
Hello, Again

[TECHNICAL ERROR WITH CHAPTERS: REPEATING CONTENT CHAPTERS PLEASE BE PATIENT AS I TRY TO SOLVE THIS ERROR ^•^] A scandal, a reunion and an unfinished past. It's funny how fate ties it all together in the end. --------- Lee Taeho; CEO, Tycoon, Hearthrob and basically Midas of the modern business world of Seoul. He has it all, so it seems. Money, looks, and especially a pretty lady in tow. Yes, sadly he is engaged to be married. He has it all sorted out, he owns the biggest tech company in all of the Republic of Korea and he stands to inherit the second biggest company from his marriage to a chaebol princess. In short, his future was set. Until a leak of his highschool picture. Now the media is raving about the innocent boy who wrote poems of the back of his school yearbook for his highschool sweetheart. Taeho heads to the south of Korea, in order to find the said lady he wrote poems for and do some damage control for his reputation before the marriage tanks before it even begins. But one look at Bo Yejeong and he is back to being the once obsessed teenage boy he was. And she was not alone! -------- Taeho stared down at the specimen in front of him, tilting his head to the side as he observe the little thing crouching on the ground. He was standing at a careful distance as though the kid would leap up to attack him anytime soon. "Hey kid, don't eat dirt. It's not for humans." The kid looked up at him and without breaking their eye contact, she reached out and grab a handful of dust as much as she could in her small stubby hands. Taeho watched in disbelief as she stuffed everything into her mouth without ever taking her eyes off him. "Wha— Hey!" "Mommy says not to listen to strangers." "She's right but you should listen this once." Taeho unbuttoned his coat and crouched, inching closer to the kid. He didn't know what he was doing but he figured he might get her to spit the dirt out of her mouth somehow while trying not to throw up at the thought. "Ajhussi, go away or i will scream for policeman uncle to take you away." She warned without even looking up, she went drawing letters on the sand. Was a six year old supposed to act like this? "Ah, this brat." -------- Author's note: Hey! check this story out. i promise it won't disappoint ^^, oh and pls do leave powerstones as this is my entry to a WPC, hehe a bit shameless request here as i was the last entry for the competition. A bit late to the game! But i ensure that you will have fun with Taeho and his gang! They are a wild pack to be with!

miyobiya · Urban
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

14. Family?

"Bo Yejeong."

There she stood in front of him. She looked older, of course. There was a certain strain in her eyes but she still looked the most beautiful, he confirmed. He had thought that maybe he had been unnecessarily putting the girl from his past on a pedestal. But seeing her anew right before him, he wanted to fall on his knees in front of her. Her hair was longer now and her face slimmer, her jaw and cheekbones more defined and the certain toll of life was evident under the bags of her eyes. Jet black straight hair that fell at the sides of her face as it escaped the hasty braid she'd put on and still the terrible sense of fashion, she was wearing a bright orange sweatshirt under her blue apron. He drank her in. She stared at him in shock, lips parting slightly.

She saw it too, the recognition was clear in her eyes. Her eyes glistened over as she looked up at him. He had grown considerably and he appeared taller, larger. It took her a moment as he looked so different from the boy in her memories. The thin, tan boy was gone and in front of her, is this perfect specimen donning a perfect expensive suit. His hair was swept back in the most perfect way possible, in place of the messy unkempt style he used to have. The onslaught of emotions hitting her she would have had a breakdown right in front of him, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't burst out into tears and run into his arms. They were not supposed to see each other like this again. He was not supposed to be here.

She blinked the tears away and cleared her throat, wiping her sweaty hands on her blue apron. She looked up, pasting a genial smile on her face.

"Yes, Sir? What may I help you with?"

He stared at her.


"O-one of each flavor, pastries." I missed you

"Pastries," she repeated, her smile growing slack and tiresome against her cheeks.

He watched her in a daze, standing like a zombie right in front of the counter as she took the pastries out of the display shelf and carefully transferred them into a box. Bo Yejeong has a bakery. Bo Yejeong was baking. She had long hair and wore an apron. She was serving him pastries. Pastries she made.

"Here you go," She placed the package, two boxes in a plastic bag.

Taeho stared at the bag and then back at her, "How much?" So much. I missed you so much.

"Ah, it's 12000 won."

