
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Others
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18 Chs

Chapter 5: He's up to Something!

Day three of the cycle was an apocalyptic sex storm among the streets of Pentegram City. By this point no other denizens who were not sinners of lust dared venture from their homes and hiding places, as people were being pulled into the fray forcefully if they were caught out in the open. Some were into it while many others just weren't.

Because of this radical turn of events people would actually seek out the Hazbin Hotel for safety while the more tame lust sinners were just looking for a place to find unsuspecting targets. Charlie couldn't always tell who was genuinely seeking refuge or who was a threat unfortunately, which led to some issues with a few patrons.

"Get lost you fucking prick!" Yelled Vaggie as she kicked out a demon that was trying to screw her leg like some horny dog. Charlie watched her shamefully feeling guilty for allowing the guy in thinking he was legit in his reasons for being there. Vaggie was pretty good at sensing bull shit but then again she hardly trusted men anyway and few women. After getting rid of the creep who assaulted her leg the Latina walked over to a sofa in the lobby and sat next to her guilt-ridden partner as she was offered a cup of tea.

The moth was too emotionally exhausted to deal with anymore antics she truthfully wondered if this celebration was even worth it. Vaggie took a drink from her cup as Charlie fiddled with her fingers nervously thinking that her girlfriend was mad. "Oh- I'm really sorry Vaggie he seemed nice when I talked to him." She apologized. "It's okay Charlie..." The moth groaned rubbing her face.

Charlie's intentions were good but things were getting worse out there even Angel Dust was becoming more insatiable with the patrons to the point where the girls would have to tie him up or confine him to his room until he calmed down. They couldn't afford to let just anyone into the hotel but they also couldn't just turn people away if there was even the slightest chance that they were truthfully seeking asylum. Sadly there was no way to know for sure. "Look let's not dwell on it too much alright we'll just tend to the guests here and get back to planning the party." She said hopelessly before taking another sip. The princess put a hand to her lover's shoulder comfortingly trying her hardest to lighten her mood.


Angel sat at the bar tied up with a muzzle on his face pretending to listen to Briskette's tale of her latest acid trip. "So I told him to go down a jug of bleach if he was gonna use language like that in front of me!" The chimeress said. Angel sighed as he dropped his head onto the tabel in boredom. "He was pretty fowl-lipped for a clown!" She said excitedly remembering the previous day. Unbeknownst to her during this venture, Charlie and Vaggie had fended off some unsavory characters trying to get to their stoned friends and the "clown" she spoke of was Lucifer who just sat and watched the show. There was a long pause before Angel spoke up. "So you had weed, right?" He said for the third time since the cat started talking his ear off.

Said cat just tilted her head in confusion. "Hm weird Vagatha asked me that too!" She wondered aloud while Angel just sighed to himself in defeat before he noticed an unfinished glass of liquor on the other side of him probably left behind by a patron. The bound spider reach for it with his head but it was no good since he had very limited mobility and his mouth was obstructed. Just as he'd drawn back to rethink his strategy Husk walked over and took the half empty drink away and finished it up before cleaning the glass. A single pitiful tear rolled down the whore's cheek as he watched the alchohol fix that would've been his being taken away from him, before he could even hope to taste its bitter caress on his tongue. 

"Aw don't be sad Angel." Cooed Briskette as she patted the aracnid's head. "I ain't sad just...thirsty. Think you could get this off my face so I can at least drink properly?" He asked hopefully. Brisk cocked her head still smiling innocently as she purred like she was thinking if whether or not she should do it. "Forget it kid the bitches said ya gotta stay like that until your hormones are under control." Husk said. "But they are!" The spider whined. Brisk just watched the interaction with interest as she licked a pastel blue and lavender jawbreaker that was about the size of her palm. Before she could bite into it the male chimera snatched it away from the female.

