
Heir To All

Because his sister was remarried by the god of war, Chu Linguang was swept out of his girlfriend’s house, and countless people were waiting to see their Chu family jokes. At this time, Chu Linguang signed the Heir of Everything Agreement.Inherit a mansion! Inherit the top supercar!Inherit one of “The Shennong’s Treasure”!Inherit a pair of perspective eyes!Inherit one of the Xueba skills!Inherit the planet!… - Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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850 Chs

Shenzong Abandoner

"let me do it!"

Chu Linguang said.


Xue Bingsheng let out a cold snort and automatically stepped aside. At this moment, he also knew that he couldn't be aggressive.

He just happened to know that Chu Linguang was very good at his body skills, and he couldn't deal with him when he wanted to deal with him before.

"Yeah! Little Junior Brother Shenzong, your nephew can't do it, the uncle has gone out?"

Living Tathagata sneered.

Obviously, he knew the identity of Chu Linguang from the words of everyone just now, and he was full of disdain for it.

"I only need a sword to kill you."

Chu Linguang smiled.

The ability to live in the world is only that level, which seems to be able to cross the distance of space.

Once he can't escape his own Xiaoqian swordsmanship, he will undoubtedly die.


Living Tathagata heard the words and laughed more than ever.

When he moved, he rushed towards Chu Linguang.

In the next moment, disappear in front of you.

The next moment he appeared on the left side of Chu Linguang, slapped Chu Linguang with a slap, and his entire arm passed through Chu Linguang's face.


Huo Tathaya's complexion changed, and he realized that something was wrong.

"I'm here."

Chu Linguang's voice sounded behind Huo Tathaya.

Living Tathagata has a cold back.

He quickly displayed his body skills and disappeared, as if crossing another time and space. The next moment, he appeared above the pavilion. He raised his eyes and found that Chu Linguang was no longer visible, and he couldn't help feeling horrified.

"You can die."

At this time.

A Wangyou sword stabbed down from above the head of the living Buddha.

The owner of the sword is Chu Linguang.

A deadly move and a sword fell from the sky.


Living Tathagata screamed, wanting to use his body to escape, but this sword seems to be faster, or Chu Linguang's body is faster, or Chu Linguang can clearly know the trajectory of his disappearance.

Let this sword wait for him where it should be.


This sword is as fast as lightning.

A sword pierced the Tianling Gai of the Living Tathagata.

From the top of his head, he directly penetrated into the internal organs of the Living Tathagata.

At the moment when the spirit of the living Tathagata burst out, Chu Linguang drew his sword and slashed across it. The spirit of the living Tathagata then dissipated, turned into nothingness, and his body was destroyed.


Chu Linguang returned to the gate of Shenzong branch.

The scene was quiet.

The living corpse fell straight and vertically from the top of the pavilion.

With a bang.

Falling on the bluestone street, blood slammed, and he couldn't catch his eyes.

A generation of Tianjiao fell.


"Living Tathagata is dead."

"He really killed the Living Tathagata with a single sword, and his body and spirit are all destroyed."

"It's horrible, what kind of swordsmanship is that."

"That sword is also very powerful. I know that Living Tathagata, the defensive power, has always been very powerful."

Then everyone burst into a sound like a tide, and everyone screamed.

Xue Bingsheng looked at the Wangyou sword dripping blood in Chu Linguang's hand, and he was also deeply jealous.

He knew that living the Tathagata was to die by himself, and he happened to run into Chu Linguang who was able to restrain him in physical form.

But Chu Linguang, who holds the Wangyou sword and controls the power of the Taoist soldiers, is not an ordinary character, otherwise he can't use his body skills to really kill the living Tathagata with a single sword.

In Xue Bingsheng's heart.

Chu Linguang is an opponent worthy of his serious battle.

"Who dares to despise Shenzong and slander Shenzong, this is the end."

Chu Linguang said coldly.

"What a big shelf."

A female voice came.

It seems to come from the distant sky.

"It's Miss Baihe."

"She is the third-ranked Tianjiao, a trick on the water lotus, even if it is Niu wins, she dare not easily resist."

"According to legend, Miss Bai He once entered the Shenzong practice, but she didn't know what happened, she ran away and rebelled, and she has never dealt with Shenzong."

Everyone talked a lot.

Standing at the door, when Chu Linguang heard this figure, he stroked his cheek like silk, which was easily confounded.

"She was in Shenzong and had a conflict with Sun Yibing. Because of a chance, she rebelled against Shenzong."

Xue Bingsheng whispered from the side.

Obviously, he knew more about Miss Bai He than others. Under his introduction, Chu Linguang also had a certain understanding of Miss Bai He.

He replied: "Girl, as an abandoned disciple of Shenzong, are you begging me to take you back to Shenzong?"

"Today you and Xue Bingsheng, don't even think about or leave Ancient Wind City."

Chu Linguang's words seemed to stimulate Miss Bai He.

The voice is sharp.

Like a big wave hitting, surging surging, some ordinary disciples, with ugly complexions, retreated quickly, and the roof tiles in front of them banged loudly.

"Humph, I want to clean up the door today."

Chu Linguang was fearless.

Although only Fenghou Tianxian's cultivation base.

But mastering the power of the Taoist soldiers, the power of the phantom, plus having the sky-opening axe and the sword of Wangyou, how about facing the transcendent gods.

He strode in one stride.

A pair of fiery eyes locked on Miss Bai He from afar.

Xiaoqian swordsmanship broke out.

A long distance cut with a sword.

Changhong sword light broke through the sky.

"Your sword is so powerful, I want it."

Miss Bai He quickly moved away, and magical powers emerged, so that the mountains overlapped in front of her, making it difficult for anyone to get close.

Chu Linguang cut down with that sword.

It turned out that she just broke through her defense, and was then swung open with her sleeves.

Miss Bai He is chic, like a fairy dancing in the air. She provoked Chu Linguang and acted recklessly.

"Smelly girl."

When Chu Linguang saw her playing around with herself, he exploded on the spot.

What kind of demeanor.

Hide Wang Youjian.

Take out the open sky axe.

Use the Thirty-Six Axe of Tiangang.

One stroke overlaps the mountains and the sea, and one axe presses down.


Seeing Kaishan Axe, Miss Bai He's complexion changed drastically.

Obviously I didn't expect such a place.


The power of this axe, accompanied by the power of the shadow, and the overlapping power of the sky-opening axe, is incomparable with the blessing of the Thirty-six Axe of the Tiangang. Even Xue Bingsheng had to flee in his heyday and did not dare to escape. Resist easily.

Although Miss Baihe is amazing.

But in fact, it is not as good as Xue Bingsheng in his heyday.

At this moment, seeing Chu Linguang holding the Heavenly Axe and casting an unstoppable Heavenly Gang Thirty-Six Axe, she could not speak any more provocative words, and magical powers emerged, and the surrounding mountains were uplifting, trying to resist Chu Linguang.

But what Chu Linguang held was the Sky Open Axe.

The cast is the Thirty-six Axe of Tiangang.

Don't say that even if it is this world, the opening axe in Chu Linguang's hand can give a bit of color to see.


Go down several axes in a row.

Ms. Baihe's mountain domain collapsed, and the world's Taoism collapsed with it. The magical powers displayed by her were even more unstoppable. She couldn't help but smiled: "Shenzong's little junior, it's really well-deserved. It's a blessing to teach the three students today, let's say goodbye!"

"Sick lady, you want to go, but you can't go now."

How could Chu Linguang give up.