
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 80 Holiday, Arrangement in Advance

Malin Vandor, Naval Academy.

Time is slowly passing away, and what remains the same is the three figures on the martial arts field.

It's just that one strong figure is crushing the other two figures.

Barrett has successfully surpassed the two, and also surpassed their joint efforts.

Since then, few people have challenged Barrett, and they went back to challenge Barrett if they couldn't think of it. Barrett was merciful at first.

But later, after seeing Barrett's skill and dare to challenge, all his noses and faces were swollen.

Since then no one has challenged Barrett.

One month, soon ended.

Some people cheered and leaped, while others fell dejected. It was time for parting.

Unsurprisingly, most people have been eliminated.

There are about 40 people who are left. All of these people have learned one move and six tricks, and they have become familiar with them.

The school is also closed at this time.

The one-month training has made everyone painful and happy. Since the training has ended, let the students take a break.

During this time, Zefa was not idle, he was planning for the next thing.

Barrett, also returned to the family area, hadn't seen Stella for a month, and didn't know how this little guy was doing.

"Brother, you're back!" Stella called out happily as soon as Barrett returned to the family area.

"Where's Brother Huo Shaoshan?" Stella looked at it, Ming did not see Huo Shao Shan.

"Oh, this is a week off. He is back to the Capital of Seven Waters." Barrett replied.

"Oh, brother come in quickly, I have learned how to cook, brother, you haven't eaten yet, I will cook it for you." Stella asked.

"Oh, has my little sister learned to cook?" Barrett said in surprise.

This little guy would really surprise people, and yes, she was at home this month, to learn some cooking skills.

"Hey, Brother Barrett is back." Gion suddenly came to Barrett's house.

It seems that during this time, the two get along well, and they often stop by.

"Gion, here you are, I'm in the kitchen." Stella called.

"Oh, here, brother Barrett, I'm leaving now," Gion said.

Then he ran to the kitchen.

Barrett sat in the living room, looking forward to what they could do.

There are a few newspapers on the coffee table, Barrett read it, Barrett can be said to be isolated from the world this month, the outside news is really not known.

'Ok?Has the anomaly in Jarzburg and Gaya Island been discovered?'Barrett thought to himself.

There are reports in the newspapers about Jarzburg and Gaya Island. Fortunately, the two reports are not on the same page.

It seems that people have not discovered the connection between these two forces, but it seems that if you have time, you still need to contact.

Soon, the two little girls made dinner. It looked very rich, but they didn't know how it tasted.

"Well, it looks like you two little girls are good at cooking." Barrett praised.

The cooking at this table tastes really good.

"By the way, after dinner, let's go out to play and go outside the headquarters." Barrett suddenly proposed.

"Okay, okay, you were not here before, and neither of us dared to go. If Brother Barrett took us, that would be the best." The two little guys danced happily.

"Well, didn't Lieutenant General Crane take you there before?" Barrett asked.

"Well, Sister Crane is usually very busy, she often doesn't come back, and she didn't come back today." Gion replied.

As the general staff of the navy headquarters, naturally he is relatively busy, which happens to be the answer Barrett wants.

"Let's go." After eating, the three of them walked towards the outside of the headquarters together.

The residential area behind Malin Vandor is very prosperous, and the same is true at night.

It's indispensable where the roadside stalls are.

Although they have just eaten something, the three of them still have the same food, especially Barrett.

The food cooked by the two little girls was not enough for Barrett at all, so Barrett came here, too.

"Brother, brother, pay attention to your image." Stella squeezed the corner of Barrett's clothes.

Barrett is also very embarrassed. This is not a naval school. The people around are looking at monsters, looking at Barrett.

The three entered a shop, and Barrett took the opportunity to go to the toilet. Of course, none of the people who went to the toilet here were serious.

Barrett took out the phone worm, and when he confirmed that there was no one around, Barrett called the phone worm.

"Hey, Mitchell, it's me," Barrett said.

On the end of the phone worm, it was obviously Mitchell.

"Boss, how are you?" Mitchell greeted.

"I'm fine here, to make a long story short, tell me what's happening there." Barrett asked.

"Boss, everything here is normal, although the bright side forces on Jarzburg and Gaya Island have been exposed."

"But our power in the dark is not exposed at all, and Gaka has already penetrated into Alabastan, and Bell is responsible for contacting."

"Sky Island is completely under our control, and Amy is doing very well."

"The talents in all fields are almost ready, and Sky Island has also contributed." Mitchell unified report.

"Very well, yes, I asked you to distract you from all over the world before. This plan will be postponed and focus on the gangsters in the West Sea, the Capone family, and the North Sea.

"The other two don't pay attention, we don't have that experience for the time being, let's put the main experience on these two goals first." Barrett ordered.

"The gangster, the Capone family is fine, but is there no clear goal in Beihai?" Mitchell asked.

Mitchell is self-aware and monitors the gang. The Capone family is not a big problem, but in the entire North Sea, Mitchell believes that he has no such ability.

"Don't worry about things in Beihai. We still have more than ten years. I mainly let you develop. There are things we need in Beihai's intelligence network."

"Oh, by the way, you don't need to monitor the Capone family too much. By the way, it will also develop in the West Sea, the intelligence organization." Barrett explained.

"That's okay, I understand." Mitchell replied.

"Well, that's it, time is a bit tight, I'll hang up first." Barrett said at last.

As for the things in Beihai, Barrett suddenly thought of it. It's nothing but a few talents. Barrett feels good.

Anyway, now Barrett has the upper hand, this corner will not be dug.

Beihai's strength is very strong, and naturally there are also many talents. Taking advantage of the low resistance now, let's get in first.

Then Barrett came out, but the scene before him, how should I say,

Barrett wants to kill again...