
Hellbound Loverboy

Once every Millennia a strange affliction is spread across Hell where only the sinners of lust are effected. Once it's over the denizens usually go back to their lives but this time around Charlie wants to celebrate the passing of the vicious week-long cycle but she'll need help. Unfortunately Alastor is too busy avoiding the "events" of the cycle so she ends up enlisting the help of a mysterious blue deer demoness coordinator who shockingly looks a lot like Alastor. Who is this lady and will she be able to make Charlie's vision a success while also fighting off a very...frisky Radio Demon?

AnjieKun · Others
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18 Chs

Chapter 4: More Headaches

In his office Alastor read through the mundane rules that Vaggie left for them to incorporate into the itineraries. He would mark the ones he believed should be allowed in then relay his choices to Allison, who would then put them into the panflets. Unfortunately the demoness wasn't as cooperative with Alastor's choices as he would have perfered. The previous day he kept turning away her attempts to offer suggestions for allowing enough of the rules on the guides to please both him and Vaggie. The reason why was because it annoyed him that such a meek, soft-spoken demon would try to convince him to rethink anything he set his mind to. For a creature like her being so seemingly weak and emotionally fragile, to try changing his mind so persistantly was just infuriating and unheard of for him.

He couldn't decide between being annoyed or impressed. The woman was either brave or foolish for thinking she'd have any say in how he did things or what rules he should allow. This awoken a certain frustration in the demon which confused him and irritated him. As he took a sip from his glass of liquor he scrunched his brows when he heard a soft knock at his door he knew who it was.

"Come in!" He nearly sang trying to hide his indifference. The door opened and in came Allison looking a tad worried and scared. She worked up a lot of nerve to be there at the risk of being put out again but this needed to be addressed. "Umm M-Mr.R-Radio D-Demon sir I..." The loud transatlantic accent of the Radio Demon interrupted her as she walked in and suddenly she found him next to her. "Ah! Miss Blue what can I do for you?" He asked leaning into her face uncomfortably close. "U-uh I wanted to a-ask about..." the demon just continued making her feel unsettled as he circled her like a shark studying its prey.

"About what my dear?" His voice lowered bordering on dark. The doe would have turned away by now but this was important. "I w-wanted to know why there's no restriction on the drinking?" She stuttered. "My dear I strongly believe that there should never be a restriction of any form on entertainment!" He exclaimed heartily. "Besides I doubt we'll have to worry since my dear friend Husk will have the less desirable vagrants under control." He finished before summoning his glass of liquor and taking a sip. Allison's frown turned into one of unconfident defiance. "W-well I think we should..." She was cut off by Alastor pulling her to his side for the umpteenth time since they met. "My dear I would love to hear your nauseating concerns but I'm afraid I have other important matters that require my attention." He said dismissively as he shoved the woman towards the door.

He then turned with his arms behind his back as he walked back to his desk. "Do close the door on your way out." He instructed as he strode back to his papers. Allison looked discouraged as she looked at the list Vaggie gave her. She didn't want to disappoint her again. She was a coward before but she couldn't just let it go this time. With that in mind she let out a deep exhale and turned to face the demon as he had his back turned to her. "I'm n-not leaving." She said as bravely as she could. The red haired man stilled midstride as he registered what he heard. "I'm sorry...what was that?" He questioned rhetorically, his tone shifting and sounding more threatening as his head turn ever so slightly to follow the woman's voice.

An audible gulp sounded from the frightened doe but she stood her ground. "I'm not- leaving until we discuss this. We've already lost too much time on this...and I-I can't let this go unchecked." There was a pregnant pause before a shrill ring of angry static was heard throughout the room. Allison covered her ears then looked up into the dialed eyes of the Radio Demon. "Perhaps you didn't hear me...Do close the door. On. Your way. Out!" He repeated menacingly as his voice dropped several octaves. God she was terrified but she couldn't give up. Against every instinct that told her to run away she ducked her head and walked pass the monstrous cannibal to sit in the chair that faced his desk.

