
Heir To All

Because his sister was remarried by the god of war, Chu Linguang was swept out of his girlfriend’s house, and countless people were waiting to see their Chu family jokes. At this time, Chu Linguang signed the Heir of Everything Agreement.Inherit a mansion! Inherit the top supercar!Inherit one of “The Shennong’s Treasure”!Inherit a pair of perspective eyes!Inherit one of the Xueba skills!Inherit the planet!… - Description from MTLNovel

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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850 Chs

Defeat the ancient wind city Tianjiao, kill and kill!

As an abandoner of Shenzong, she was supposed to be a human being and do things low-key. At least she should not continue to provoke Shenzong. Unexpectedly, she provoked wanton and behaved, threatening to leave Chu Linguang and Xue Bingsheng.

How could Chu Linguang be soft-hearted at this time.

The identity of Shenzong's junior apprentice necessitated the beheading of this female.

He holding a sky-opening axe.

Rising to the sky, Tiangang thirty-six axe, pressing down with one axe, the axe's light soars into the sky, covering the square world, so that Miss Baihe has nowhere to hide.

"Little Master, don't! I was wrong, I am also a member of Shenzong."

Miss Bai He was shocked.

"Are you trying to live with me?"

"Chu Linguang, I fought with you."

"Ah, Chu Linguang, forgive me!"

"Outrageous, I killed you!"


In the screaming, Miss Bai He was cut in half by Chu Linguang with a sky-opening axe, and the spirits were shattered, and there was no chance of jumping out of the body.

The whole process was extremely bloody.

Chu Linguang acted decisively and did not sloppy.

Regardless of whether she is a woman or not, if she dares to slander Shenzong and provoke him actively, then she cannot be merciful.


Xue Bingsheng opened his mouth wide.

I always feel that Chu Linguang has become a lot stronger, a lot.

It seems to be able to threaten him.

"The Junior Brother Shenzong is here, who dares to provoke him and doesn't put Shenzong in his eyes."

Chu Linguang hummed coldly.

Carrying a sky-opening axe, he stood high in the sky, overlooking the entire ancient wind city.

For a time, the ancient wind city was quiet.

Everyone held their breath.

Tiankui is one of the top ten existences on the Tianjiao list.

Living Tathagata ranked sixth.

Miss Bai He, ranked third.

The three of them were beheaded by Chu Linguang.

For such a record, in Gufeng City, which Tianjiao can do it, for a time, no one dared to rush out and shout.


It was only after a while, and finally someone couldn't help it.

"The bull wins."

"Tianjiao ranked first."

"he came."

"It is said that Niu Shengli is the Dzogchen Tianxian, the first person under the Jinxian, Xue Bingsheng in his heyday is not an opponent."

"Shenzong once prepared a generous gift and asked him to join, but he refused. Could it be that Niu Shengli will challenge Shenzong today."

Everyone talked a lot.

Xue Bingsheng also changed color.

The top ten arrogances in the ancient wind city.

He naturally heard it all.

Niu Shengli, he has all kinds of information, he has done close investigations, naturally facing Niu Shengli, he is not sure that he will win, it is just about whether Niu Shengli is a matter of perfection in the rumors, Xue Bingsheng is also unknown.

In short, in Xue Bingsheng's imagination.

His peak is a sword immortal, and Niu Shengli is one of the people who can stop him.

In an instant, he followed up into the sky and stood with Chu Linguang.

"Xue Bingsheng, never thought that you could stand with Chu Linguang, your brother was killed by Chu Linguang, and your disciples of Shenzong were killed and injured countless because of Chu Linguang.

Unexpectedly, it was his own people who killed their own people. "

Niu Shengli knew a lot of news.

"I heard that Chu Linguang was sent to the Dahua plane to experience under the ancestor of God's ancestor, and he is gaining the opportunity left by Li Mubai."

Suddenly a figure appeared in the air.

