
Hela - The Goddess of Death

A lady from our world is transmitted as Hela the goddess of death after she was sealed by odin

Ishan_Doshi · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Reflections and Revelations

Hela stood alone on the desolate planet, her thoughts swirling as she contemplated the aftermath of her victory over Odin. The once mighty All-Father lay unconscious where she had left him, his form a stark reminder of the power she now wielded. The battle had been fierce, the consequences dire, but now she was faced with a choice that would shape the course of her future.

The sky above was a dull gray, casting a somber light over the barren landscape. Hela's mind raced with possibilities. She could return to Asgard, claim her rightful place as ruler, and reshape the realm according to her vision. Or she could forge a new path entirely, exploring the vastness of the cosmos and discovering her true purpose.

As she pondered her next move, a shimmering light caught her attention. A message appeared before her, not in words but in a sensation of presence and knowledge. It was the Voice of the Realm of Beings (ROB), a cosmic entity that had brought Sam into her body and bestowed upon her new abilities.

"Hela, Goddess of Death," the message resonated within her mind. "You have proven your strength and resilience. Now, I offer you a gift to further your potential."

Before Hela could respond, a surge of energy coursed through her, emanating from the gem around her neck. It was a power unlike anything she had felt before, a merging of her own abilities with those of other beings throughout the cosmos.

As the energy enveloped her, Hela closed her eyes, feeling the influx of knowledge and strength. She understood now: she could merge her essence with that of other beings, integrating their powers and abilities into her own. It was a profound gift, but one that came with limitations. Each merge would take time, preventing her from copying the powers of others simultaneously.

With this newfound ability came a surge of confidence. Hela knew that she had the potential to become even more formidable than before. But first, she needed to decide her next course of action.

Meanwhile, in Asgard, the Bifrost bridge hummed with energy as Odin was transported back to the realm of the gods. He lay unconscious on the golden floor of the palace, attended to by healers and sorcerers who worked tirelessly to stabilize his condition. Frigga stood vigil by his side, her heart heavy with worry.

"He will recover," Heimdall assured her, his golden eyes fixed on the All-Father. "His wounds are grave, but Odin's resilience is legendary."

Frigga nodded, her eyes never leaving Odin's still form. "I pray that you are right, Heimdall. But the battle with Hela... it was unlike anything I have ever seen."

Heimdall's expression was grave. "Hela's power has grown immensely. She is no longer the same as when Odin sealed her away."

Frigga turned to him, her voice tinged with concern. "What will become of Asgard if Hela returns? She is strong, perhaps stronger than even Odin."

Heimdall's gaze hardened. "We must prepare for the worst, my Queen. Hela's intentions are unclear, but her power is undeniable. We cannot afford to underestimate her."

Back on the desolate planet, Hela opened her eyes, her mind made up. She would not return to Asgard, not yet. There were too many uncertainties, too many wounds that had yet to heal. Instead, she would embark on a journey of discovery, exploring the cosmos and honing her newfound abilities.

But first, there was one thing she needed to do. She closed her eyes once more, focusing her thoughts on the message from ROB. With a surge of energy, she began the process of merging her essence with that of another being, a being whose power and wisdom she knew would be invaluable.

The merge was a slow and delicate process. Hela could feel the other being's essence intertwining with her own, their memories and abilities merging seamlessly. It was a transformation unlike anything she had experienced before, a deepening of her understanding and power.

Hours passed as the merge continued, the desolate landscape around her bathed in the glow of cosmic energy. Hela remained focused, her determination unwavering. She knew that once the merge was complete, she would be stronger than ever before.

As the process neared its end, Hela felt a surge of exhilaration. The other being's essence flowed through her, enhancing her own abilities and expanding her consciousness. She could feel their strength, their knowledge, their very essence becoming a part of her.

At last, it was done. Hela opened her eyes, her form radiating with newfound power. She stood taller, more confident than ever before. The merge had been a success, and now she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But as she looked up at the sky, her thoughts turned to Asgard and the family she had left behind. Odin was still unconscious, his fate uncertain. And Thor and Loki... they were her brothers, unaware of her existence until now.

Back in Asgard, Thor and Loki stood before Frigga, their minds reeling from the revelation of Hela's identity and power.

"A sister," Thor muttered, his voice filled with disbelief. "How could we not have known?"

Frigga sighed, her expression pained. "Hela was a secret Odin kept buried deep within the annals of Asgard's history. Her existence was a reminder of a time of war and darkness."

Loki's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities. "And now she has returned, stronger than ever. What will become of Asgard, Mother?"

Frigga's gaze hardened. "We must be prepared for whatever comes next. Hela's intentions are unclear, but her power is undeniable. We cannot afford to underestimate her."

Just then, Heimdall approached, his face grave. "My Queen, we have received word from the far reaches of the cosmos. Hela has emerged with new abilities, ones that make her even more formidable than before."

Frigga's heart sank. "And Odin?"

Heimdall shook his head. "He remains unconscious. The healers are doing all they can, but his recovery is uncertain."

Thor clenched his fists, his jaw set with determination. "We must find Hela. We must confront her and learn the truth of her intentions."

Loki nodded, his expression resolute. "Agreed. But first, we must gather our strength and prepare. Hela may be powerful, but she is not invincible."

Back on the desolate planet, Hela gazed up at the stars, her mind clear and focused. She had merged with another being, gaining their strength and knowledge. Now, she was more powerful than ever before, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But as she stood there, a sense of unease washed over her. The merge had taken its toll, draining her energy and focus. She knew that she could not merge with another being for some time, as the process was slow and required intense concentration.

Hela sighed, her thoughts turning to Asgard and the family she had left behind. She had defeated Odin, but at what cost? The rift between them seemed wider than ever before, and she was unsure if it could ever be healed.

Just then, another message from ROB echoed in her mind. "Hela, you have proven yourself worthy of this gift. Use it wisely, and it will serve you well."

Hela nodded, her resolve hardening. She would forge her own path, one that would lead her to greatness. But first, she needed to confront her past and decide her future.

As she prepared to leave the desolate planet behind, Hela knew that the journey ahead would not be easy. But with her newfound abilities and determination, she was ready to face whatever challenges awaited her.

The fate of Asgard hung in the balance, and Hela was determined to shape its future according to her own vision. With a final glance at the stars above, she took a step forward, her path illuminated by the glow of cosmic energy.

The saga of Hela, Goddess of Death, had only just begun.