
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs


A shrill tearing pierced the air as Aether plummeted, dragged downwards by the relentless pull of gravity. His scream echoed against the stone walls, swallowed by the deepening abyss that swallowed him whole.

In a desperate struggle for control, his mind grasped for the familiar tendrils of wind magic. Yet amidst the chaos, his focus fractured, leaving him a helpless puppet dangling on the strings of fate.

The fall seemed endless, each moment a brutal reminder of his vulnerability. Then, a sickening thud as solid ground met his form, stealing the last vestiges of air from his lungs. Blinding light flashed before him as the world above collapsed inward, plunging him into blessed oblivion.

Darkness enveloped him, absolute and suffocating. Only the faint rise and fall of his ragged breaths remained, a whisper against the vast silence of the void. Aether lay crumpled, a marionette at the mercy of whatever awaited him in the bowels of the earth.

The sun, once a vibrant beacon, bled into a bruised orange, surrendering to the encroaching night. Outside the cavern, eerie stillness prevailed, broken only by a single, ragged cough.

Aether stirred, dragged back from oblivion by searing pain clawing at his every fiber. Wet, harsh coughs erupted from his chest, spewing a crimson mist into the air. It was a miracle he still drew breath, a testament to some unknown force or sheer, stubborn will.

Rolling onto his side, he groaned as more blood dribbled down his chin. The metallic tang of his own blood thickened the air, as he reached for the source of his agony—his leg.

His eyes widened in horror as he beheld his twisted foot, broken and jutting out at an unnatural angle. A whimper escaped his throat, choked by fear. Death seemed inevitable in this desolate tomb, a cruel jest before he even faced the challenge he was supposedly destined for.

Panic clawed at his throat, but Aether forced it down, forcing himself to breathe slow and measured. With each gasp, the pain ebbed slightly, enough to fight, enough to survive... for now.

For a moment, Aether remained motionless, twisted in despair. But the silence, thick and oppressive, clawed at his sanity. Climbing back up was out of the question, his body a symphony of throbbing pain. With a groan, he pushed himself up, each movement a battle cry against the agony that threatened to overwhelm him.

One leg hung limp at his side, broken and useless. The other, shaky and protesting, became his sole support. Fueled by pain and fear, a stubborn flicker of defiance ignited within him. He wouldn't succumb here, he wouldn't surrender to the darkness. He would find his way out, one agonizing step at a time.

A desperate hope flickered in Aether's chest as he lurched towards the threshold of darkness. With a final glance back at the fading sliver of light, he took a shuddering breath and stepped forward, leaving his solitary companion behind.

The darkness swallowed him whole, no sliver of stray light dared intrude. The uneven wall pressed against his palm as he stumbled onward, a solitary figure adrift in an inky sea. Time morphed into a shapeless monster, each agonizing step stretching into an eternity.

Hunger gnawed at his stomach, overshadowed by the relentless throb of pain. Memories flickered—a cruel echo of his own death, the terrifying embrace of a vast, empty space. Was he dead again? Was this his punishment, an endless loop of darkness and despair?

The figure in the abyss continued its relentless march, a broken symphony of whimpers and ragged breaths. Aether's mind succumbed, his body a mere automaton driven by primal instinct. Every muscle screamed in protest, threatening to give way, but a sliver of defiance lingered. He wouldn't surrender, not yet, not until his final breath stole the last flicker of hope from his dimming eyes.

He limped on, a solitary silhouette swallowed by the darkness. Whether he reached a destination or succumbed to the relentless pain remained a mystery, etched in the silent, echoing void.


The wind, a banshee unleashed, howled a mournful song through the cavern's gaping maw ahead. Aether stumbled forward, guided only by the rough caress of the cave wall against his raw palm. It was a coarse canvas, each scrape a fresh wound against his already battered skin. But he pressed on, a marionette pulled by invisible strings, his mind a blank canvas devoid of thought or memory.Time stretched into a distorted tapestry. Each agonizing step felt like an eternity, measured only by the rhythmic throb of pain in his broken leg and the gnawing hunger twisting his gut. The darkness became a living entity, pressing against his eyes, threatening to suffocate him with its inky touch.A faint sound, a distant echo in the vast emptiness, pierced the monotonous symphony of his suffering. A gurgling, a splashing – the unmistakable whisper of water. But even this whisper failed to spark recognition in his dulled mind. His body, a vessel driven by primal instincts, turned towards the sound, drawn by an unseen force.Then, a glimmer. A pinprick of light, barely visible in the oppressive darkness, flickered ahead. Hope, a fragile ember, flickered to life in the desolate wasteland of his being. With a renewed surge of primal energy, he pushed forward, drawn by the promise of light and salvation.As he neared the light, it grew, revealing its source – a shaft of pale luminescence filtering through a crack in the cavern ceiling. But it also revealed Aether himself – a horrifying caricature of his former self. His face, caked in grime and dried blood, was contorted in a grimace of pain. His eyes, once vibrant pools of gold, had become vacant orbs clouded with a milky white.Suddenly, the treacherous path betrayed him. A sharp ledge, unseen in the dim light, snagged his already broken leg. His body, a discarded ragdoll, tumbled forward, propelled by his own momentum. He slammed against the smooth granite wall with a sickening thud, his scream lost in the howling wind.The descent was horrifyingly silent. His body, devoid of control, bounced helplessly down the smooth slope, the walls offering no purchase. He careened wildly, a broken marionette at the mercy of gravity. Finally, with a resounding splash, his descent was abruptly halted.He sank, his battered form swallowed by the viscous liquid. The darkness, momentarily dispelled by the faint luminescence above, returned, absolute and suffocating. But beneath the surface, a strange peace settled over him. The pain, ever-present and relentless, dulled to a distant ache. He drifted in the cool embrace of the liquid, the faint, rhythmic lapping the only sound that reached his fading consciousness.Was this the end? Was this his final resting place, a watery tomb within the heart of the earth? Or was it a reprieve, a moment of respite before he was forced to confront whatever horrors awaited him in the darkness? Only time, and the relentless current of fate, would reveal the answer.