
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs


A sliver of sunlight, a triumphant warrior against the retreating darkness, pried open Aether's eyelids. A groan escaped his lips, a guttural sound of pain that echoed the hollowness within him. Rolling onto the unforgiving ground, his body throbbed in protest. Standing seemed a distant dream, even the simplest movement a herculean task.His once pristine clothes were now a tapestry of grime, a testament to the ordeal he'd endured. Gone was the hopeful spark that once flickered in his golden eyes, replaced by a desolate emptiness that mirrored the green-vast landscape around him.Grief, a suffocating shroud, had settled in. Its weight was all-consuming, leaving no room for tears. Days had bled into one another, each tear a silent echo of his loss. A glance away revealed a fresh patch of disturbed earth, distinct from the surrounding withered grass. Atop it lay a simple collection of stones, a silent monument marking a life extinguished.Aether turned his head, his vision blurry with exhaustion and the dark circles etching themselves beneath his eyes. He wanted to scream, to unleash the torrent of grief that threatened to drown him. But the well had run dry. Apathy, a heavy cloak, had settled around him.He rubbed his eyes, the coarse dirt clinging to his skin a stark reminder of his reality. It didn't matter anymore. Nothing seemed to hold any semblance of importance.Despite the pain. He was alive. Broken, battered, but alive. Cedric's attack, a brutal storm he'd barely weathered, had left its mark – a symphony of aches and a persistent throb in his ribs. But the pain, though ever-present, was a faint echo compared to the deafening silence in his heart.Fragments of his mother's final words, "Ruins of Kings," echoed in the desolate wasteland of Aether's mind. In all his time spent in Emberhod, history and lore had held no interest for him. His focus had been singular – to heal his mother. But that, like everything else, had crumbled to dust with her passing.The specter of death clung to him like a shroud, the screams of the villagers a constant, horrifying echo. It was death unlike anything he'd known on Earth. This wasn't a car accident, a stray bullet. This was a systematic annihilation, a world where violence wore a crown.Desperately, Aether sought refuge from the encroaching madness, a madness fueled by grief and unanswered questions. Foremost among them, the mysterious entity that visited his mother. Was it connected to Lumi, the voice that first spoke to him, identifying itself as an Apostle? Coincidence? No. This was no chance encounter.'Apostles, what are they? What do they want with me?' The questions echoed in his mind, a relentless mantra muttered by a madman seeking solace in an answer. Perhaps the revelation would somehow mend the gaping chasms in his heart.Lumi, once a source of guidance, now seemed nothing more than a faulty alarm. "[Error: Host vitals exceed operational parameters.]" The message looped endlessly, a meaningless drone. It couldn't answer anything of import, yet it had the audacity to monitor his well-being? A bitter laugh escaped Aether's lips. What did it even matter? In this world, his survival was a mere blip, a flicker destined to be extinguished.A tempest raged within Aether's mind, a sea of memories and questions churning him into a maelstrom of despair. Then, a whisper, faint but insistent, pierced the storm's silence. It was like a cold finger trailing down his spine, urging him to listen.With a jolt, Aether froze, his mind clearing in an instant. Had he imagined it? The whispers lingered, barely audible, teasing him towards madness. "Am I losing my mind already?" he croaked, the question echoing unanswered in the desolate air.Ignoring the gnawing in his stomach, a primal plea for nourishment drowned out by the internal turmoil, Aether pushed himself upright with the aid of a nearby tree. The whispers persisted, beckoning him north or south, he couldn't tell in this disorienting landscape. He dragged his leaden body forward, every muscle screaming in protest.Finally, he stumbled into a clearing, untouched by the encroaching forest that surrounded him. Before him stood two colossal pillars, impossibly tall, clawing at the sky with their slanted forms. They seemed to reach for one another, their bases firmly planted, but never quite meeting. At the center of this clearing, a circular platform of smooth stone disrupted the rough terrain.As Aether approached one of the pillars, its sheer size dwarfing him, a sense of insignificance washed over him. Engravings, symbols unlike anything he'd ever encountered, adorned the weathered stone. Curiosity burning bright for the first time since his mother's passing, he reached out a hand to touch the surface.The moment his fingers brushed the cold stone, the whispers ceased abruptly. A deep silence descended, broken only by the ragged rhythm of his breath. Aether's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Was this a monument? A beacon perhaps, calling out to an unseen entity? Or was it a receiver, the whispers its desperate message, and his touch the silencing hand?Mary's final words had cracked open a reality Aether never knew existed. Strange occurrences began to plague him. Whispers, like phantoms on the wind, called out to him, their meaning a chilling mystery. With a sigh heavy with bewilderment, he pulled himself away from the colossal pillar, its secrets etched in stone.Then, a voice, cold and detached, echoed within his mind. "[Sol gate has been discovered]," Lumi announced, its tone betraying no emotion for this revelation. Aether frowned. He recalled being watched, a pawn in a game he didn't understand.Aether cautiously approached the circular platform – the Sol gate. Symbols, eerily similar to those adorning the pillar, pulsed with a faint light, converging on a central sun-like shape. As he drew closer, the glow intensified, bathing him in its otherworldly light.Lumi's voice, once a source of guidance, now felt alien and foreboding. "[An heir seeks to challenge the world domain]," it intoned. A bolt of understanding, sharp and terrifying, struck Aether. He was the key to the gate, the unwitting challenger in a cosmic game.Panic surged through him, an instinctual urge to flee. But the gears of fate had already begun to turn. The ground trembled violently, the tremors escalating into a full-blown earthquake. Dust choked the air as the platform beneath him shifted, groaning under the strain.Aether stumbled back, desperate to escape the collapsing earth. But the ground, once a source of stability, now became his enemy. With a sickening crunch, the platform gave way, a gaping maw opening in the earth. The world tilted, Aether losing his footing as he tumbled headfirst into the darkness below.