She folded her arms and refused to leave though deep down she didn't want to play with fire. "I'm not leaving. There needs to be a boundary set for this rule and I won't go until we discuss it." Alastor was surprised by the blue haired woman's defiance. He hadn't expected her to be so unabating when he'd found that to not be in her nature the previous day. "Besides you'll have to talk about it at some point and it would either have to be with me or Miss Vagatha. Which would you prefer?" She asked seriously. There was conviction in her tone and she even spoke clearly but inside she was sure she'd be dead in a matter of seconds.

Alastor stalked up behind the sitting doe with his hands out in front of him fingers twitching intently as though he wanted to strangle the very life out of the woman. How dare she come into his office demanding he do something that he held no interest in. How foolish of her. How rude. How infuriating! How...how...He was inches behind her as he looked at her from the side. Her face was scrounged up and she was shaking like a leaf, but her arms and legs were crossed firmly. Alastor could tell she was scared and yet she resolved to risk her life over this one silly rule?

He brought his hands to either side of her carefully and creepily as he wrapped his thin fingers around her shoulders and leaned into her flattened tufts and whispered almost sensually making her screwed eyes shoot open with a start. "How...interesting." his radio filtered voice resonated in amusement as he squeezed the lady's upper arms his closeness unintentionally got him a whiff of her scent he was strangely enjoying it as he discreetly inhaled the unexpected aroma, like fresh cool mint.

This somehow calmed him down enough to at least humor the blue belle's insufferable request. He straightened up and let go of his guest before walking around the desk to sit. He propped his chin on the back of his wrists as he looked straight ahead to stare at her. "So my dear what is it that you wish to discuss?" He asked confusing the doe. "Wait you want to listen?" She questioned back. Alastor gave an amused chuckle. "Oh ho-ho! Of course I don't want to but if it's really so important to you I should find some amusement in hearing you out and deciding for myself if it's worth listening to." He said in his usual extravagance.

Allison stared but soon straightened her glasses as she brought out her papers and made her statement. "W-well on the l-list there is suppose to be a restriction of alchohol consumption but you don't want to allow it o-of course...um" she spoke fast to not test the demon's patience then flipped through more papers to show him. "H-however it is a necessary rule. So I w-was thinking we c-could allow the drinking w-with at least a limit on h-how much the guests are given." She suggested. Alastor tapped his chin thoughtfully as he read her ideas for the limitation on the papers. It actually was a fair argument and she had some pretty decent ideas.

Very organized for one so usually frazzled. As he studied the options Allison waited patiently hoping that he wouldn't snap and kill her for wasting his time or at the least refuse to set the limitation and kick her out. "Hmm...this seems like a legitimate idea. Very well miss Blue. You have my attention how do you wish to proceed?" The doe lit up. Without a second to loose she explained. "W-well we'll already have individual tables assigned to people maybe...we could have at least two or three bottles of champagne set at each one and close the bar for the night so that no one over does any drinking." She purposed.

"Well that does sound fair so long as Charlie and Ms. Vagatha approve. I'll allow the limitation." He agrees. Allison puts a hand to her chest and sighs with relief. "Thank you Mr.-..." She was cut off by the deer holding a finger to her. "On one condition of course." The blue doe blinked in confusion what could she possibly have to offer the Radio Demon in exchange for his approval on this? "Ummm...what exactly do you want...?" In a instant Alastor shot out from his seat a nose's inch away from the woman as he gave his answer. "I have a few questions I'd like to ask you if that's okay?" He then started making gestures as he put a hand under her chin and pulled Allison's face closer to his. "I find you to be quite the mystery and I'd like to dissect and learn everything there is to know about you!" He exclaimed.

