questions, about everything that had happened to her, and this demon knew it better than anyone else.

"Nah. They have nothing to do with this," he replied, raising his finger to her neck.

"It's because you are something more than a human," he added, his claw slowly grazing her skin before turning her jaw to expose her slender neck. His breath came in short, shallow bursts as he enjoyed the breathtaking sight. His eyes were alight with hunger, and Ziana shuddered at his touch.


"How about we make a deal?" The demon's clawed fingers danced on the side of Ziana's neck, searching for a suitable spot to drink her blood. He smirked as he felt her body tense up.

"Allow me to drink your blood, and I will answer all your questions," he said, his offer bringing a hint of temptation to Ziana's eyes. With a smile on his face, he continued, "Even about the grim reapers, their mission, and their connection with you."

The demon knew his powers would skyrocket if Ziana willingly allowed him to drink her blood. And if she refused, he would use his deteriorating powers to force her, draining her of all her strength. He was losing his potency and needed her blood to quench his weakness.

"Why would they suddenly save a mere human like you? Offer an exclusive contract and strive to protect you?" the demon asked.

Ziana gulped, unsure if she could trust the demon as his fingers lingered over her skin. He seemed to know a lot, but there was always the possibility of a trap. What if he was manipulating her, trying to get her to do something stupid?

"Isn't it strange that demons like me can sense you? And you can see us, unlike other humans?" the demon continued, laying his trap and leaving Ziana in turmoil.

She held her breath, her heart pounding as he leaned closer and whispered, "You won't disappoint me, right?" His eyes glowed as he said this, and Ziana felt a chill run down her spine. He was playing with her mind again, luring her to obey his command.

"Okay," she agreed, her brain spinning as she struggled with his commands.

"Good!" The demon mused, with a smile that heightened her fears. She nervously searched the demon's face for any hint of deception. A part of her wanted to take a chance, and he had smartly used it against her.

She sucked in a sharp breath, her heart racing as he leaned closer to her neck. She had no idea what the consequences of her decision would be, and she knew she had no other choice.

The demon inhaled her scent, so sweet and delicious that he craved to taste her soul and make her his own. He snaked out his tongue to lick her skin and felt a shudder leave her body. His hand slowly dug into her shoulder, and Ziana closed her eyes tightly.

A sense of revulsion filled her nerves, her stomach knotting in horror at his touch. She wanted to run and hide, to escape this creature and its terrifying power. But she was frozen, unable to move as the demon's grip tightened, and she let out a scream as his teeth sank into her neck.

Ziana gasped, her vision blurring as pain coursed through her veins. She felt as if she was in a nightmare, unable to wake up from the terror that gripped her. Her life was slowly slipping away, and she could feel death approaching her.

This bloody demon was doing more than just drinking her blood! Ziana let out another gasp, feeling her soul being sucked out of her body. Her eyes started to black out, and she felt a heavy darkness engulfing her. Suddenly, a sharp pain hit her chest, as if something was being ripped out of it.

The train passed through the tunnel and finally reached the next station, but the demon kept devouring her. A part of her soul, some weird force, was trying to defend her, but her body was too weak to cooperate with it.

"Attention passengers, we will soon arrive at Cedar Creek Junction. Please remember to take all your personal belongings and exit on the left side. Thank you for riding with us. Have a good day!"

An automated announcement came through the speakers as the train slowly came to a halt, but it was of no use. She was a prisoner in her own body, unable to do anything but watch in horror as the demon continued its feeding frenzy.

She closed her eyes, tears rolling out, feeling her life slip away. She was dying tonight, and no one could save her. And the last thing she heard was screeching sounds as the train came to a complete stop.

"Alright, the party is over." The train doors opened, and a familiar voice caught her ears.

Zayden stepped inside the train. His dark red eyes fell on her before glaring at the demon's back. That was not an entertaining sight.

The demon stopped at his voice, freezing in his spot as he felt the reaper's domineering aura. He was doomed for sure!

Meanwhile, Ziana's body loosened from his spell and fell to the ground gradually. She sat like a stone with her eyes closed, and her skin was paler than a ghost. The only sign of life was the faint rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. And that was a relief.

"Did you feed on her soul?" Zayden glowered, his red eyes glowing in surprise. It was fine if the demon fed on her blood or mana, but her soul was too valuable for a miniature like him.

The demon shivered, slowly retracing his steps as the train started to move again. He needed to escape unless he wanted to be turned into dust. He snapped his fingers, but he couldn't move from his spot. He tried again, and his eyes widened in shock, staring at the reaper in disbelief.

"Well, don't you think you deserve a little punishment for hurting her?" Zayden asked, his lips curling up into a cunning smile.

"Poor thing." His eyes shifted to Ziana, who was barely conscious. "She has suffered a lot." He mumbled with a sigh.

Wait, was he pitying this little raccoon? The same crazy woman he disliked the most on this earth? Now, that was weird.