"Hey! This ain't a place for get'n high!" He yelled. "You're always so grouchy. You should smile more!" She cheered as she demonstrated by pointing with both fingers to the bright cheery grin on her own face. Husk wasn't phased and just returned to his bartending duties. "Nah don't worry bout him. He just hasn't had his morning booze yet." Angel said trying to brighten the chimeress' outlook on her counterpart. "I can help with that!" She squealed before bouncing onto the other side of the counter and rummaged through bottles and glasses to find the ones she needed.

"Get out of my bar you little..." soon the cat lady rose back up with her arms full of various bottles of alcoholic beverages and fruit wedges. "Now I just need some chocolate, be right back!" She jumped back over the counter and took off toward the kitchen with the bottles in her grasp leaving the two demons alone and confused. "You really want me to kiss that nut job?" Husk asked. "It will be satisfying to watch, yes." Angel answered. During the long pause between the two a stray bottle from one of the top racks fell onto the floor with a *Crash* which further annoyed the grumpy old chimera. "I fuck'n hate you." He grumbled before going back to his work.


In the café Allison waved her hand to levitate the fabrics and ribbons onto the ceiling and walls. She was very preoccupied with her work as she brought everything together thoughtfully and took into account every color scheme and design hoping that it would come out lovely.

"Hey Allison are you done with the banners?" The coordinator was startled by the sudden call of her name. "Ah!- oh Miss Vagatha. Yes it's almost done." She said. Vaggie looked at the progress that was being made and couldn't help but be impressed. The hues of magenta and purple looked beautiful when accented by the gold and silver writing on the banners. Silky white cloths covered the tables and were centered with vases filled with red fire lillies. The stage was set up beautifully with the same banners and ribbons with hellish lillies pinned between the knots in bunches and a single gold banner with purple words stitched in to it, saying 'Welcome'. 

The moth liked how everything was coming together everything seemed to be perfect and it was all thanks to Allison. Vaggie dropped her smile looking a little guilty before addressing the blue doe again. "Look Allison I know I come off sort of bitchy most of the time but- we really appreciate your help in all of this." She admitted. The blue demoness blushed with a small smile as she darted her eyes away shyly. "Th-thank you Miss Vagatha." She said.

The ladies then stood silently taking in the scenery the moment was neither awkward nor tense. Allison was happy to have Vaggie's approval of her work and Vaggie was happy to actually have a reliable ally actually helping them for once. Just as they were getting use to the quiet the lights dimmed down and the stage came to life with shadow demons playing jazz music while the hall was set alight with black light colors. Vaggie growled while Allison just stared in confusion but it became clear to her what was going on when she felt a thin arm wrap around her neck. "I believe this is the best kind of entertainment...The unexpected! A wondrous marvel fit for every audience." Jeered the windego as he pulled the two discomforted women toward himself. 

"A-la-stor!" Vaggie growled. She was sick of the demon's antics and had little appreciation for how he would constantly invade everone's persoal space. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him even if his help did managed to bring in patrons, she knew it was all some kind of sick ploy to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. 

Just before the moth was about to react further Charlie came in with wide wondrous eyes as the cafe was turned into a jazz club in full swing. "This is incredible! It'll be perfect for the entertainment." She said while staring in awe at everything. Alastor walked up to the young royal putting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Glad you think so dear! Exactly what I was thinking!" He exclaimed extravagantly as he took Allison by the hand. She pleaded to Vaggie with her baleful glance but the moth could do nothing as Charlie started talking to her about some ideas. All the while Alastor was leading the doe away from the girls until they were on dance floor which lied between the stage and tables. 

He swung her carelessly and spun her around until he had her pulled into a close-hold dancing with her in a sort of lively, fast-paced waltz which made Allison very dizzy and nearly unable to keep up. She didn't know why Alastor was making her dance with him but it didn't give her a good feeling. As she mulled over the situation the demon smiled triumphantly at the doe's confusion. "A very admirable job my dear! Splendid decor and all that but I've certainly seen better." He stated as he brought her around in another sway. Allison stood her ground despite her fear of the overlord. She clinched her fingers on the demon's shoulder as she gulped before retorting. "I-I j-just did my...*gasp*" She failed to complete her sentence as Alastor pulled her closer to himself by her waist. "Don't be so modest. Your work is quite inspiring let's hope nothing happens to hinder your progress." He purred. The doe's blue eyes widened in fear as she was forced to look at the smiling half-lidded eyes of the Radio Demon his hand firmly gripping the lady's.

