
Hel and the Emerald Sky City

[Mature Content] ||| This is a fantasy soulmates romance set in an Urban setting with lots of deeply traumatic backstories and many deaths on the way, in a magical ancient academy, and with one of the main plots being revenge. There are countless types of mythical creatures and all coexisting in our very world. ||| Torture is all I’ve known for two thousand years. Not because I’m the one causing it, which ain’t the case, but because since the old reptile, Dragon Queen Meredith Bloom and her daughter in law, Crowned Princess Philippa Bloom kidnapped me from my mother when I was 7 years old, and killed her in front of me, I’ve been treated like a material she absolutely despised but wanted to make a weapon with. All because I’m the bastard daughter of the Crowned Prince Russell Frederick Bloom, the “holy-golden-dragon” with my mom, a black dragon extremely powerful who worked directly with the Dragon Queen and King as the Royal blacksmith and stylist. Which baffles me even more is that mother and Russell were mates, but as dear grandma there didn’t want a black dragon to mate with her precious golden son, she terrorized my mom when she learned of their affair and made sure her son married a female golden dragon of high birth right away. That’s where Philippa Pepper Wreathers-Bloom comes into the picture. She got engaged to my birth father before mother could even have me, and as soon as she had me on the territory now known as New Zealand, she ran away to her family’s original territory on the Himalaya Mountain Range. Which is where she made her lair and raised me for 7 years, in physical age. That is, until dear grandma came and ended our short-lived happiness. Aye, key detail. Mom and dad were both dragons, of different founding clans but both dragons, nevertheless, I came out weird and I’m not a dragon at all, I’m something else entirely, though still in the reptile family. Which is another reason why Meredith tortured the shite out of me. If there was something she despises more than having a bastard in her perfect Royal bloodline, is having a bastard who’s an error in the system (not my choice of words, hers), something that’s only been heard in legends of the long gone old world. What are you then, Hel? I’m a serpent. But not just a serpent, I’m a gigantic black serpent with emerald scales here and there (which Meredith is to blame for), long and wide bat-like wings, with sapphire eyes, and silver sharp fangs full of a very lethal poison. ||| English is not my first language.

NastyRaven888 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
164 Chs

XXV ||| Burning It All Purple

He's almost as infuriating as his brother, bloody hell.

I glared at him, craving to kill him right now, "I was there. I was a little child, but I was there. They murdered her in front of me," I hissed way before I could control my big mouth, and they all flinched. "I was kid. What you thought Meredith's dog had a good life? You are the ones who are full of shite. You judge me, but you know nothing of me. Nothing. You have no idea of they…" I clenched my jaw, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Felix came closer, worried. "Don't you get tired of thinking you know everything?" He snapped at the kids. "You don't why she's here. You don't know what she's trying to do in here. She arrived here today, and look how many times you got into trouble with her, and all because of your wrong judgement. Of your pre-concepts of what you think we are here for. You have no idea of what she went through. Of the shit she had to deal to survive and be here, free."

"Enough, Felix. I'm fine. I can deal with them. I do not need anyone to protect me. They will think we are lying. They won't believe us no matter what we say. If they didn't give you one chance in all those years, it would be foolish to expect them to hear me. Besides, the person with the power I need for my revenge isn't in any of them. That kind of power cannot go unnoticed!"

"But Hel,"

"No!" I hissed. "No. Let's go to our lair. We can talk there, far from their scrutiny. Besides, if they got involved on this, it would catch too much attention, and she would know it. I'm counting on the fact that she won't know what I'm trying to do, because if she does," I took a deep breath, "she will make sure to put me in that place again, and she won't free me again. I can't count on the protection or luck of the Crone."

He side-glared them and then turned to me again, "Fine. You are right, they aren't helpful. They only believe what they want to believe. Even if our enemy happened to be the bloody damn same, and you happened to be the only one who can fucking destroy it."

"It's not me. I don't have aether."

["Are you sure?"]

I gasped, glaring at Jack, "Are you insane, Jack? It's not me! You think I wouldn't know if I'm the one who can control aether? Don't be so ridiculous. If it was me, she would never have let me off the fucking emerald coffin. She had me right on her grasp for…" Wary of the company again, I clenched my jaw, swallowing my words. "It is not me."

"Did Jack suggested it was you?" Felix gasped.

Sigh, "It. Is. Not. Me."

He raised his hands, "I'm not saying it is. It's just that… you know, you're different. And you did survive her, did you not?"