Allison thought about it a moment not seeing a problem with his request. "Well I guess it's fine so long..." Alastor reached out and shook her hand exaggeratedly. "Wonderful dear glad we could come to an understanding!" The deer then snapped his finger summoning a second glass then held it out to the apprehensive woman. "Care for a drink?" He asked vibrantly. "W-wait n-now? Oh n-no I shouldn't drink on the job. I-I still have to write up the itineraries..." Alastor cut her off as he replaced the papers she held with the glass and teleported himself and her to the couch across the room.

"Come now darling it's only one glass." He nearly purred as he placed an arm around the doe. Allison looked down at the cup and moped while Alastor filled it with liquor. Once her glass was full she took a tentative sip cringing at the taste. She preferred sweeter drinks and she wasn't a fan of alchohol but she didn't want to be rude. Alastor summoned his own drink then took a sip before starting his query.

"Now my first question..."


In the city Vaggie was laying on the steaming hot pavement sulking while Briskette poured cold water on her in order to snap her out of her unresponsive state and Charlie was trying to call for help on her hellphone. After finishing their errands the women had been trying for hours to reach someone at the hotel but so far no one was answering. "Come on someone answer. God where is everyone?" She asked frustratedly. Vaggie coughed and spit out water as she sat up and pointed toward the cat lady accusingly. "Cut it out Damn it!" She seethed. The chimeress just smiled and cheered excitedly. "You're awake!" She then held out a blue jawbreaker to the moth who immediately slapped it away and got up to check on her girlfriend's progress. "Anything?" She asked with worry. "Nothing! Not even Alastor is answering!" The royal said as she ended her millionth attempt at getting someone on the line. Vaggie groaned pacing back and forth trying to fight the urge to scream. "Calm down Vags it'll be okay." Charlie said trying to see a positive side of things. "*groan* Guys is the limo done yet?" She asked The goat twins who were still fixing up the vehicle.

Razzle looked up from the plans he was reading and shook his head 'no' leaving the moth discouraged. Brisk then came over and gave the Latina a pat of the head and pulled the girls into a hug with one arm. "Don't worry girls! We just need to stay positive." The cat then took a bite from a cupcake that seemed to come out of nowhere. The girls stared in astonishment as she obliviously enjoyed her treat. They both pulled out of her hug before Vaggie spoke. "Brisk?" She questioned with restrained anger. "Yes?" The cat responded. "Where did you get that?" The chimeress looked up and took off her hat then began telling the moth some uninteresting tale. "I manifested with it but I tweaked it to make it more cute and..." She was cut off by searing wrath as Vaggie raised her voice. "THE CUPCAKE!" She yelled.

"Oh! I made it last night." She said before taking another bite. That was not good. As the chica barried her face in her hands Charlie questioned. "Briskette listen carefully; how many of thosedid you make and how many have you eaten?" There was a pause before Brisk answered. "Hmm...I made six and this is the only one I've eaten." She answered. Now for the million dollar question. "Okay now answer this...did you put any drugs in the cupcakes?" Charlie asked. "No..." The girls sighed breaths of relief but it didn't last long. "But I did put some very smelly dried grass in them." She finished.

"YOU PUT WEED IN THE CUPCAKES?" Vaggie screamed. "Oh sweety. Why would anyone put weeds in cupcakes? It was just a little something to make the heart happy." She proclaimed before taking another bite. Vaggie immediately knocked the cupcake out of the cat's hand. "Vagatha if you wanted some you should've just asked." Brisk then brought out a plate of pink and blue cupcakes from her hat. "Wait you said you made six." Vaggie reiterated. "Yep!" The cat answered. "And you only had the one." The moth continued getting a nod as a response from the chimeress. Putting her hands together the chica inhaled then asked carefully. "Why are there only four left?" She finally asked. Brisk just looked at the desserts then looked back up to the girls in confusion.

Charlie grew concerned as Vaggie looked back to the two goats fixing the car only to find them laid out on the ground with blue frosting all over their faces. "Oh fuck! They ate a cupcake!" She yelled. Charlie checked to see how much Razzle and Dazzle had eaten only to find half of the pastry left. "It's fine Vags they'll...be fine. Once it wears off they'll be able to fix the car and..." The girl was cut off by the chimeress who's pupils were blown up as she stared off with a spaced out look in her eye as she dropped her plate. "Oh my God...I can taste the universe in my brain!" She said in stoned amazement before faceplanting onto the concrete.

