
Hell x Paradise

My name is Van. And I wanted to save the world. Not just one world. All the worlds! Why do I want to save all these ingrate humans? We'd get to that later. But right now, the only person that could help me, is currently getting h*ad from a princess!!! Cocky brat! We have come to this world, with their stupid lords and beautiful lewd women, from very far away. What we seek is a secret between the two of us, and we hold the power to shatter mountains and split the seas. But here, there's no action. No powerful being unlike the other worlds we've been. I'm bored. I wish we could just find what we came here for and get the hell out. I still have to find the love of my life!!! But Bran is a bastard, all he wants is to get down with women... And he's already had like 4 women under his beck and call in just two days of being here in this castle. The bastard really knows his way with women. Pfftt... Read more...

lammiereborn_xxiv · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I Lay Down My Life(Ch. 5)

Tujek's sword swept through the thieves like a wave at lightening speed, bringing down men and horses alike. Wherever he struck, fountain of blood spray in the air, it is like he had become an herald of death.

He fought so bravely.

He had lost his helmet somewhere earlier and now, his long hair are all stuck to his body with blood and sweat.

He felt no fatigue tho.

That is one reason why Tujek had become a general, whenever he fight, he fights like an demon, his face always full of rage and murder. And even In those moment, he is always able to think clearly.

Although, it had only been mere minutes since the chaos had started but every moment seemed longer than normal.

The thieves are losing their courage, Tujek noticed. Even though some are still trying to sneak up behind his men while overwhelming them with sheer numbers.

Tujek slashed down at the neck of another bandit and only noticed it was a female after the latter had dropped dead, blood splashing at the general's legs from her neck.

Tujek brushed it off his mind and swerved around. Surveying the current situations.

His men are holding pretty well.

As expected.

Trainings and experience of a knight beats ten bandit in any situation.

The only men he had lost had been from the ambush that had happened earlier.

Most of his men were mounted, cutting down at the foes.

Tujek had commanded them not to chase the thieves or separate from the caravan, and so far the men were doing the right thing.

The general noticed the bandits are starting to run away, he found a roaming horse and mounted it as swift as an eagle, his sword dripping sword and hanging like a god's Justice in one hand, the other hand helding the stirrups tight.

He looked towards the caravan and found the corpse of the four noble men littered about.

Fools! You fools should have stayed hidden! Now i'd have to explain this meaningless loss to the King when I'm back at the capital!

And the whores! What do I do with them?

He brushed aside the hair sticking to the side of his eyes.

I should not have listened to these men. Now none of them is alive to prove my attempt at convincing them not to continue the journey.

The bandits are all gone by now, all that is left is the roubles and fire and smoke. And dead bodies. Lots of dead bodies.

More than 3 dozens of bandits lay dead above the carpet of leaves that is the floor of the forest.

The wolves would have plenty to feed on.

Tujek spat.

The whole idea of this journey is a bad idea!!

Tujek, right now, wished he had chosen to stay in suspension instead of undertaking this escorting task.

Now the whole council will be fuming and demanding his head on a like if he returned to the capital.

It's going to be tough. Tujek winced. The life of a man is not meant to be easy tho. I will be fine. If only this won't affect my little daughter. Sara. Daddy loves you.

Tujek braced.

"To me!" He signalled, and what's left of the convoy, 46 knights, the only remaining caravan rider who had picked a sword when the fight got tough and some other menial workers came up to him.

"Men! You have done well! Although this would have been avoided if only these noble men had not insist we proceed on this journey earlier on."

Murmurs went around the audience.

" I know," he continued. " You are all tired, but we can not wait here like lambs at a butchers corridor and wait for them to mobilize and come back again. If one thing I had learned, this forest - valley- whatever is a den of thieves. Lord Jaime had always complained of such for decades now but nothing had been done about it. Tonight, we have witnessed what harm the Lord of this land had been facing for so long! And we will carry the report to the capital. But we have to be alive to do that. So what we do now is pick as much supplies as we can and make for the Lord Jaime's castle as soon as possible!"