Taeho opened his wallet, counting the bills. He paused, thinking for a bit before he slipped out a few extra bills. He handed the bill, folding the money in half. Another forced smile alighted her face as she hurriedly took the bills and turned away, clattering around random objects she could come across on the counter.

Taeho stood frozen, his feet rooted in the spot until a tap came from behind his shoulder. He glanced over his shoulder, almost angry at the interruptions.

"Ajusshi, are you done? You're blocking the way." A young annoyed voice came from the side.

"Ah, yes…"

He moved out of the way, ignoring the way the boy in the school uniform was glaring at him, and he was out of the store within a few minutes. He looked back at the store, but the glass door was so reflective that he couldn't see a thing. He managed to drag his feet back into the playground, but the kid was nowhere to be seen so he simply headed towards his car. Once he reached his car, he threw the package inside the car and slammed the door shut. He threw his head back, letting out a deep breath but he couldn't hold it together, so he simply kicked his car, then he kicked it again before he was just too frustrated.

Of course, he had thought of what would go down if he saw Bo Yejeong again. He had imagined her smiling, crying, screaming when she saw him. It was always one or the other, then he would hug her. He would wrap his arms around her and feel her in his arms, unlike the Yejeong in his memory he could touch or hold. He would fantasize about meeting her after so long but he had never thought that she would do this. The way she simply looked over him and acted like she didn't know him. He didn't know what hurt more, the way she lied so blatantly or the way she treated him like a stranger.

What was he doing? There was a reason why he left and he shouldn't have ignored that in the first place. The fact that he had to leave was reason enough that he shouldn't have ever come back in the first place.

He should go, just get the fuck out of this place before it all got too messy for him.

"Excuse me."

He stopped just as he was about to enter his car. He closed his eyes. No, don't turn around. Just ignore her and get out of there. Get out.

"Excuse me, sir."

Taeho cursed to himself and turned around, leaning a hand on his car door. He took one look at her again, and shit, she was beautiful.

"You forgot to collect your change."

"I don't think so." He smiled, "If that is all…"

"There's–!" She began suddenly when he tried to enter his car, gripping the money in her hands tightly, "There's 7000 won extra."

"That's not mine."

"It was with the–" She paused suddenly as though it just hit her. 7000 won. 700 won. Her brows furrowed slightly, her eyes grew shiny and she opened her mouth as if to say something but nothing came out. Taeho almost smiled to himself, he recognised that look. He knew she did that almost every time she was conflicted with something, and well, the shiny eyes were new though. She didn't always cry when she was conflicted.

"I guess that puts an end to the little debt. Sorry, I didn't have 700 won on me. But that should take care of everything." He smiled at her, almost too sadly.

"You should take it back, it's too much."

"It's okay, just take it as the interest for all these years. Put it to good use. It's been good seeing you. I hope you keep it up."

"Sir, Customer Sir—" Tears welled in her eyes.

Taeho smiled reluctantly, turning away.

"Customer, please collect your change…" She managed to speak before her voice cracked terribly and face crumbled into the ugliest crying face. Her one hand was extended out, the money in its tight grip, "Please, collect your change. Please. Please." She mumbled incoherently as she pressed her hand over her mouth, sobbing quietly.

Shit, don't cry.

Taeho scoffed, trying to fight off his own tears and desperately looking up at the sky. Fuck, it was almost as if she was asking him not to end this little unfinished connection from their past. Fuck, he rubbed his hand over his face as he blinked rapidly. Yejeong was quietly sobbing in front of him, both hands pressed to her mouth and she had never looked so small before.

Hug her, she's right there. Do it.

"Is there something wrong?" A voice started beside them.

Yejeong flinched and immediately turned away from the voice, wiping her tears hurriedly. She turned slightly, forcing a tight smile as she arranged her hair.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just…customer…change,"

The man frowned suspiciously as his eyes drifted between the two. The man was slightly smaller than Taeho and there was a kid peeking from his side as he piggyback carried her. Taeho squinted, he looked so familiar but he couldn't pinpoint exactly who it was.


Taeho looked at Yejeong, looking gutted as she avoided his eyes immediately, nervously wiping her hands on her apron. She turned, smiling as she waved at the kid.

His throat bobbed. She has a family?

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