"Oh wonderful! We're stranded, we're lost, no one's answering our calls, Brisk is useless and the twins are too stoned to fix the limo! Please Lucifer; give us more headaches!" Vaggie screamed into the sky until a regal voice answered her please. "You called dear?"

The moth looked back to see her girlfriend's father standing five feet from them giant fucking hat and all grinning just like in the family portraits back at the hotel. With a twitch in her eye Vaggie responded in the most suitable way she could think of. "Noooo! I am not fucking dealing with this shit today!" She yelled while kicking a trashcan into a civilian's stomach.

The king stared in surprise as the Latina ranted and cursed in Spanish. Charlie waved awkwardly and the wide-eyed chimeress looked over purring loudly. "Clown!" She screamed loudly pointing toward the elder royal before running away.

"This is not the reaction I'm use to." He said to himself as he continued watching the scene before him.


Back at the hotel Allison was sitting next to Alastor who was lounging back on the other side of the couch not even tipsy yet and long pass questioning the doe. Jazz music played from Al's jukebox as the deer continued talking and drinking while Allison just looked at her barely touched glass quietly. Alastor's coat was removed, his dress shirt collar was undone two buttons down, and his sleeves were rolled up, which brought a certain level of discomfort to the blue woman.

"You know you and I have quite a bit in common!" The deer said a little too happily as he looked over to the doe. "Umm...you mean because we look alike?" She questioned as she traced her fingers along the rim of her half empty glass. This was getting kind of weird she barely knew the guy, he acted like he couldn't stand her guts and now here he was hardly even tipsy and talking to her like they were old buddies from university. He laughed at her remark as he poured himself another glass.

"Ha ha ha! Oh no dear! I'm refering to our ambitions, true vision! Passion that drives us forward in our ventures!" He said cheerfully making powerful prideful gestures. It was strange. You couldn't really tell if the deer was inebriated or not unless you knew him well enough but Alastor's demeanor seemed to have changed drastically in Allison's opinion it actually scared her more than having him threaten her. "O-oh I don't..." her bashful retort was cut off when the man took hold of her face and pulled her toward himself so he could look her in the eye.

"Your little project to make this Lustlorne Celebration a success is very admirable. I myself have plans for this hotel as well and I must say it's nice to have a kindered spirit in the entertainment business." He explained. Allison wondered where all of this was suddenly coming from. She answered his questions about her manifestation, how she started her coordination business, then they swapped some stories and drank a little [a lot on Alastor's part] until all they did after that was well...what they were doing now.

By the time it reached the topic of her job the guy was as bubbly as a sparkling cider and now he was basically deeming her his soulmate. "Mmm. I-I doubt that I don't have a-as much ch-charisma as y-you. I can b-barley speak without s-stuttering and...wait entertainment?" She asked. The demon chuckled and pulled his guest to hs side. "Why of course! I can't imagine why else you would pursue such a mundane venture to celebrate lustful sinners, unless you're looking for a gay ol' time watching it all unfurl into a glorious disaster!" He said fondly. He pressed his claws against the doe's side making the doe gasped a little as a shiver ran throughout her body. "That's not true...I-I truly want to help." She defended. Alastor laughed as his sharp nails trailed dangerously toward her hip. "Hah! My dear forgive my ignorance but I don't see any reason to believe in such nonesense." The chipper tone in the demon's voice made the blue doe scowl for the first time in a long while. She was not too pleased with the man belittling her for believing in the one noble thing that she's ever witnessed ever been done in this inferno. Allison pulled away her actions not phasing the cannibal one bit. "I'm sorry darling... but I do believe in this cause despite what you think of this establishment or me." She said as she got up and put down her drink.