"It's almost a shame you would have made a tremendous ally in rendering this hotel to absolute failure but this..." He then swung the woman by her arms fondly like they were in a musical number. "This will be far more interesting! Two players pit against one another: one fighting for success and the other for complete and utter failure." He dropped his voice at the latter before bursting with laughter as he continued to waltz with the doe.

The deer couldn't help but look at the woman intently making her turn away from him. He smiled contently feeling his chest swell with pride at how troubled he seemed to make her feel the look on her face was adorable like a shy school girl. Soon the dance became more tame and genuine. Allison did her best not to look at the man but she couldn't help it. He definitely noticed her timid glances and enjoyed every peek over those round little glasses of hers. As their dance continued with the music the two managers watched from a distance. 

Vaggie had her arms crossed in disapproval seeing the scared look on Allison's face. She didn't trust the way Alastor held or looked at the doe like she was a new toy for him to play with. The moth squinted darkly at the two wondering what the red bastard was planning until she noticed her partner out of the corner of her eye. The taller demoness was smiling this strangely excited grin and had wide sparkling pupils fixed on the dancing pair of deer. 

The chica looked at her girlfriend then the deer, then back at her girlfriend again hoping that she wasn't seeing what she thought she was seeing but unfortunately, it was exactly what she thought. "Charlie?" She said cautiously. Her call of concern only made the blonde's pupils bigger and her hands clasped tighter together, as she emitted a drawn out squeak of barely contained adoration. Vaggie immediately pulled her partner to face her eying the taller girl with scrutiny. "Charlie. NO!" She said. 

The hellborn tried to look away denying what ever accusations her girlfriend made. "W-what are you talking about...?" Vaggie pinched Charlie's lips closed with her thumb and index finger she wasn't having any of it. "I know you too well. I know exactly what you're thinking of doing and it's a bad idea on so many levels!" The shorter girl said. "But..." Charlie was cut off again. "No! Don't say it! Don't even think it! Once this celebration is over she is gone along with her crazy friend. We do not need anymore craziness to deal with so please Charlie, just don't." Vaggie finished seriously.

Charlie nodded obediently prompting her lover to release her lips and sigh. As the moth walked away with a searing migraine the young royal glanced back at the deer. She couldn't help but smile at how sweet they looked together disregarding the frightened look on Allison's face and the sinister stare Alastor was giving her. Her little innocent fluffy brain just kept thinking over and over nonstop: 'They would make such a cute couple.'


Back at the bar Brisk was mixing a million drinks with melted chocolate and fruit trying to create the perfect blend to give the grumpy cat gentleman the perk-up he clearly needed. She shook up the contents thoroughly as she talked nonstop about how she came up with the mixture her story shocked the two so immensely that theirs and the faces of a few patrons were frozen in disbelief. "In the end he couldn't hold down the drink but at least he died happy am I right? Ha ha!" She poured the drinks into five glasses while everyone else processed her cheerily told dark story. 

"You served this shit to kids?" Angel asked astonished. "They were my kids so it's fine." She said happily before handing the now unbound spider and chimera bartender their drinks. 

For the first time since before he died Husk was afraid to take a drink. What ever the fluff ball made was nicely presented but the history of its origin made him hesitant. Angel took the bullet and sipped the fruity chocolatey liquid somewhat cautiously then swallowed it. The bar was silent as everyone waited with bated breath for Angel's verdict it was probably the most quiet it's been since patrons started coming in, but now it was like they expected the spider slut to explode after drinking the mysterious concoction.

