
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 34: TRIAL BY NATURE!

A guttural grunt escaped Aether's lips as he wrestled with the uncooperative rock. Sparks flew, a mocking reminder of how far he was from his old life. "Almost there," he muttered through gritted teeth, sweat beading on his forehead despite the cave's cool embrace.His makeshift workshop, nestled beside the rushing water, was a testament to his resourcefulness. Vines, thick and resilient, lay coiled beside him, scavenged from the crumbling heart of the ruined city. Bushes, gnarled and defiant, had surrendered their branches for his cause. And in his hand, a crude blade was slowly taking shape, chipped flint painstakingly coaxed into a tool for survival.Exploration had offered glimpses into the forgotten civilization, their history etched in weathered stone. But hunger, a relentless gnaw at his insides, had dulled the allure of knowledge. The hunt, the promise of sustenance, took precedence.Suddenly, a ripple on the water's surface shattered the rhythm of his work. Aether's gaze snapped upwards, his tired eyes widening in disbelief. A flash of silver, a flicker of life – a fish, sleek and unsuspecting, swam across the pool.His body, driven by primal instinct, reacted before his mind could catch up. Hunger, a cruel taskmaster, propelled him forward. With a splash, he lunged for the unsuspecting creature, fingers reaching for its shimmering scales. But the fish, a master of its watery domain, darted away, leaving Aether grasping at empty water.Disappointment flickered across his face, a fleeting emotion quickly replaced by a surge of realization. The cave, a forgotten tomb, teemed with life. An entire ecosystem, hidden beneath the surface, could sustain him. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a small victory in the face of overwhelming odds.Tightening his ragged tunic, a newfound sense of purpose coursed through him. He emerged from the water, dripping and determined. The elusive horned rabbit might test his skills, but he was no longer just a lost soul in a strange land. He was a survivor, an anomaly in a forgotten world, and he would not be easily defeated. With renewed vigor, he returned to his makeshift workshop, the hunt far from over.The plan was deceptively simple: gather materials, build a trap for the elusive moonlit creature, decipher the horned rabbit's habits, and snag a meal. But simplicity had a cruel way of evaporating in this unforgiving cave. Exhaustion gnawed at Aether's bones. Crafting the snare had been a war against his own body, demanding every ounce of strength to bend and bind. Each movement was a battle cry against the relentless hunger gnawing at his insides."Done... I'm done," Aether rasped, his voice hoarse from exertion. He surveyed his creation, a crude contraption cobbled together by desperation and ingenuity. It wasn't much to look at, this snare born of his imagination, but it held the promise of sustenance.City life, a distant memory from another world, had never demanded such primal skills. In Emberhod, he had had a family, a friend, a community to share the burdens of survival. Now, a bitter pang of loss echoed in his chest. But there was no turning back. Emberhod, though imperfect, had been his haven, a place of warmth and familiarity. Here, in this cavernous world, survival was a harsh teacher, demanding a brutal strength he never knew he possessed.With a satisfied nod to his handiwork, Aether gathered his meager tools. In one hand, he held the vine loop and straightened twigs – relics of his makeshift construction. In the other, he gripped the crude flint knife, a testament to his newfound resourcefulness. A resolute glint replaced the exhaustion in his eyes. He was no longer a lost soul wandering through an alien landscape. He was a hunter, and the horned rabbit's burrow awaited his cunning. With a determined stride, he set off, the echo of his footsteps a promise whispered into the cavern's heart – he would not be defeated.****The dilapidated building, once a structure of pristine green and white walls, now stood as a skeletal frame amidst the rubble. Here, within its hollow shell, Aether lay concealed. The cavern's vibrant light filtered through, bathing him in an ethereal glow as he cast his gaze upon the target – the horned rabbit's burrow.His trap lay like a slumbering beast, a camouflaged vine loop laced with dirt and debris, its silent maw leading to a lone pillar. This was the crux of his design, a fulcrum that would grant him the leverage needed to overpower the elusive creature. Every snap and pull of the contraption had been tested, adjusted, and refined a hundred times over. Now, all that remained was patience, a virtue that felt foreign in his gnawing belly.The ember-pink dragon, a silent sentinel a stone's throw away, resided upon its circular platform. The scene was almost serene, save for the gnawing anxiety gnawing at Aether's insides. Minute after relentless minute crawled by, each one a test of his waning stamina. The trap, a cruel master, demanded one thing above all – vigilance.As the vibrant light of the cavern slowly bled into an ethereal blue, announcing the descent of night, a shiver ran down his spine. The icy wind, a harbinger of the coming cold, whispered of retreat. But retreat wasn't an option. Not when his survival hinged on the success of this intricate snare.Then, a flicker in the darkness. A twitch, a rustle – almost imperceptible. Was it a trick of the fading light? Or was it finally…? With every ounce of strength left in his weakened body, Aether yanked on the vine loop. A taut resistance followed, a tug-of-war against an unseen force.Adrenaline surged through his veins, banishing fatigue in a surge of primal instinct. He pulled, muscles screaming in protest, dragging the unseen opponent closer. Finally, he reached the lone pillar, collapsing against its rough surface, gasping for breath."I… I caught…" he stammered, voice hoarse from exhaustion. He had conserved every ounce of energy for this moment, his frail body pushed to its limit. But the words died in his throat, replaced by a guttural roar, a primal victory cry that echoed through the cavern. A feast awaited, a reward for his relentless determination.