Alastor chuckled amusedly as he watched her stand up passively annoyed as she smoothed out her skirt. "So an opposing player then hmm?" He said to himself in a low tone before sipping his drink. Allison grabbed her notes while speaking flatly. "Thank you for your time Mr. Radio...eep!" As she turned with her things the deer was right behind her smiling wickedly before taking her hand and squeezing it threateningly. Allison cringed at the action her face going from irate to timid again.

"Please dearest call me Alastor." He said smoothly as he widened his Cheshire grin. The blue demoness felt herself sweat from fear and her knees quivered nervously. The feelings only got worse as the demon leaned forward his smiling face inches from hers in silent warning as static crackled around them dangerously. Just then there was a knock at the door. With his smile still prominent and his expression changed from threatening to jovial, Alastor drew back from his guest's personal space and called out in his usual cheery tune. "Yes?" When the door opened Niffty poked her head in smiling as always except her face was covered in scratches like she'd been in a fight. She held up Allison's radio staff and exclaimed. "Vaggie's calling she wants to speak to you Allison." She zipped over and handed the staff to the woman who hesitantly took it and turned it into an old fashion phone again.

She spoke into the mouth piece nervously. "H-hello?..." She was then met with harsh yelling. "Damn it we've been trying to reach someone for hours! Where the fuck is everybody-- where the fuck were you?" The chica yelled. "Uuuuh..." Allison was too scared to answer but then Alastor took the phone from her. "Ah! Ms. Vagatha! So good to hear from you!" He exclaimed. "YOU-- why the fuck have neither of you answered the phone?" She screamed angrily. The reaction only made him keep going. "I was in a meeting with my dearest, Allison discussing some very interesting topics before you so rudely interrupted us." The demon said while shifting his posture sinuously toward the doe who shrunk back submissively. "Also did you manage to get the fabrics?"

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" The moth yelled over the line. Allison quickly took the phone from the man fearing he'd just make things worse. "P-please calm down Vaggie..." The girl almost sounded like she was nearly crying on the other line. "Allison I am tired, I am surrounded by four idiots who are stoned off their asses and not even Charlie is able to keep it together at this point because her father is here making it worse! So do not tell me to calm down right now." The girl seethed.

The doe bit her lip in submission then asked. "Okay w-where are you right now?" She asked. The moth sighed and paused probably taking a look at her surroundings for a street name or a description. "We're in front of the fabric shop on 13th Sinners St. In Pentegram City." She said. "Okay um..." Alastor leaned into the phone happily proclaiming. "Oh so you did get the fabrics!" This was met with a string of angry bilingual curses. Allison cringed at the Latina's screaming as the red deer looked to her triumphantly. "Oh don't get so excited dear! We'll be there in no time." He promised "Alastor...*click*" the deer abruptly hung up and handed the maiden back her old device before straightening his tie. "Now then my dearest..." He swiftly moved to her other side and held out an arm to her. "Shall we go rescue our lovely companions?" He then snapped his finger making his coat and cane appear before letting his gaze fall on his new acquaintance seductively.

Allison almost glared at the smile as she was hesitant but after deciding not to upset the dangerous man. She eventually linked her arm with Alastor's as she was lead out the door with Niffty following behind closely. The trio passed by Angel who was flirting with a patron and Husk who was at the bar drinking his booze but he ended up spiting it out when he noticed how Allison linked arms with the radio-asshole as they walked out of the Hotel. "Man the fort my good fellows! We'll be back soon!" He said vaguely before he along with the two ladies were all out of the building. The cat looked dumbfounded mouth a gape before glancing at his beer thinking it must've been tainted for him to see the blue doe so seemingly comfortable hanging off Al's arm like she was his new lady friend.

Angel smirked as he leaned on the counter next to Husk propping his head on his hand feeling as though he'd already won the bet but even he knew it wasn't over yet, it was just getting started. "Let the games begin." He proclaimed smugly before bringing another hand to the chimera's mouth to close it.