
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 97 Convergence! Locks Remnants

New world.

Zefa's face changed when he heard He's words. This was definitely not a trivial matter.

It must be no small matter to make cranes so nervous. He owns eight warships and a general, and he can still pose a threat to them.

"Zefa, Karp and the Warring States are chasing Rox's remnant party. They didn't know about the Tianlongren in advance, so they drove Rox's remnant party to the sea in front of you." He explained.

"Isn't that right? You can catch them all at once." Zefa asked.

Zefa, Warring States, and Karp, these are the strengths of the three generals, and they can deal with a few fledgling little ghosts.

I don't know why crane is so nervous.

"You can arrest them, but what about the Tianlongren? The strength of those little guys can easily kill the Tianlongren."

"Are you going to involve the Tianlongren in the war?" Crane asked.

Three generals' combat power, shot at the same time, that power is absolutely ruining the world, and if you are not careful, the Tianlong people will be affected.

"Crane, tell me, what should I do?" Zefa asked.

"The Marshal's idea is to order you to stop and let the CP's people escort the Tianlongren and return to Mariejoa. Now the Marshal is discussing with the five old stars." He replied.

"What to discuss, are you still afraid that the CP person can't complete the task?" Zefa asked.

"Really, the five old stars said that there must be a general to escort the Tianlongren, and the people sent by CP this time are a bunch of waste." He cursed.

The ghost knows what the CP people think, but only these people are sent, and the high-end combat power is completely dependent on the navy.

"What do you do now?" Zefa asked.

This is not okay, that is not okay, it is really difficult for the Tianlongren to serve.

"The Marshal's order is to go slowly now, and wait for the result of their discussion." He replied.

"Understood." Zefa replied.

Then the call ends.

"Command! Slow down and move forward." Zefa ordered.

"Teacher Zefa, what's the matter?" Barrett and the three leaned over.

"General Zefa, aren't we going back to Mary Gioia?" Huo Ming Gusheng also asked.

"A few troublesome pirates appeared in front. Lieutenant General Karp and the generals of the Warring States Period are pursuing them. For the safety of the Tianlong people, we will stop for a while and wait for the above orders." Zefa replied.

As for who it is, these people don't know him, so Zefa didn't elaborate on it.

Barrett had guessed a general idea. It was nothing more than a few people who could arrest Warring States and Karp together.

Roger, the Golden Lion, the lonely red, in this era, there should be Rox's remnant party.

And Zefa said that there are a few troublesome pirates, not a powerful pirate, so many of them are the remnants of Lockes.

Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and White Beard are really exciting.

After a while, Zefa's phone worm rang, this time it was empty call.

"Zefa, you follow the CP ship and send the two Dracos back to Mariejoa, and let the other navy intercept them." Kong said in a low voice.

Obviously, he could take advantage of this effort to wipe out the remnants of Lockes, but he had to give up this great opportunity for the two Heavenly Dragons.

In fact, if the five old stars knew that there would be three four emperors in the remnant party of Lockes, I am afraid that they would have to arrest three people if they killed these two dragons.

"This, they are all recruits who have been in the army for less than half a year." Zefa wanted to fight for it.

"You know, the five old stars have made up their minds, and although they are recruits, all of them are elites. You know their strength." Sora dismissed Zefa's thoughts.

"I see." Zefa's mood is not too good.

"Don't worry, there will be Warring States and Karp watching, nothing will happen." Kong comforted.

Zefa was not too cold about this, but it was such a good opportunity to miss it, which is really a shame.

"Barrett, Sakaski, Polusalino, the three of you led five warships and went straight to Punk Hassad, where you met with the general of the Warring States Period." Sora ordered directly from the phone worm.



The three agreed.

Then, Zefa took the two dragons to the CP's boat and detoured to Mary Joa.

"Ah la la, it's really troublesome, there seems to be a fight again." Polusali, Nuo said lazily.

"Be careful, the two people chased for so long without arrest, and they were definitely not simple enemies." Sakaski reminded.

At this time, Polusalino was also getting serious. Although he had just joined the army, everyone had heard many legends about the strength of the Warring States Period and Karp.

If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

"Barrett, do you have any thoughts on landing in Punk Hassad?" Sakaski asked.

Although the Marshal said that everyone should land in Punk Hassad, there are still some places that can be manipulated.

"Ah la la, Sarkarski, what do you want to do?" Porusalino asked.

He hates extra-junctions the most, how good he obeyed the marshal's orders.

"Contact the Warring States General Telephone Worm to see what the pirates are doing. If they do not land in Punk Hassad before us, then we will ambush at sea."

"If they landed in Punk Hassad before us, then we will join the Warring States generals." Barrett proposed.

"Yes, that's it, contact the general of the Warring States now." Sakarski agreed.

blue blue.

"Who?" The voice of the Warring States Period came from the phone bug, and there was also a noisy voice.

It seems they are still chasing.

"General of the Warring States Period, we are students of the Naval Academy. We have led five warships and 400 navies. We are ordered by the marshal to support you." Sakarski replied.

"Oh, I see, you come directly to Punk Hassad, the remnant of Lockes is about to land." The Warring States replied.

It seems that we still have to confront the remnant of Lockes in Punk Hassad.

"Understood, General of Warring States." Sakarski replied.

Afterwards, Barrett and his team headed towards Punk Hassad at full speed.


Finally, I found the navy that was fighting with Locks's crew.

Seeing that the navy came five more warships, the crew of Rocks abandoned the ship and landed on the island.

And Barrett and his party finally reunited with the Warring States. This is Barrett's first time seeing Warring States and Karp.

"Oh, is this the recruit of this year's Naval Academy? Not bad." It was Karp who spoke.

Using the color of sight and hearing, you can clearly know the strength of the guy in front of you, and the students in this class are much better than before.

"Marshal Kong has already told us, you did a good job this time, follow us next, don't be too reluctant." Warring States said.

The Warring States period knows the importance of these little guys. Locks' guys can't catch them, but these little guys can't have serious losses.

"we know."


The crowd replied.

Then everyone set off to encircle and suppress the remnant of Lockes...