
Hela - The Goddess of Death

A lady from our world is transmitted as Hela the goddess of death after she was sealed by odin

Ishan_Doshi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Final Blow

The Mirror Dimension trembled under the clash of titans, the very fabric of the realm strained to its breaking point. Hela, the Goddess of Death, and Odin, the All-Father encased in the indomitable Destroyer armor, battled with a ferocity that threatened to tear reality asunder. Their powers collided, sending shockwaves through the dimension, each blow reverberating through the mirrored landscapes.

Thor and Loki stood on the sidelines with Frigga, watching in a mixture of awe and dread. The revelation of Hela as their sister and the sheer magnitude of her power left them speechless. They had always known Odin to be the pinnacle of strength, but Hela's relentless assault was beyond anything they had ever imagined.

The Ancient One, sensing the impending catastrophe, arrived with the swiftness of thought. Her presence was a calm amidst the storm, her eyes taking in the devastation with a keen understanding. She knew that the Mirror Dimension could not withstand much more of this conflict.

With a gesture, she summoned the magic of the Vishanti, the ancient and powerful beings who had granted her the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. The air shimmered with arcane energy as she wove her spell, a complex tapestry of magic designed to transport the combatants to a safer location.

"Odin, Hela, this must end," the Ancient One's voice echoed through the chaos. "Allow me to move you to a place where your battle will not threaten all of existence."

Both Hela and Odin, their minds sharp even in the heat of battle, recognized the wisdom in her words. In a rare moment of accord, they allowed the Ancient One's magic to envelop them, transporting them away from the Mirror Dimension.

They materialized on an unknown, lifeless planet. The sky was a desolate gray, the ground barren and rocky. There was no life here, no civilization to be destroyed by their clash. It was a perfect arena for their final confrontation.

The battle resumed with renewed intensity. Hela's dark blades clashed against Odin's divine force, the ground beneath them cracking and shattering with each strike. Odin, encased in the Destroyer armor, was a formidable opponent, his power amplified by the ancient weapon.

But Hela, drawing upon the power of Hell and Death, fought with a determination that seemed boundless. She channeled the energy of the Hell Dimension, her attacks fueled by the dark magic she had mastered. Each strike was more powerful than the last, her movements a blur of lethal precision.

Odin, for all his strength and experience, began to feel the strain. The Destroyer armor, while immensely powerful, was not invincible. Hela's relentless assault was taking its toll, the ancient metal starting to show signs of wear.

"Hela, stop this madness!" Odin roared, his voice carrying across the desolate landscape. "You are stronger than this rage."

Hela's eyes blazed with fury. "You imprisoned me, cast me aside like I was nothing! I will never forgive you, Odin. This ends now."

With a fierce cry, Hela summoned all her power. The air around her crackled with dark energy, her form glowing with the unholy light of the Hell Dimension. She channeled this energy into a single, devastating blow, her sword aimed directly at Odin's heart.

Odin raised Gungnir, his own power flaring in response. The two forces collided with a cataclysmic explosion, the impact sending shockwaves across the planet. The ground split open, lava bubbling up from the depths as the planet itself seemed to protest the violence being wrought upon it.

For a moment, it seemed that Odin might withstand the assault. But Hela's power, fueled by her rage and the energy of the Hell Dimension, proved too much. The Destroyer armor, ancient and powerful though it was, could not withstand the onslaught.

With a final, shattering blow, Hela's sword pierced the armor, the dark energy coursing through it and into Odin. The Destroyer crumbled, fragments of metal falling to the ground. Odin staggered, his strength failing him at last.

He fell to his knees, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Hela stood over him, her expression a mixture of triumph and sorrow. "You should have let me rule, Father. You should have trusted me."

Odin looked up at her, his one eye filled with pain. "Hela... I did what I thought was best for Asgard. Perhaps I was wrong. But know this... I always loved you."

Hela's grip on her sword tightened, her emotions warring within her. She had dreamed of this moment for so long, the moment when she would finally defeat Odin and prove her strength. But now, standing over her fallen father, she felt an emptiness she hadn't anticipated.

The planet around them was a wasteland, the ground scorched and broken. The battle had taken its toll on both of them, but Hela stood victorious. She had proven her power, but at what cost?

Odin's body slumped to the ground, his energy spent. Hela took a step back, her sword falling to her side. She had won, but the victory felt hollow.

As the echoes of their battle faded, Hela looked up at the sky, her mind racing. She had defeated Odin, but the path ahead was still uncertain. She had the power to reshape her destiny, but she knew that the choices she made now would define her future.

For a moment, she stood in silence, the weight of her victory pressing down on her. Then, with a deep breath, she turned and walked away from the fallen All-Father, her mind filled with thoughts of what was to come.

The fight was over, but the real challenge was just beginning. Hela had proven her strength, but now she had to decide how to use it. She had the power to conquer, to destroy, but she also had the power to create, to build something new.

As she walked away from the battlefield, the gem around her neck glowed softly, a reminder of the Hell Dimension that was now a part of her. She had the power of Hell at her command, but she also had the wisdom to use it wisely.

The future was hers to shape, and Hela was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She had defeated Odin, but now she had to prove that she was more than just a conqueror. She had to prove that she was a ruler, a leader, and a goddess worthy of her power.