"Felix," I glared at him, "if I was the person with those God-like powers, I would have destroyed… destroyed our enemy to pieces when she was in front of me. And she visited me 12 times a year. I would have popped her like a balloon, and shredded her to pieces in the same way she murdered my mom."

When his eyes widened at my hands, I gasped when I saw my hands burning with purple flames, my gloves only staying intact because mom's the one who made them. "Calm down, Hel!" He gasped.

"I'm calm," I hissed. "Fuck. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm not one to lose control over my abilities. I don't even know where this damn purple flame came from. My flame was green not purple, ugh," I groaned exasperated and moved my hands, trying to make it go away. "Stay always from me, shite!" I gasped when it began to covered me from head to toe and everyone gasped.

And before I could burn the ground and everything else, I propelled myself from the ground with my telekinesis. "Hel, what's happening?"

"How would I fucking know?" I cried. "Ugh."

"Don't let it touch you," River groaned to the others, as they all hushed to jumped over the girls' four bed. "My brother has that flame and it was a pain in the arse for him to control it."

"Fuck your brother!" I groaned. "Felix, do something!"

He gasped, "What… I'm useless, Hel!" He screamed from my bed.

"No. You're not. You are the nullifier, damn it. Do your shite. Make me stop. I don't know," I yelled, and again, all the glasses from the room exploded like in the hall earlier. "I… I don't know what's happening. I did not have this sound ability or this purple flame before. Do something, Felix, don't be a bloody wanker!"

"Hel, I don't fly. I can't get to you!" He cried. "I'll call my uncle!"

"No!" I screamed as I closed my eyes in exasperation, feeling my anger take over. "Don't. If he knows, Meredith will know. Don't call him."

"But, Hel, you're losing control," he gasped.

"Fuck," I think it was Dimitry who cursed. "We have to help, or we will all get burned in here. Purple flame is not easy to deal with."

"Get me up there," Felix yelled. "If I can touch her, I may be able to stop it. My magic is useful for this."

"Ugh," Yumi cursed under her breath. Then, she spread all of her six white feathering wings open, then she went to my bed where he was standing over. "Do it quickly, dragon. Before she burns it all down with her lack of control!"

"If you say that again, I'll burn you down, seraphim!" I hissed.

She picked him from the ground and brought him to my height, then he extended his arm to me and when he touched me, everything went black.

✵ 𖣔 ✵

I woke up startled in a jump. When my eyes looked around me, I found myself in a wild bed, with eleven pairs of eyes staring at me. It took me a second to know where I was and who was around me, and when it I remembered, I looked up to find Jack flying over me. ["You okay?"]

What happened?

["You fainted the second he touched you and made your magic go off for a second. Probably because you have too much, and it caused this drastic effect. You would have fallen to the ground in a bad hit if River had not caught you a second before that happened!"] Ugh.

My eyes went to Oliver's brother, "Jack said you caught me."

He sucked his cheeks, "Shouldn't I?"

"I don't want to own you anything. What do you want as a payback for helping me? Don't be humble!" I growled.

But for some reason, that seemed to surprise him, "Anything?"

"Just say it. If I can, I'll do it. I'm honest with what I owe."

And when he grinned, I didn't feel so good. "A long sword."

I blinked, "Excuse me?"

"I want a long sword. You must have one made by your ancestor, no? If you inherited everything that was hers," oh?

Letting out a sigh of relief, I smiled softly, "If you wanted one of the weapons, you could have just asked. They were made to be used. It'd be a pity to keep them guarded when I'm not going to you all of them, just for the sake of preserving something precious to me." Then I looked around my body, "Amethyst, obsidian, ruby, sapphire, bismuth, jade, or peridot?" I asked, as I conjured the seven long swords I have in my body.

They all let out a shocked gasped, "You can't be serious!"

I turned to Yumi, "What? Want one too? You can say it."

Her eyes wavered, searching for the lie, "Are you serious?"

"So, River, which one will you chose? Pay attention at the designs, the second you chose, I send magical ownership to you and you will be bound to the weapon. I only hope you will make a good use of it, and not throw it aside. They are too precious for that," I said firmly and serious.

He arched his eyebrows, "You are really okay with giving me one of the weapons? Are you sure?"

Sigh, like it or not, he is my mate's younger brother. "Look, I owe you one for helping me. You said you wanted a weapon. Chose and it will be yours. No catch. No lie. No secret. It laid it out clear and simple. But if you were joking, tell me and I put them away."