" But General, we should exterminate this scums from this place! We seek retribution!!"

" You shall have it!" General Tujek shot a fist in the air with vigour as he said it. "I swear on my daughter, you all will! But then, it would be an operation. And I shall try my best to lead it with you men and more men. And we'd rid of this forest from East to West. No more scums shall be left living when we are done!"

" Yeahhh!!!" The men roared in reply.

" Now, good men," Tujek said as he stirred his horse to face there destination. We move.

Every single one of them is mounted by now.

And soon, they are galloping through the Forrest at insane speed.

It seemed that even the horses are tired of the atmosphere as the sped away from the scene of slaughter.

After a while, the battle ground was silent. Save for the rustling of leaves in the soft moonlight breeze and the buzzing of flies.

Deep in the dark, a glowing pair of eyes lit up. And then another. And then another. And the glowing eyes approached the carcasses of fallen thieves and Noble men alike.

How merry tonight's fist would be!


Back in Father's Castle, Alina sat in front of the mirror. Her blouse unbottoned down to be waiste and her breast bared for her to see in the mirror.

Her focus were on her pointed breast nipples. She has been feeling somehow for some past few days, and at first... She'd disregarded it as part of the symptoms of her monthly menstrual flow that is mostly always weird.

Now she's feeling kind of funny and just want her nipples to be pinched. Tight and hard.

But she is scared.

She's scared of what it might feels like.

She's scared she's going to love the feeling. And Alina is a smart girl, she knew enjoying it would means she'd start craving men.

She doesn't want to be just like Delia.

Even though she's just 18, she's known so much from books... Especially about the women's body.

She learned alot from Father's library.

And so, Alina sat there.

In front of the mirror, her face displaying the cutest kind of worried look.

And in her mind, she's praying the feelings would go away.

The sudden sensitivity of her skin.

The urge to be hugged.

To have her nipples squeezed or pinched tight. Or sucked.


She locked up the thought away from her mind.

Maybe if I use some sleeping pills, I'd fall asleep and stop thinking these bad thoughts.

With that she stood up from the front of the mirror and shrugged back her blouse into place, even though she didn't button up or try to cover his breast with the blouse.

She didn't want even the clothes to touch her nipples.

She walked towards her ladies drawer and saw the sleeping pills wrapped in little piece of silk.

She unwrapped and took two pills, then another one.

There would work faster and is not plenty enough to be an overdose.

She went back and sat by her bed.

This should work. She thought.

With a swift movement, she ingested the two pills and they dissolved on her tongue, cold and sugary sweet, sending a soothing sensation to somewhere behind her head.

In a matter of seconds, she dropped onto the bed like a log of wood.

Fast asleep. Her windows lay open though and outside, a crow perched by the railings in the balcony, looking at the beautiful outcast and hated princess and her lovely succulent breasts.

No other has witnessed such magnificence.


The handsmaiden moaned hard and loud as Bran rammed at her from behind. Her breast dangling as the motion of his thrusts rocked her.

The women of this world are so sweet. And they've got nice ringtones. Imagine! This one sounds like she's making music!

He increased his pace and the maidens moan grew into cries as he brought her closer and closer to orgasm with his calculated thrusts.

Soon enough, the maiden collapsed from her arching position and started convulsing, splashing water-like liquid all over the place.

Amusing. Bran thought as he stroked his golden rod. Women will not be the end of me.

He smiled as she picked up the maiden, and started getting her ready for another round.

Since none of the princesses he had charmed were available tonight, he planned to do as much as he like with this beautiful middle aged woman here with her.

Somewhere up the castle, the High lady watched as Bran pleasured the lowly servant with ruthless abandon... And it made her feel wet down there...

What to do....

To be continued...

To everyone who has been following the story up to this moment, I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments.

it'd go a long way at improving the way things are presently.

thanks. XO♥️



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