The crowd was restless again, all kinds of comments.

"Hun Kun is here too."

"The bull has appeared in victory. How can he not come? I don't know, he and the bull win, who can defeat Chu Linguang."

"Does this need to be said, Niu Shengli is the first arrogant, and Hun Kun is second, Niu Shengli has a better chance of winning."

"Maybe they both can easily defeat Chu Linguang, not necessarily."

Everyone discusses.

Xue Bingsheng quickly whispered a reminder in Chu Linguang's ear.

Tell Chu Linguang the news about Niu Shengli and Hun Kun.

At this moment, they must share the same hatred and put down their hatred temporarily.

Under Xue Bingsheng's reminder.

Chu Linguang learned that Niu Shengli and Hun Kun both had great opportunities in the Ten Thousand Clan Forest when the Ten Thousand Clan Forest was opened fifty years ago. They were promoted step by step and became extraordinary gods.

That Niu Shengli was even more rumored that he had reached the level of perfect heavenly immortality.

Hun Kun has long been able to become a strong golden immortal, but he has been suppressing his cultivation base just to step into a level of perfection that is difficult for ordinary people to enter. He wants to become a strong golden immortal on the basis of perfecting heavenly immortals. .

Chu Linguang was very jealous when these news came into his mind.

Although inherited Tiangang thirty-six axes.

There are also the power of Taoist soldiers and the power of phantom shadows, as well as the sky-opening axe and the double-layer air-light realm. These ordinary people can hardly control even one of the supernatural powers. pressure.

Speaking bluntly: "You two come out at this time, should you have any advice!"

"The sky-opening axe in your hand, we both like it very much."

Hun Kun said.

"Gufengcheng's rules, the strong is respected, you don't want this heaven-opening axe."

Niu Shengli is ambitious.

"Knowing that I am the younger brother of Shenzong, my treasure is the treasure of Shenzong, do you still dare to **** it?"

Chu Linguang was surprised.

"Ancient Wind City has no rules. It respects strength. They **** your sky-opening axe. They can join any powerful sect in an instant and seek to rely on."

Xue Bingsheng reminded from the side.

"It seems that you must drink a few more sips of blood for this opening axe."

Upon hearing this, Chu Linguang rubbed his axe.

Kaitian axe seemed to recognize him automatically.

No matter how sharp the axe was, it wouldn't hurt Chu Linguang a bit.

"I really like this axe, Brother Niu, let me come first."

Hun Kun can't wait.

The moment the body rushed, there seemed to be a sandstorm.

Five terrifying ghost shadows appeared in front of him, and the world where Chu Linguang was located was dimmed, and there were howling ghosts and wolves everywhere.

"Black Gold Desert, this is not only his domain Dao Yun, but also his magical powers. There are magic weapons in it, which should not be underestimated."

Xue Bingsheng hurriedly said.

Although he hated Chu Linguang, Chu Linguang couldn't lose or die at this time.

Otherwise, the next shame is him.

The loser will also be Shenzong, which will not benefit him at all.

While talking, he raised his sword to brew, and he wanted to kill the enemy with Chu Linguang.

"Leave it to me."

Chu Linguang slapped Xue Bingsheng back with the open axe. This time, he reserved his strength to avoid hurting Xue Bingsheng, otherwise the slap of the axe, even just a light slap, could make Xue Bingsheng hurt even more.

"Let me see, how many catties and taels you have, how many axes you can resist me."

Chu Linguang rushed directly into the black gold desert.

He mastered the double-layer air and light realm, and was able to maintain a sufficient advantage in the opponent's domain. He stepped over and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Double-layer empty and bright realm, good skill."

Hun Kun said in shock, seeing Chu Linguang's killer skill at a glance.

That Niu Shengli also frowned. He couldn't control the supernatural powers of the Double Skylight Realm. He just controlled the first level, but he was fearless, because he had the skills to counter the Skylight Realm. Magical powers.