The pornstar smacked his lips subtly then hummed in disappointment. "Huh kinda tastes like a chocolate milkshake." It seemed pretty harmless at first until Angel's pupils blew up encompassing his irises and liquid rainbows spilled from his mouth before his body fell over and hit the ground with a thud. Husk and the patrons watched as the spider twitched and shivered while Brisk happily looked over the counter. "See? He likes it! And he's still breathing." She said pridefully. Husk looked to his own drink with a raised brow then shrugged. "Nah if it kills me, it kills me." He said to himself before taking a swig of his own drink without worry or hesitation.


Later Angel Dust was in bed still shivering with large pupils and a far off look in his eye. Charlie carefully tucked her patient in while cooing to him. "It's gonna be alright Angel just close your eyes and get some sleep. Vaggie and I will check back in on you in a few hours, okay?" Her words didn't seem to help as his shivering and staring didn't cease for even a second which made Charlie very worried. 

After setting the spider down the princess closed the door quietly while Vaggie was trying her hardest to not lose her temper. Allison and Alastor stood behind her the red man smiling like the situation was a hilarious joke and the blue woman frowning remorsefully as she reached out to try and comfort the irate moth. She didn't have to say a word as the chica spoke without even looking at her. "I don't want an apology- just get that crackpot under control- please!" She said as calmly as she could. Allison drew back her hand before straightening up and turning to head back toward the lobby. Alastor flashed her a dark smile as his half-lidded bright red eyes followed her down the hallway. The doe could feel the man's gaze on her but she forced herself to ignore it and kept moving. 

Alastor couldn't help but stare at his new rival as she swiftly walked off, he personally enjoyed the slight unintentional sway in her thin but very pronounced hips. He couldn't place the small wave of excitement coursing through him but it made his smile broader, his eyelids lowered and his throat generated a low deep rumbling like a dark purr of delight. "What's with you?" Vaggie sternly asked the distracted demon. Alastor instantly turned to her in his usual jovial manner. "Ha! Nothing to worry your darling little head over dear!" He said as he patted her head as though she were a little kid then straightened up before placing his hands behind his back then regally walked off in the opposite direction of Allison. 

Vaggie watched him walk off suspiciously glaring at his back wondering what the bastard was up to now while Charlie was still silently stressing out over Angel Dust's condition. 


Once Alastor made it to his office he made his way toward the large window behind his desk and drew open the curtains to see the gloriously chaotic world that existed behind them. It was like watching his own personal picture show right there in his office and quite the brilliant view as well. From the window there were explosions and random screams of agony present from all over Hell. Alastor was not a fan of the various debauchery but at least there were some other forms of discord happening like denizens being crushed by debris or being burned alive by random fires it was all wonderful, the 2nd best entertainment in his book. 

Although he enjoyed the sight of endless suffering Alastor couldn't stop his eyes from wandering back to the the more intimate acts within the streets and alleys. It made him wonder what a certain blue doe would look like in such a vulnerable state; disheveled, panting, sweaty, bloody. The strange feeling of excitement from not too long ago began to well up in him again without warning. The only time he'd felt this way was when he was on the hunt for a new victim or performing a kill. He's never been attracted to or infatuated with anyone before. He just never saw the appeal of sexual desire or even the act of sex itself yet here he was fantasizing about the timid coordinator.

That aside however, he was also excited about his game against the doe. He relished in the thought of how he'd destroy her little attempts at making this Lustlorne event successful. The deer had so many ideas and tricks up his sleeve it was bound to leave them all speechless. He then imagined that sad disappointed frown Allison would likely wear once it was all over. He normally wasn't a fan of frowning but Allison just wore it so well he couldn't help but adore how small and submissive she looked whenever he looked at her. Something must've been wrong with him.

The voodoo man continued looking out among the chaos his face still smiling at it all as he continued thinking about how he'd fowl up all of Ms. Blue's efforts. He couldn't wait to get started especially since the games have already begun. It was sure to be very entertaining. His low throaty laugh was laced with static before he summoned his staff and said in his most ominous radio-filtered voice. "Very entertaining indeed." 

To Be Continued...